Hydrogen peroxide, soda, vinegar - how to use at home?

Home remedies - hydrogen peroxide, soda, vinegar, not only help us remove stains and smells from carpets and other surfaces, but are also used as home remedies for sore throats, for whitening teeth, and other important events. Take a closer look at the indispensable helpers and their miraculous properties, as well as how to use them.

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Removing stains and odors from the carpet

Hydrogen peroxide, soda, vinegar - how to use at home?It is necessary to start removing stains as soon as they form, because the longer the stain is on the carpet, the more difficult it is to cope with it. Although there are many different stain removers on the market, many housewives still use proven folk remedies: hydrogen peroxide, soda, vinegar.

Method for removing stains with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda

  1. Wipe off excess liquid on the carpet with a paper towel or rag.
  2. Prepare the following solution: mix half a glass of hydrogen peroxide with two tablespoons of baking soda.
  3. Pour the solution into the spray gun.
  4. Shake the bottle well (so that the soda dissolves).
  5. Spray the contents onto a stain.
  6. Try to wipe the dirt off the carpet with a microfiber cloth. Rinse the napkin periodically in water, apply the mixture again on the stain.
  7. Spray peroxide and soda solution on contamination, leave for 15 minutes.
  8. Wipe the treated area again with a microfiber cloth. Repeat the process until the pollution disappears.
  9. Wipe the treated area with a dry cloth to remove most of the moisture.
  10. Dry the carpet with a fan (to speed up the process).
  11. Sprinkle baking soda on the carpet, leave the product for a while. Soda will eliminate all odors remaining after cleaning.
  12. Vacuum the carpet.

The way to get rid of stains with vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda:

  1. Mix water and vinegar in equal proportions.
  2. Pour the solution into the spray bottle.
  3. Spray the mixture onto the stain so that the contamination is completely saturated with the product.
  4. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes, let it dry.
  5. Sprinkle baking soda with dirt, leave for a couple of hours. Soda absorbs odors.
  6. Mix ¼ tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and 1 tsp. dishwashing detergents.
  7. Pour the solution onto a stain sprinkled with soda.
  8. Treat the pile of the carpet with a mixture of hands, wearing rubber gloves on them.
  9. After the product has dried, vacuum the treated surface.

Important! For stubborn stains, increase the amount of vinegar in the solution.

But before applying hydrogen peroxide to the carpet, test it in an inconspicuous area. This is especially true if your carpet has a dark color, as peroxide has a whitening effect and can change the color of the carpet.

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A mixture of vinegar, soda and peroxide - a universal cleaner for cleaning and removing stains

If you are not a fan of chemicals, we recommend using cleaning mixtures made from natural products. Mixtures are very diverse and suitable for many different situations.Their main advantage and difference from store products is simplicity, affordability, effectiveness.

In dry form, soda is an abrasive that perfectly removes mechanical impurities, plus with warm water, soda forms a slightly alkaline solution that perfectly copes with your favorite fats. And the disinfection provided by the use of soda will not hurt you. Therefore, check out the collection of a wide variety of recipes for cleaning mixtures:

  1. A mixture of soda, salt and water in equal quantities well cleans cutting boards - both wooden and plastic.
  2. To eliminate blockages in the kitchen sink, pour half a pack (possibly as little as possible) of soda into the drain, and then pour 200 ml of hot vinegar into the kitchen sink, leave the product for 5-10 minutes. After blocking, rinse the sink thoroughly with hot water.
  3. A mixture of 2 parts of soda and 1 part of hydrogen peroxide perfectly cleans sinks, enameled dishes and a bath.

Important! Use the solution immediately, you can not store it, since hydrogen peroxide quickly decomposes.

  1. Means prepared from ¼ Art. soda and ¼ Art. hydrogen peroxide (a thick mixture should be obtained), perfectly cleans dishes, a refrigerator, an oven, and it is also a pretty good whitening product.

Important! Before applying the mixture, you must protect your hands with rubber gloves, since hydrogen peroxide is not the safest substance.

  1. A mixture of soda + vinegar perfectly cleans the shower head from plaque. To rid the nozzle of salts, pour in a tight plastic bag 2-3 tbsp. l soda and pour 0.5 cups of vinegar. Lower the nozzle into the bag and secure it with tape. Leave the bag for 1 hour, and then turn on the shower to wash off any residual deposits.

Important! Leave a hole in the bag for the outlet of gas, which will be formed during the reaction of soda and vinegar.

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Urine Removal: Soda + Vinegar + Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide, soda, vinegar - how to use at home?If small children run around the house, and four-legged friends are next to them, then a wet spot with a specific smell will not take long to wait. How to wash floors with peroxide? To remove the smell of urine not only from your favorite sofa, but also from other surfaces, remember the following rules:

  • Do not hesitate. Immediately grab everything at hand: napkins, toilet paper and blot the stain until the napkin is dry.
  • To combat the smell, prepare folk products: soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide.

Remove traces of baby urine

The smell of children's urine is not so persistent and corrosive, so it can be removed in several effective folk methods:

  • Dilute the vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 5. Dampen a towel or diaper with the solution and apply to the stain. Repeat the procedure several times until the odor is completely removed.
  • To remove the smell of urine from the sofa after pretreatment with vinegar, pour soda on the stain. After drying, vacuum the surface of upholstered furniture.
  • Fill the stain with soda, and then prepare the following solution: mix 100 g of hydrogen peroxide with 100 g of water and add 1 tsp. dishwashing detergent. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray onto a stain. After the end of the chemical reaction, wipe the treated area with a tissue.

