Why not clean at home in the evening?

From generation to generation, for centuries, the experience of our ancestors has been passed on to us. All sorts of beliefs, signs, instructions can be found and timed to any significant event and even to minor household concerns. So, for example, there is an answer to the question of why you can’t clean at home in the evening, and not just one, but a whole ridge of advice and directions. Let’s try to figure out how to be a modern person who can spend all day, 7 days a week at work - live in an uncleaned apartment or still take a chance and clean up for the night?

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The legacy of ancestors

So, what do ancient legends tell us about why you can’t clean up in the evening. The observations and beliefs of our ancestors indicate the possible adverse effects of this action. In particular:

  • Categorically it is impossible to sweep at night - thus you are as if summoning evil spirits into your home.
  • Mopping floors is also a dubious pleasure, since striving for cleanliness, you can wash love and good luck from home.
  • To take out the garbage is also a ban, as this can lead to the loss of material well-being, which will be to blame for all the same evil spirits.

And all these actions as a whole can make a brownie angry - then he will begin to harm you. But at the same time, dirty dishes left overnight can also cause his displeasure.

To believe in these traditions or not, to clean up at home in the evening or not, everyone decides for himself, because it is impossible to impose faith in evil spirits on a 100% atheist and practice, and one cannot rid the fear of the misfortunes of one who is inclined to believe in them. And the power of thought is already half the work done.

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Modern look or practical side

Of course, in ancient times, when every candle was saved and went to bed with the sunset, cleaning at night looking was definitely a dubious occupation. At a minimum - making it really qualitatively simple was physically impossible.

What do we have today? - Electricity, a huge number of all kinds of household appliances, appliances to speed up cleaning. If you approach the process with the right organization, in 10 minutes you can safely put your home in order. And if there is no other time at all - there’s only one way out of the situation, looking at the apartment for the night.

But looking at this process from the point of view of logic, you should still think about the following nuances:

  1. Bad mood, tired after a hard day. If you are in just such a state, then no matter how many things are lying around in the corners, no matter what mountain of dishes rises in the sink, it is definitely not worth cleaning. Anyway, you will not be able to quickly cope with the task, you will get tired of it even more, your mood will become even worse. Well, if you live alone, and if not - your family members may suffer from the planned action - the probability of a quarrel here reaches 70%.
  2. We take care of good relations with our neighbors. If you live in a separate private house - this nuance disappears. But if you still live in an apartment of a multi-storey building, and even with dubious isolation, you definitely can’t clean the house in the evening. The sounds of a vacuum cleaner, a very loud washing machine or dishwasher at midnight are unlikely to please your neighbors. And if at the same time you prefer to listen to music at an impressive volume for tone, the picture is clear, it is still worth respecting others. Everyone has their own threshold of kindness - and with this approach, really troubles and dirty tricks can not be avoided.
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How can we conclude - not only according to beliefs, but even according to all common thoughts, you still can’t clean at home in the evening. Unless it will be really feasible work for you, you have the mood for this and the time is not very late. If there are no such factors in favor of cleaning, it is better to leave everything as is, at least until tomorrow morning.

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