Why can't you kill a spider in a house?

We can easily slam the annoying fly, and even have a special device for this - a fly swatter, or slap without a twinge of conscience with slippers of vile cockroaches, then why not kill a spider in the house? Why does everyone abruptly defend these insects living in every house, while no one protects others at all?

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Why can't you kill a spider in a house?

Spiders have long been particularly respected among people of different cultures and nationalities. For instance:

  • among the Celts, these arthropods represented the guardians of life, therefore they were never killed;
  • for the Egyptians and Greeks they are the guardians of fate.
  • for the inhabitants of India, the spider personifies order at the cosmic level;
  • for Christians around the world, a spider is a protector, because according to the biblical legend, it was the web, woven by skillful insects, that saved little Jesus and his family from persecution.

That's why every nation is wary of killing a spider in the house.

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The omens and superstitions associated with spiders

There are many signs that are transmitted by people from generation to generation. Some are already completely irrelevant, but people still listen to them. You decide what to do with them yourself, but you still need to know about them.

Sign 1 - protection from trouble

An intricate web coiled by a spider brings happiness to the house. After all, it is a kind of barrier that does not let negativity and misfortune into your home, and does not let joy and happiness out of the house. Having removed the web and drove out all its inhabitants, you lose this barrier.

It has long been believed that if you kill a spider in the house, then misfortune and problems will come into the house. The peculiarity of this sign is that the smaller the dead insect was, the greater grief will come to the family.

Sign 2 - protection against ailments

To kill a spider in the house means to call on the family ailments. For a long time, when there were no such affordable, with a wide selection of medicines modern pharmacies, people by and large were always treated with improvised means.

Some medications for jaundice, fever, and other illnesses required the addition of cobwebs. Therefore, it was believed that getting rid of spiders in the house, you lose a very useful ingredient and you can not get adequate treatment at the right time.

Sign 3 - a symbol of a pleasant gift

Spiders are predictors of gifts. This belief has safely reached our times. People believe that if a spider fell on them, or you found it on yourself, then this is for news or a gift. If you destroy an insect at such a moment, then the sign, of course, will not come true.

Sign 4 - Forgiveness of Sins

Why can't you kill a spider in a house?There is also a superstition that if you kill a spider in the house, then you are freed from forty of your sins. But the fears associated with such an act are always outweighed by the scales than the forgiveness of such a small amount of committed sins.

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Fortune telling

Superstitious people hourly search for objects and circumstances that will help predict the future events of their lives. Spiders are no exception for such people.

  • It is not good for the bride and groom to see a spider on the way to the altar - this is a harbinger of the unhappy life of the bride and groom.
  • If you saw at dawn how an insect is working on its web - this is a good thing. If you found him at work in the evening, then this is a gift, if during the day - for worries. Night weaving is a symbol of hope.
  • A spider that appears to appear from nowhere on your desk or bed is a harbinger of good news or a nice gift.
  • Saw a red arthropod - expect financial profit.
  • The insect on clothes is about money and increasing opportunities.
  • If you notice a clear addition of black spiders in your home - this is a harbinger of quarrels and illnesses in the family. In addition, a large population still needs to be disposed of, and urgently - otherwise the problems will begin both from the point of view of comfortable life and personal security.
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Interesting Spider Treatments

As we mentioned earlier, spiders and the fruits of their labors were used in ancient times in the treatment of a number of diseases. Now these methods will cause at least a smile on your face, but then people seriously believed that they were effective and help patients grow stronger. Here are some examples of this treatment:

  • It was believed that by swallowing a small glomerulus of cobwebs, a person was cured of asthma and a state of excessive drowsiness.
  • Skein of a web stopped bleeding. Incidentally, this is a good option, because then there was no way to find cotton wool, and a thin and soft interwoven thread could be found in every house.
  • Jaundice was treated with a kind of pill. The latter consisted of a living spider. To facilitate swallowing, it was lubricated with butter.
  • They treated for pertussis in this way: a spider was tied over a sick child’s bed and special conspiracies were said that called on the spider to die and take the child’s illness with it.
  • They believed that such actions would save a person from a fever: you need to put the spider in a small box and keep it there until it dies. Thus, the spider took the disease with it.

As you can see, humanity has always been inventive. And judging from such instructions, it was possible to kill spiders in the house. But is it worth torturing any animal, even a small insect? And is it possible to kill spiders in the house for the sake of a result that is not confirmed or proved by anything?

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What to do if killed a spider in the house?

If you accidentally killed a spider, then the main thing you can do is not to panic. After all, it is panic and looping on bad thoughts that will bring you more trouble than an accidentally killed spider.

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Now you know some beliefs that give rise to signs regarding spiders. And let everyone decide for himself whether to kill a spider in the house. But no matter what option you are inclined to, let your main choice factor not be signs and fear of troubles, but a humane attitude to all living things, an elementary respect for mother nature. And if you do not agree to live side by side with spiders, then it is still better to collect them and take them out to the street so that they continue to safely carry on their mission in this life.

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