Why did the silver cross turn black?

Silver is a metal that has long been credited with magical, almost magical properties. Silver products are available to almost everyone. These are pendants, rings, chains and body crosses. Sometimes owners of cross stitches complain that the product has faded and darkened. Let’s figure out why the silver cross turned black and what can be done about it.
to contents ↑Omens
It has long been believed that the darkening of the silver pectoral cross is a sign that a person has become a victim of the evil eye. To remove the evil eye, they advised to put three candles in front of the saints in three different churches, and then replace the pectoral cross with another.
In the East, it was believed that if silver jewelry darkens, it means that they saved the owner from serious troubles. That is why it was customary to wear silver items on long journeys.
to contents ↑If the silver cross turned black: what science says
The scientific explanation for this problem is quite logical. Silver is a metal, and it oxidizes in air.
The device of the human body
One of the causes of metal oxidation is its contact with human skin, on which there are many sebaceous glands. Rapid oxidation is promoted by increased air humidity and frequent contact with water.
Silver fineness
Jewelry silver is an alloy of silver and copper. The less copper the product contains, the slower the oxidation, because it is copper that comes into contact with sulfur and interacts with it, resulting in a black coating.
Important! Sulfur is found in water and in cosmetics. It is included in the composition of human sweat.
However, the answer to the question why the silver cross has turned black is not only this.
Disorders or health features
Sometimes a darkening of a silver pectoral cross can be a sign of a disease:
- If silver is covered with a black coating from excessive sweating, this may indicate hormonal disorders in the body, in particular, a disease of the thyroid or pancreas, adrenal glands. Excessive sweating can be a symptom of kidney and liver disease.
- The silver pectoral cross also quickly blackens in pregnant women. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. Black plaque appears very quickly - in a few days.
to contents ↑Important! Sometimes it is possible to observe the phenomenon that the cross turned black only on one side, for example, from the outside. This is due to the fact that the outer part of the product is more prominent and ribbed, which means it is more oxidized.
How to prevent darkening of the cross made of silver?
To make the pectoral cross look beautiful as long as possible, it is necessary to observe a number of simple rules: remove it before taking water procedures or going to the pool, to the gym, as well as before going to the sea.
There are several ways to prevent darkening of silver jewelry:
- Boiling the product in sulfuric or hydrochloric acid is the so-called “white” boiling.
- Galvanization - coating the cross with a layer of pure silver. This method is used for silvering cutlery.
- Rhodium - coating a silver product with white rhodium. This increases not just the resistance to oxidation, but also the wear resistance of the product.
to contents ↑Important! The method of rhodium has disadvantages: it is not feasible in all workshops. In addition, there is a risk that the metal during soldering will acquire a bluish tint.
If a silver cross is blackened: ways to clean darkened silver
If a silver product is covered with an ugly coating of black, it can be cleaned. This procedure does not require the use of expensive means. Judge for yourself:
- If the cross is blackened, soak it for half an hour in a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ethyl alcohol, and then wipe it with a soft cloth.
- Foil cleaning. The method is old, proven and very effective. Wrap the silver product in foil, dip in water and bring to a boil. When the water begins to boil, add a teaspoon of soda. Boil the cross for five minutes. He will be just like new.
- Take one tablespoon of baking soda, add a little water to it, stir until a mushy state. Start rubbing the pulp into the metal. Just a few moments, and the cross will shine with purity.
- Mix toothpaste, ammonia and baking soda in equal proportions. Put the mixture on the cross, rub it with your finger. Silver will sparkle again.
- Drinking the famous Coca-Cola, to put it mildly, is not very useful. But for cleaning tarnished silver, it is quite suitable. Fill the cross with Coca-Cola and leave it overnight. In a few hours, silver will regain its lost luster.
- Boil a silver cross in an aqueous solution of citric acid - up to 20 minutes.
In addition to folk remedies, you can use a special liquid for cleaning jewelry:
- If the silver cross is blackened, immerse the silver for several minutes in the liquid and the black coating will disappear completely.
- If the coating is not black, but a greenish tint. This suggests that the product contains a large percentage of copper. Get rid of plaque allows Trilon B.
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Never abuse the mechanical cleaning of products. Small scratches on the surface lead to rapid oxidation, and the situation will only worsen.
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