For Feng Shui, what paintings should be in the house?

Pictures are not just a beautiful detail of an interior. Any image is the result of the author’s imagination, and it doesn’t matter whether it is created with watercolors or oil on canvas, or with the help of a computer program and printed as a photograph. In any case, the internal energy of the artist, a piece of his soul and perception of the world are invested in such works. The circulation of this energy in contact with the biofield of other people largely determines our life. Sometimes, in order to attract love, good luck or money to yourself, you need to figure out what kind of paintings should be in the house. Let’s figure it out together.

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A few general rules

Any specialist in the field of Feng Shui can say that to attract happiness, good luck or money is not enough just to read a large amount of literature and just follow the directions. First of all, you need to listen to your own feelings.

Important! Choosing a picture, you need to close your eyes, think about it for a few minutes in order to understand your feelings and reaction to the character, color of the image and even the frame. Based on your own emotions, the decision will come by itself. Then the subconscious will tell you where to hang it - in the office, living room, over the bed in the bedroom or at the desk.

There are several recommendations.

Tip 1

None of the rooms is recommended to hang images with battles, fights, wars and other aggressive subjects. If you put a similar pattern in the bedroom above the bed, then it is unlikely that people who will relax here will be able to sleep well. Also, it will not bring any benefit if you hang on the kitchen wall, for example, a reproduction of “Kulikovo cuisine”. Maybe not right away, but for some time, family members will certainly notice that the atmosphere at the dinner table is gradually heating up, and often some kind of “proceedings” take place.

Important! The only place where such pictures would be appropriate is the training and gyms for athletes or at the desks of bankers, lawyers and businessmen, who often require a “fighting” attitude.

Tip 2

Do not hang on the walls of your home photos or paintings of resting relatives. We all know how sadly the centuries-old stories end, where several generations of heirs hung such portraits in the living room, over the bed, in the office or along the stairs. Oh, these endless deaths and tragedies worthy of Shakespeare's pen. Better not to repeat their mistakes.

Important! In the living room or above the bed, it is better to hang not a picture of predators, battles or people, but banal flowers or landscapes, for example, the simplest peonies - they will bring happiness and a splash of joy.


Tip 3

When hanging paintings for a home in Feng Shui, you should relate the purpose of the room in which the painting will be placed. For example, you should not hang an image of a bag of money over a bed in the bedroom, shifting the emphasis to the material sphere.

Important! If you want more money, it makes sense to attract them by placing a photo or a picture with their image in the living room, corridor, and best of all at the office table or office.

Tip 4

It is necessary to correctly correlate the elements and cardinal points. To do this, you need to use a compass. First of all, in each room of the house you need to determine the parts of the world. Next, see what of the existing interior items are placed on these sides and whether there is any “overload” or the wrong things in any of the elements.

For example, if in the southern sector there is a fireplace, and in the northern sector, for which the water element is responsible, there is nothing or a picture of a flame hanging at all, do not be surprised at the often-occurring scandals. In this case, it is desirable to change the pattern of fire to a picture in the image of calm water.

Important! The Chinese have identified the relationship of the elements and cardinal points: east - earth / tree, south - fire, north - water, west - air / metal.

Tip 5

The frames of the paintings should be light so as not to interfere with the circulation of energy.

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Rooms and drawings

To figure out which picture to hang in the room above the sofa or any other room in Feng Shui, you need to consider the following:

  • Hallway - still lifes, landscapes, non-birds of prey or animals or some universal flowers are suitable. The place where people come should carry an unobtrusive, neutral or positive charge.
  • Living room - beautiful cozy elements of the hearth (hearth, fireplace, house with a front garden), running water, city square. You can hang some unifying and spiritually rallying stories, such as The Last Supper. Any kinds of flowers are also appropriate.
  • Bedroom - calm running water, nature, flowers, love stories.

Important! Above the bed you should not hang photos or paintings depicting ponds, swamps and other standing water or wilting nature. This can lead to stagnation in bed. The water in the paintings should be flowing, but bright and calm. No waterfalls, tsunamis or clouds with storms and thunderstorms.

  • Kitchen - fields, hearths, trees, still lifes, some stories on the theme of cozy cafes.
  • Nursery - here it is best to focus on the preferences of the children themselves who will live in the room. It is enough to observe them and find out their favorite colors and activities.

Important! If the child has a strong character and frequent emotional outbursts are observed, then drawings should be selected more calm. And vice versa, if the child is too calm and apathetic, then you need to increase activity with dynamic scenes.

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Paintings and colors

Everything is simple here - choosing the color of the images, just read any of the descriptions of the influence of color on the character and psyche of a person and hang up what you would like to strengthen in yourself, for example:

  • Red is aggression, passion.
  • Orange, yellow - cheerfulness, a surge of energy, improved mood and a surge of happiness.
  • Blue, green, calm and pacification.
  • Gray, black - can lead to discouragement.
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Stock footage

Pictures are not just beautiful and bright color accents of a home. With the right and skillful placement of a picture for a Feng Shui house, they can completely change your life and set it a stable vector in the direction of happiness.

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