Why can not wipe the table with a napkin?

Signs have been living since ancient times. However, not everyone has survived to this day. Many of them relate to the dining table. When inviting guests to the house, you need to remember old signs, although some believe that this is stupidity and ignorance. But often they are reasonable and able to precede something, especially if you do not have a special intuition.

Since ancient times, the table was considered a symbol of comfort and prosperous life. Some are convinced that he has magical powers for the family. And even today this veneration remains - not to find such a mistress who would not dream of a large, roomy piece of furniture. Let’s figure out what superstitions are, for example, why you can’t wipe the table with a napkin or paper.

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Why can not paper wash?

Today, modern people do not see anything wrong with wiping the dining table with an ordinary napkin. But our ancestors thought very differently. For them, wiping this piece of furniture with paper meant invoking family conflicts, quarrels and other troubles. Of course, this could not be allowed under any circumstances. But why was such an ordinary action associated with such a bad omen?

In ancient times, a table at which family members dined was considered an object that personified respect from all family members to each other. During the meal, all the inhabitants of the house and their guests gathered here, and this piece of furniture should always be kept clean.

Paper rustling was taken as the basis of this superstition. It was his people who used to associate with noise during a quarrel. Hence the ban on wiping the table with paper or napkins from it. Therefore, for these purposes, people used exclusively a cloth.

Important! The use of paper is determined not only by the presence of this sign, but also by saving money. Earlier, books and record sheets were very expensive, and no one had heard of free newspapers and literature. Therefore, in order not to incur troubles and reduce financial expenses, the paper was used for completely different purposes.

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Other signs

In addition to signs where it is impossible to brush off the table with a napkin, there are many other superstitions that relate to the table. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Do not swear at the dinner table, play or knock on it with a spoon. In ancient times, this piece of furniture was considered a “hand of God”, and all the dishes appeared on it as the mercy of the Most High. Therefore, each family treated this piece of furniture with special respect.
  • You can not wipe the crumbs with your hand - there will be no money.
  • Do not put empty dishes - to poverty. Previously, wealth was judged by the family on the table. If he was bursting with delicious food, then everything is in order with prosperity. If there was nothing on the table, or the dishes were empty, and the pockets were empty.

Important! Putting empty plates or bottles, thereby you incriminate lack of money.

  • Gathered on the road - hold on to the edge of the table. This superstition meant that a person, on his way, would take with him the protection of his family and home.
  • If you started to stagger, then this is a bad sign. This means that the oldest member of the family can get sick in the house. In the old days, such a piece of furniture was immediately disposed of so as not to attract disaster.
  • You can not put money, bags and other things that are completely not related to food. This is a sign of disrespect for home.
  • Do not leave crumbs and dirt on the table for the night - to the disease.Each time, removing the crumbs, you seem to conduct a ritual to eliminate problems, troubles and diseases.
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All these superstitions and folk signs, for example, why you can’t wipe the table with your hand, are based on centuries-old observations of our ancestors. To believe in them or not is everyone's business. In any case, it will not be amiss to trust only the good ones.


