Why is the refrigerator flowing?

If in the morning, going into the kitchen, you find that water is flowing from under the refrigerator, or you see that it has accumulated inside it, it means that your equipment is out of order and it needs to be repaired urgently. Why does the refrigerator flow, and where does the water accumulating in it come from, we learn from the article below.

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Where to begin?

To understand why the refrigerator flows, you first need to determine exactly where the water flows from. To do this, carefully inspect the equipment from all sides:

  • pay attention to the floor;
  • look into the refrigerator itself and the freezer;
  • Have a good look at the front panel.

Since without this unit everyone has to tight, especially in the heat, you need to immediately fix the breakdown. Let's see what the problem is, there can be many reasons, but if the freezing function still works, then it will not be difficult to deal with the breakdown.

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Drainage hole clogged in the refrigerator

Each refrigerator has a special compartment with an opening, from where excess moisture enters the tank. The refrigerator flows most often precisely because of the resulting blockage. It blocks access to the hole, respectively - the moisture has nowhere to go and it starts to flow straight to the floor.

To cope with this problem is easy - you need to remove dirt and rubbish from the right place. You can use a thin stick or tube for this.

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The drainage hole in the freezer is clogged

In this case, water accumulates not only on the floor, but also inside the refrigerator, and an impressive crust of ice forms around the freezer. The problem is solved in the same way as in the previous case, you just need to remember that the drain of the freezer is in the case itself. Therefore, without the skills of such work, it is better not to go in there yourself and call the master.

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A crack has formed in the container where the condensate flows

If there is no water inside the unit and everything is fine with it, then most likely the problem is that the refrigerator is flowing, - the reservoir for collecting liquid has cracked. By all rules, condensate must drain from the refrigerator into the drainage hole, then enter the drainage pipe and flow into a special bath located near the motor-compressor. It is in this place that water evaporates.

If this tube is damaged or the tank is cracked, water will flow directly onto the floor. To solve the problem, you just need to purchase a new tray.

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Incorrect device installation

Is the refrigerator flowing from below? The reason, most likely, is that it was installed incorrectly, and because of this, the door does not close well. Remember if you recently moved it. To check how smoothly it stands on the floor, you can use the building level, which will help you eliminate the skew.

Important! If you do not have the ability to install the unit evenly, then give preference to the option when it will be slightly tilted back. So the door will always close tight under pressure of its own weight.

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Drain pipe malfunction

If the drainage pipe is suddenly damaged, the inside of the refrigerator will be completely dry, and inside the freezer will not appear unusual ice and frost.Just water will flow directly to the floor instead of evaporating naturally in a special tank.

The reason for this, most likely, was the improper transportation or rearrangement of the refrigerator. You can solve the problem yourself, without resorting to the help of a wizard. To do this, move it away from the wall and find the desired tube, and then insert it back into the opening of the tank.

Important! Even such a seemingly trifle as a door that does not close properly can damage the motor-compressor, because it experiences a huge load when producing additional cold. If it works both day and night, then it just burns out one day.

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Why does a refrigerator flow inside and ice freezes on the walls? More often this is due to the insufficient fit of the door to the body, because of which the device starts to generate excess cold, and because of the ajar door, it immediately melts.

How to solve a problem? - Do the following:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to adjust the door hinges.
  2. If this does not help, then the next step will be to replace the seal.
  3. With the same breakdown, water can accumulate directly under the drawers, where fruits and vegetables are usually stored.
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And remember, it is not so important that water flows from under the refrigerator or accumulates inside it, there is definitely a problem and it cannot be ignored. Of course, your technique will not be able to arrange a flood of universal scale, but the liquid flowing from it clearly indicates its breakdown. Any technique needs to be prevented and should not be forgotten.

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