Lime whitewashing

Many people think that external whitewashing of a house and trees around it is a standard procedure for disinfecting surfaces, which is also inexpensive. But in reality, with the help of this event, it is possible to make designs more attractive in appearance, and mankind has been using this method of decorative decoration for more than a dozen years. The garden plot, thanks to the whitewashing of trees, becomes more well-groomed in appearance. And whitewashing the walls with lime can make them seem more accurate and clean. Let's look at all the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure and find out how to implement it yourself.

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Why should you prefer lime rather than chalk?

Lime is a mixture of substances obtained by calcining limestones. Lump quicklime and slaked lime are more often sold in stores.

What is convenient for such a tool? - There is nothing difficult to understand here:

  • Due to its unique properties, it is able to destroy all microorganisms that enter it, therefore it is considered the most hygienic kind of finish.
  • It also has high strength indicators and is resistant to moisture.
  • Lime whitewashing of the walls is financially quite inexpensive.

But in order to get the desired result, you need to know how to dilute the whitewash correctly, in what proportions to prepare the solution so that stripes and bubbles do not form on the surfaces.

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Tools for whitewashing

You can whiten walls with brushes, spray guns and spray guns for paint.

Important! It is better not to use a roller for such purposes, because when it rolls the second layer of lime, the first layer that has already dried up will leave the surface.

Helpful hints:

  • It is best to use a special brush, soaked in warm water for several hours.
  • It is recommended to whitewash brick walls with ordinary brushes with natural bristles.
  • To prevent streaks from remaining on the walls during operation, apply both layers of whitewash in the direction of the light flow.

Important! Excellent results are obtained by whitewashing lime with a spray gun. It lies flat on the surface and is consumed to a minimum. Often, old vacuum cleaners with small containers of no more than half a liter are also used for this work.

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How to extinguish lime safely and correctly?

Quicklime is used mainly as a binder for cement mortars and plasters. Thanks to her, the material becomes more ductile and durable.

Important! It is impossible to whitewash the walls with quicklime, therefore it is better to purchase ready-made powder in the store or to extinguish it yourself.

Cooking Tools

To extinguish the lime you will need the following elements:

  • Lime.
  • Water.
  • Tool for stirring the solution.
  • Safety glasses, a tarpaulin suit and a respirator.
  • Net blanking capacity.gruntovanie-kistyu-704x469

Extinguish lime

So, what to do with all this so that the whitewashing of the walls with lime is of high quality:

  1. We take a clean container and pour lime powder into it.
  2. Then fill it all with water in a ratio of one to one, that is, one liter of lime per kilogram of water.

Important nuances:

  1. Everything needs to be done very carefully, because the quicklime emits a huge amount of heat, interacting with water.
  2. Also note that during the quenching, lime boils and is very sprayed, but it still needs to be constantly stirred.
  3. The active process lasts about thirty minutes and all this time it is mixed with a long tool.
  4. Therefore, lime for whitewashing the walls should be prepared in special clothing.

Important! As soon as the chemical process calms down, the lime can be considered quenched, but you still have to work with it. The vessel with the finished composition is covered and cleaned in a cool dark place for at least two weeks, and preferably for a month. Subject to all conditions for the preparation of lime, it will lie on the walls perfectly evenly.

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How to prepare lime mortar for whitewashing the walls?

If you bought a ready-made powder for whitewashing, it will also have to be dissolved first. On the one hand, this process may seem quite simple, but in fact it is not, since many important aspects must be taken into account:

  1. Mixing lime is recommended only in small portions so that clots do not form.
  2. Pour the powder only with cold water.
  3. Then mix thoroughly and add some more water until all the liquid that needs to be poured is over.
  4. The finished mixture is infused for at least a day.
  5. At the same time, in another container, stir two kilograms of salt in a liter of water and wait until it is completely dissolved.
  6. Pour salt water into the finished solution and mix everything thoroughly to get the necessary density.

Important! Salt is added to the lime so that it remains less on the hands and is washed off after drying.

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Do-it-yourself whitewash rules at home

Whitewashing walls with lime is a process involving the application of a finished composition to the entire surface of the house. It includes the following steps:

  1. Before you start working, you need to thoroughly clean all walls of plaster, paint, remove the remnants of the old mortar and other imperfections.
  2. Then you need to putty the existing holes and cracks, wait until everything dries.
  3. Then - wipe the surface and primer.
  4. Before applying whitewash, it is recommended to moisten the walls a little so that the solution is firmly attached to the surface.
  5. At the last stage, apply the mortar with a spray or brush.

Important! It is worth noting that it is better to whitewash a house on its own in cloudy weather or in the evening, because lime in itself does not tolerate too high air temperature and direct sunlight.

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Now you are convinced that whitewashing the walls with lime is not as difficult a task as it seemed to you before reading this article. The main thing is to strictly observe the conditions for the preparation of the solution and carefully work with it. Then the result will be decent in quality and safe.