We derive cat urine and its smell

To remove the smell of cat urine you will need:

  • Table vinegar 9%.
  • Baking soda.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide 3%.
  • Dishwashing detergent or liquid soap.

The procedure for removing tricks of a four-legged friend is divided into 2 stages:

  1. Vinegar Processing:
    • Blot the affected surface thoroughly with paper towels.
    • Fill the area with the smallest cat litter absorbent.
    • After everything is absorbed, vacuum the surface.

Important! Do not try to cover the stain with water, as you will spread urine to a large area.

    • Pour the place of contamination with diluted table vinegar: 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water.
    • Cover the treated area with paper, and leave to dry completely.
  1. Soda and hydrogen peroxide treatment:
    • When the vinegar dries, rub the stain with baking soda.
    • Mix 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide with 0.5 tsp. dishwashing detergent (or liquid soap) and add water to form a volume of 200 ml.
    • Pour the solution into a spray bottle.
    • Spray the mixture over the soda so that it is covered with foam.
    • Leave the treated area for 2-3 hours.
    • Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the carpet, parquet, or other surface of the detergent.

Important! If the affected item is not too loose (thin rug, wrong side of shoes, insoles, etc.), then use the method described above. For objects of large volume: a mattress, pillows, a carpet with a high pile, felt boots and so on, first pre-treat with enzymes, and the main cleaning is done with vinegar, soda and peroxide. In the mattresses and furniture, inject the product with a syringe.

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Hydrogen peroxide, soda, vinegar - how to use at home?The ancient recipes of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers help to heal various ailments of the soul and body. You can treat acute tonsillitis with tinctures from herbs, but you can use the simplest, most affordable means available in every home: vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and soda.

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide for tonsillitis and other diseases helps to disinfect the throat and free it from accumulated mucus, as well as blood and pus. Thanks to peroxide, not only the inflamed tonsils are washed, but also the back wall of the pharynx, as well as the root of the tongue.

To prepare the solution, you will need: 100 ml of water, 1 tbsp. l 3% hydrogen peroxide (1 tablet of hydroperite, diluted in 200 ml of water forms peroxide).

Gargle with the prepared solution is necessary 4-5 times a day, but not more often than 1 time for 3 hours.

Important! After you finish gargling with hydrogen peroxide, rinse the tonsils and the whole mouth with a sage broth or infusion of chamomile flowers, soda solution or plain warm water.

Gargling soda for acute tonsillitis

To prepare the solution you will need:

  • 1 tsp soda.
  • 1 tbsp. warm water.

Gargle with a product must be at least 3-5 times a day.

Important! The soda solution overdries the throat and mucous membranes, so do not overdo the dosage, as well as the number of rinses per day.

Rinse with vinegar

To prepare the vinegar solution you will need:

  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar.
  • ½ tbsp warm boiled water.

Important! With sore throat, gargle with the product every 1 or 2 hours, and then swallow the solution. We recommend that you continue the treatment until the sore throat disappears.

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Teeth whitening with folk remedies

Many people still continue to brush their teeth with soda, as a folk remedy has the following positive qualities:

  • Completely eliminates unpleasant odors, destroying bacteria and harmful microorganisms.
  • Perfectly cleans teeth due to its abrasive structure.
  • Complete safety in terms of allergic reactions.
  • Strengthens the teeth.
  • It has a long-lasting enamel brightening effect.

To whiten your teeth at home, use the following recipes:

  • In equal proportions, mix hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Put a small amount of the mixture on the toothbrush and brush your teeth as always, but try not to touch the gums. Perform the procedure once a day.
  • To not only lighten the enamel, but also strengthen the teeth, prepare the following mixture: 1 tsp. mix soda with ½ tsp. peroxide and ½ tsp lemon juice (freshly squeezed). Apply a foamy mass to the brush, or take the mixture with your fingertips and rub your teeth in visible places. This composition will not only remove plaque, but also freshen your breath.
  • To whiten your teeth and reduce the number of tartar, use the following composition: mix baking soda and vinegar until a viscous mass forms, apply the porridge on the brush. Wipe the tooth enamel with massage movements up and down.
  • To quickly transform your smile, prepare the following vitamin enamel smoothie: 1 hour.l soda, ½ tsp. lemon juice and ½ tsp sea ​​salt. Apply the mixture to the brush and gently, without pressing on the teeth, clean the enamel. The prepared cocktail will not only strengthen the enamel, but also cleanse it of the yellow coating left after smoking.

Useful Tips:

  1. Despite all the positive qualities of soda, it also has disadvantages. To avoid the formation of possible erosion of enamel, before starting an independent treatment of the oral cavity, consult a dental clinic.
  2. To ensure that the procedures do not cause harm, take a break of at least 14 days between courses of treatment. At this time, brush your mouth only with soft pastes intended for sensitive teeth.
  3. After any abrasive procedure, rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, oak bark or spruce needles. This will help strengthen the roots.
  4. To make the procedures safer for health, take vitamins and calcium during treatment.
  5. Most importantly, never swallow soda so that the stomach does not react with various troubles.
  6. When whitening teeth, supplements from hydrogen peroxide and vinegar are used, which can harm health. Therefore, do not use them if you have contraindications for such a technique: bleeding gums, increased sensitivity of the teeth, inflammation of the oral cavity, the presence of ulcers, stomatitis, periodontal disease.
  7. Since abrasive particles erase the top layer, it is better for people with fine tooth enamel not to experiment.
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As you can see, the usual products for you, available in every home, are used in various fields. We hope that the information, tips and recommendations received will help to use folk remedies for their intended purpose, even in unforeseen situations.

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