DIY beer gift in cans

Choosing a gift for a man is always difficult. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a brother, a father, just a familiar or beloved person. I would like to give something original so that your gift will be remembered for a long time, and not left lying among other gels, shaving foam, lotions and colognes with a real masculine smell. We invite you to give your birthday cake. But, of course, it will be an unusual cake, it does not need to be baked and any man who loves beer will certainly like it. For such a cake, you need to buy beer in cans, it is from it that we will make our present. So, how to make a gift from beer in cans with your own hands?

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Making a beer cake

There are many ways to make a gift out of beer cans. It all depends on your imagination, because it is not difficult to assemble such a present, you just need to lay out the containers with a drink and decorate in such a way that this whole design resembles the favorite delicacy of all women.

Let's look at a simple way to make a two-tier cake from can beer. For it, you will need 25 cans and one bottle of your favorite anniversary drink:

  • First you need to cut two circles of cardboard. One circle should be large - 19 containers should fit on it. On the second - 6 cans and one bottle.
  • These circles can be wrapped with foil, fixing them with double-sided tape.
  • Now we begin to collect the lower tier. To begin, place one container in the center of the circle and surround it with six others. Around them put another 12 cans. The lower tier is ready.

Important! Those banks that are on the outside should be the front side out.

  • Now these cans need to be fastened. This can be done using tape, glue, stapler or “liquid nails”. It doesn’t matter, because the whole craft will be decorated.
  • To decorate the tier, you can use corrugated or wrapping paper. Cut a strip a little wider than the height of the cans and wrap your tier. Top can be decorated with satin ribbons and bows.
  • Now proceed to the second layer of our cake. It needs to be assembled similarly. We put the bottle around 6 cans, fix and decorate.
  • Both “cakes” can be fastened with “liquid nails”.
  • Place your culinary and beer product on a beautiful tray or dish.

Such a gift from cans of beer with your own hands will always impress strong men. In addition, such a recipe gives many variations for imagination. After all, you can always come up with and add something of your own:

  1. You can decorate your birthday cake with candles, sweets, chocolate bars, lottery tickets for good luck.
  2. You can change the number of tiers, decor at your discretion.
  3. If you do not have the opportunity or desire to buy such a large amount of hop drink, then you can save money by making cylinders made of strong cardboard as the basis.

Important! The main rules of such a gift:

  • The design should look like a cake.
  • It should not fall apart in the hands of the birthday man, so fasten it tightly.
  • Your cake should be beautiful and festive.
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Bouquet of fish to the cake

Such a gift from cans of beer with your own hands requires snacks. Therefore, we offer to present with it a bouquet of dried fish, as it is the best beer snack. Although, if desired, you can replace it with nuts, chips, crackers.

So, we make a bouquet of fish:

  • Take some fish and put them together in a bunch.
  • Tape them with tape so that they are fastened with tails.

Important! It's okay if all the fishes are of different lengths, no one will notice this under the paper anyway.

  • Now our bunch of fish needs to be wrapped in newspaper, it is advisable to make several layers.
  • Make it so that fishheads peek out from the newspaper.
  • Tie a newspaper at the base.
  • Tie a bow or satin ribbon there.

Important! It is best if you attach the fish each individually to a wooden sushi stick. So it will then be more convenient to separate them from the bouquet.

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Your gift of beer in cans with your own hands and a bouquet of fish are ready, you can safely go and congratulate your birthday boy!


