DIY fleece blanket

A fleece blanket should be in every home, because it is so cozy and very pleasant to the body. Of course, you can buy it, but we offer a budget option - do-it-yourself fleece blanket. Such a warm accessory will warm you not only on cool evenings, but will also become a loyal assistant in the process of caring for a child. They can safely cover a child, use as an envelope for walking in a stroller or put under a sleeping baby. We offer you the easiest and most interesting lessons on making fleece blankets that even a child can do.

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Fleece is a fabric made of polyester microfiber based on a knitted fabric. One side of the material is soft and the other is fleecy. There are a lot of varieties of such fabric. It all depends on the weight and density of the material itself:

  • The cheapest is microfleece, which partly includes recycled materials.
  • The most expensive is bilateral (the thickest of all options).

Let's look at the main advantages of this material:

  • Soft and pleasant to the touch.
  • It quickly warms up and perfectly passes air, like any wool or terry cloth.
  • Very easy to clean: quickly erases and also dries quickly.
  • Soft analogue to a warm blanket.
  • It is inexpensive, since it is based on artificial raw materials.
  • It is difficult to wet it well.
  • When wet, the material continues to retain heat.

The disadvantages include:

  • Does not absorb sweat. It is advisable to wear under it thermal underwear.
  • It is a fairly blown material. Before going out onto fleece clothes, it is advisable to wear a light windbreaker.

Important! A sheet of fleece is an indispensable thing for every mother in those moments when the baby still walks under himself in a dream. It quickly absorbs moisture, and the child remains completely dry, continuing to sleep calmly. It is very convenient!

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DIY fleece blanket - master class

You will make this plaid without a single seam and thread. Yes, you will spend a lot of time manufacturing it, but then you will be satisfied with the final result.

What you need to work:

  • Fleece or felt.
  • A bit of cardboard.
  • Scissors.
  • Tailoring pins for cleaving fabric.
  • Ruler or tape measure
  • Chalk, soap or pencil.

We begin to sew a fleece blanket with our own hands:

  1. We determine the size of the plaid and the size of the squares on it. These figures depend on your personal preferences. For our blanket, we took cages measuring 20 by 20 cm. The number of square segments is determined by the size of the product itself. We will make a white and blue veil, the width of which will be 5 cells, and the length - of 8.
  2. We make a cardboard blank that will serve as a stencil for the manufacture of squares. Cut out an equilateral square from the cardboard, the sides of which should be equal to the desired size of the cell.
  3. Create a markup on a cardboard sample - draw strokes at a distance of 2 cm around the entire perimeter of the template. The distance between the marks is the width of our future ties. The length of our ties is 3 cm.
  4. We begin to cut the fabric. Using a stencil, we cut out the squares according to the size of your choice, add 10 cm to each side. This mark will be cut for ties. For convenience, we made a second template with sides of 30 cm.
  5. We make 20 squares of each of the colors (if you use 2 colors). In the case of making a multi-colored plaid, 40 square blanks need to be cut.
  6. We put the stencil (where 30 cm) on the fleece, pin it off with pins, outline the contours and cut it out.
  7. Having cut out all the cells, we impose a template with 20 cm sides on the fabric square and draw the borders that we will cut for future ties. So you can lay out absolutely any shapes - squares, triangles, rectangles, but whatever you want.
  8. We lay out the fabric on a flat surface, aligning the folds. For these purposes, it is better to use a table or floor.
  9. Starting from the edge of the fabric, we cut the fabric into thin strips, observing the line of the main square.
  10. Cut the small squares at the corners of the fleece cage. We do this so that extra stripes do not stick out of the finished product. Do not throw away these small squares - they can be used as decoration of bedspreads.
  11. Once again, we lay out the fleece cells on the table and begin to connect them by tying long pieces of fabric. In this case, you can use the usual double knot, which you need to tie not too tight so that the fabric does not wrinkle.
  12. Performing the above actions, we connect all other tissue squares with each other.
  13. Optionally, you can decorate the plaid with various applications from the same material.

That’s it, the do-it-yourself baby fleece blanket is ready!

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DIY fleece blanket “Chessboard”

This option is not as easy to do as the previous one. To make the blanket beautiful and neat, you must adhere to some standards. The sewing process must be taken seriously, with all responsibility. Here we can not do without a sewing machine, because it is on it that we will form a chessboard of fleece.

For work, we need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • One section of black fleece is 315 cm long.
  • One section of white fleece 135 cm long.
  • Kapron threads.
  • Special needle with a big eye.
  • Pins
  • Cotton or wool yarn in black and white.
  • Measuring tape.


Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. We take the black fleece and cut out from it a section 93x115 cm in size for the back of the blanket, 10 squares 25x25 in size and 10 square pieces of white fleece.
  2. We do all the work on a flat surface. We make 5 lines of 4 squares, alternating between each other black and white rectangles strictly in a checkerboard pattern. So we sew all the black and white pieces, leaving small allowances for seams up to 1.5 cm. Iron the inner seams.
  3. We embroider crosses with black yarn on white squares, departing from the edge of 1 cm. We also do this work on black fleece pieces, marking the marks with white threads.
  4. Fold the front and back (black fleece fabric) and, stepping 1.5 cm from the edge, sew the fabric together. We leave 20 cm on one side to turn the blanket a little later.
  5. We turn the fleece blanket over and sew up the undeveloped area with a hidden seam. For this work we use kapron threads.

The original plaid is ready to use!

Important! For this design of a fleece blanket, you can use not only white and black, but also others, and most importantly - that they combine.

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DIY baby fleece blanket

Fleece is very popular when sewing children's clothing. Warm sweaters, trousers are sewed from it, or used as a lining for jackets and overalls. This versatile material is even used for tailoring sleeping bags. And from the fleece we get warm and bright bedspreads, one of which we will consider today in a detailed master class.

Important! Such a children's plaid with butterflies will undoubtedly please even the most demanding little princess. If you need to sew a blanket for a boy, just change the fleece colors (blue, gray, green, yellow), create applications on other topics (cars, airplanes, ships, favorite characters).

What you need to take for tailoring:

  • Multi-colored fleece for stripes (we get 6 lines).
  • Fleece for decoration (color depends on the theme of the application).
  • Cotton fabric.
  • Needle.
  • Threads of different colors.
  • Pins
  • Scissors.
  • Wavy braid for decoration (you can use any).

Important! Fleece is sold in a roll measuring 100x150 cm. This length and width of the fabric is just suitable for sewing one side of a baby blanket. If you want to make the bedspread bigger, then cut the multi-colored fleece into stripes according to our instructions.


Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. We cut out strips (preferably of different colors) 22 wide and 80 cm long.
  2. We pick up two pieces and put them together with the help of tailor pins. We sweep two segments, and then sew on a sewing machine.
  3. We attach the next long piece of fabric to the last strip, we sew it in the same way on a typewriter. By similar actions we sew all the remaining pieces of fabric.
  4. We unfold all the stitched strips so that we get one single piece of fabric.
  5. Sew a wavy braid along the line of connection of each part of a multi-colored fleece. It is desirable that the tape match the color of the fabric stripes.
  6. Close up side cuts of a plaid. To do this, we attach to the almost finished blanket the sides of the fleece, where the length is 160 cm and the width is 16 cm. We make two such details. Do not forget to make allowances for 2 cm seams. We attach the side segments to the bedspread, bend inward the edges, pin with pins and sew on a sewing machine. So we got a side edging of the product, and we hid the open part of the wavy braid.
  7. Now we are engaged in decoration. We cut out all the parts of the butterflies from the fleece (color at will): the trunk, wings, two larger and two small hearts for decorating the wings of our butterflies. In the desired location, we lay out all the parts of the butterfly on the fleece, pin it off with pins and stitch the body, wings and hearts along the contour. We embroider the antennae of the butterfly with threads. In this case, you can use the stitch “pigtail” or make small stitches. We form the edge of the antennae with the help of a small knot of threads (you can sew a small bead).
  8. We cut out a large cotton rectangle for the lower part of our children's plaid. For this, we chose cotton, since this particular fabric will come into contact with the baby’s delicate skin.
  9. We attach the rectangle to the already front side of the stitched upper part, pin it off with pins and set everything up on the typewriter, leaving a small hole on either side.
  10. We turn out the plaid and sew up the hole with the same secret seam.

A baby blanket is ready to warm your baby! Such bedspreads will serve not only as a warming product, but you can safely take it outside to the park to arrange a small picnic with the baby. Fleece drawings on a plaid will help your child get acquainted with the world around him.

Important! Such a plaid can be made multi-colored, plain and with various options for applications. The highlight of this blanket is a natural lining and interesting fleece designs that children like so much.

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Fleece Blanket Tips

In order for your plaid to bring you joy for a long time, you should adhere to several basic rules for its care:

  • Hand or automatic washing in cool water (no more than 30 °).
  • Exclusion of chlorine bleaches and conditioners.
  • Spin at 800-1000 rpm. For hand washing, use a centrifuge.
  • Do not dry on batteries and dry air.
  • The fabric does not require the use of an iron.
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As you already understood, it is quite possible to sew a warm and very comfortable bedspread. To do this, you just need to prepare the fleece and allocate some free time. In some cases, the manufacture of such a practical product does not require threads and a sewing machine - everything is extremely simple! DIY fleece blanket - a real find! New achievements and creative inspiration!


