Permanent marker

Not many of us know what a permanent marker is, even though it is used almost every day. This is an incredibly popular tool for writing, which has a variety of shapes, colors, purposes. And that’s what this article will be about.

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What does permanent mean?

Let's clarify what this term means. In French and Latin, the word is almost similar, it has the same translation, namely, permanent, indelible. A permanent marker is used in various fields where it is necessary to put an inscription, sign, drawing or pointer.

It differs from an ordinary thick felt-tip pen in that the inscription will not be erased unless significant efforts are made.

Important! Currently, it is quite popular to apply temporary tattoos, draw eyebrows with a permanent marker. With it, you can create any image, not just text. For example, a permanent marker is white - it perfectly replaces a thin brush with paint in order to apply various patterns to the dark surface of absolutely any material.

Thanks to its high durability and accuracy, it is indispensable in any field of activity. Especially they like to use students, schoolchildren, office workers.

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What surfaces does he paint on?

Unlike felt-tip pens, a permanent marker writes on almost all materials. Any surface will do:

  • disk;
  • package;
  • paper;
  • wood;
  • the cloth;
  • a rock;
  • tile;
  • glass.

In fact, the list of surfaces on which a given marker will display the desired pattern or inscription can be infinite. But you must always remember that such a clerical item is not omnipotent. If you put any inscription on a metal, plastic canister or bottle in which there is gasoline, oil, then it will be erased. But do not despair, because even the most resistant paint gradually disappears.

Important! Just the same acetone and petroleum products will help you erase the inscriptions, drawings that were applied using a permanent marker. But after completing the surface treatment with petroleum products, do not make new marks immediately. You must completely remove all residues of gasoline or oil, and then you can already apply new labels.

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Sizes, shapes and colors of tips

What are the colors of a permanent marker? Almost everywhere there is an opportunity to meet such:

  • white;
  • red;
  • the black;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • green.

Important! White, as well as brown colors, unfortunately, are rarely found on sale, because manufacturers tend to produce exclusively sought-after colors. Therefore, a black permanent marker is sold in almost any stationery store.

An important factor is the thickness, which ranges from 0.5 mm to 1 cm:

  • Naturally, for small recordings, for example, for a disc, a marker with a thickness of 0.5-0.75 mm is suitable.
  • But the worker in the warehouse, in order to sign huge boxes, will need a marker whose thickness will be at least 5 mm.

5241In addition, there are 3 types of tips:

  • beveled;
  • round;
  • wedge-shaped.

Important! The worker in the warehouse would be best suited round, but for a student for various disc signatures - beveled.

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Why and how to choose?

An absolutely simple example was given above with a schoolboy and a warehouse worker. A marker can be useful to a student not only to sign discs. Suppose there is a huge plastic ruler on which the numbers on the scale are erased. Using a thin marker, you can easily restore labels. But for wall newspapers it is better not to use it, because there is no point in this.

You can sign with a permanent felt-tip pen:

  • banks with blanks;
  • boxes of absolutely any material;
  • tools, wrenches, miscellaneous parts.
  • It will be convenient for gardeners and gardeners to sign different glasses with seedlings - without fear that the letters will be erased due to contact with water or a solution with fertilizers.

Important! As an example of a high-quality fixture, the Edding permanent marker has a very wide range of actions. Mentioned company produces a variety of their types for the corresponding purpose. Absolutely every marker has its own model, which is registered on the case itself. For example, Edding-750 is a white marker. With it, inscriptions are made, and they do not use light paint, which is quite convenient.

Other areas of use

All of the above are standard areas of application for such a felt-tip pen. But this circle can be greatly expanded at its discretion:

  • Permanent marker can make inscriptions on shoes, furniture, tiles. It remains only to take the necessary color, as well as select the required thickness.
  • During the creation of scenery, glass paintings, it will be indispensable. Sometimes you can even confuse what it is written or painted with: putty, paint or a marker?

Important! The permanent marker is useful not only in its water resistance, but also in the extreme accuracy of the lines created, in the brightness and clarity of the color.

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How to eliminate a permanent marker?

In our world, there is no such thing that cannot be defeated, overcome or washed away, especially if you know about suitable means. That permanent marker ink is not always characterized by reliability and durability.

Important! If the surface on which this type of marker was applied is not too loose, it will not be difficult for you to eliminate almost all types of pollution left after using permanent markers.

Method One:

  1. Take a good marker - dry erase.
  2. Then test it on an area of ​​the surface that is rarely seen to see how thoroughly it is washed. Allow the ink to dry for several minutes before proceeding.
  3. Soak a small piece of cloth in an already boiling soap solution, and then wash off the trace that remains from the marker.
  4. After that, using a dry-erase marker, draw a path along the trail of the marker you wish to remove. Wait approximately 5 seconds - until the marker is completely dry, because otherwise the line may blur.
  5. Remove marks from the marker with a lint-free cloth or microfiber cloth. In this case, do not use paper towels.

Important! If the stain from the marker is completely stale, you need to repeat the application and removal of the dry-erase marker, perhaps even 2-3 times, while applying 2 times more effort to eliminate the stain.

Second way

To eliminate a permanent marker with a sufficiently smooth surface, you can also use a marker that is designed for a white board. This method is extremely simple, and the process of removing traces from the marker will not take you much time.

Important! You should be prepared for the fact that at the end of the procedure, you should throw away the cleansing felt-tip pen, because it will no longer be suitable for further use.

Third way

You are simply lucky if you have the opportunity to acquire Mr.Clean Magic Eraser, because with it you can easily deal with the unfortunate spots of the marker, especially if they are on a plastic surface and similar smooth materials.

Important! Get Mr. Sponge Clean Magic Eraser. If your attempts to find this tool in the shops of the city in which you live were unsuccessful, try to find his luck on the Internet.

When working with the above tool, you must follow the recommendations contained in the instructions for use. The stain removal process does not take you more than 10 seconds. After thoroughly cleaning the surface, wipe it with an ordinary soft cloth.

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Stock footage

Now you not only know what a permanent felt-tip pen is and how it differs from its “brothers”, but you also have several ways by which you can remove unwanted traces even from such a persistent dye.


