DIY crafts from disposable plates

Different hand made home decorations are becoming more and more popular. From which only needlewomen do not make different decorative gizmos. One of the often encountered options are crafts from disposable plates with your own hands. Disposable dishes can be not only a practical and convenient home use item, but also a wonderful raw material for the manufacture of original decor items and all kinds of accessories. Do not believe? Now we will tell you about this type of creativity in more detail.

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Panda mask made of paper plates

A mask is an indispensable accessory for many children's parties, games and dramas. One of the favorite among kids is animal masks. Disposable paper utensils can serve as the basis for the manufacture of a wonderful Panda mask that can please any child.

To make such a mask you will need the following:

  • Black two-tone cardboard.
  • Disposable paper plate.
  • Glue.
  • Pencil.
  • Clothespins.
  • Scissors.
  • Eraser or braid.
  • Awl or hole punch.

The mask manufacturing sequence is as follows:

  • Take a disposable plate and cut half from it.
  • Circle the glue stick on the blank to make two circles for the eyes. Cut out the cuts with scissors.
  • Draw two large circles on black cardboard. These will be the ears for the future mask.

Important! You can use a cup as a stencil.

  • Scissor out the ears circled on cardboard.
  • Glue the prepared ears to the base of the mask using PVA.

Important! To make the ears stick better to the base, fasten them with clothespins for a while.

  • Black paint the panda's face.
  • To round the mask, trim the bottom of the workpiece.
  • Punch holes on the sides of the mask with a hole punch or an awl. Pass an elastic band or braid into the holes so that the mask is held on the face of the child.

Important! By the principle of creating this blank, you can make masks with the faces of other animals. Creativity is very welcome.

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Paper plate ship

As you know, February 23 is an important date for any man. On this day, all real men want to receive something special as a gift. A good option can be such a craft from paper plates with your own hands, like a boat.

Important! The main advantage of such a gift is that such a thing can be made with a child.

To make a boat you have to stock up on the following:

  • Disposable paper plates.
  • Scissors.
  • Long wooden skewer.
  • Paints.
  • Glue.
  • Colored paper.
  • Stapler.

The manufacturing sequence is as follows:

  1. Take one of the disposable plates and paint it blue. Leave to dry. It will be the sea on which your boat will sail.
  2. After the paint has dried, cut a long hole in the middle of the plate, which corresponds to the bottom of the bowl.
  3. Take the second plate, paint it in any other desired color and leave to dry. After drying, bend it in half, fix along the edges with a stapler. This will be the deck of your boat.
  4. Insert the resulting deck into the pre-cut hole in the first blue plate.
  5. Take a wooden skewer, carefully insert it in the middle of the deck of the ship.
  6. Cut a triangle from colored paper and put it on the skewer, alternating piercing from the bottom and top. That way you should get a sail.
  7. From a small piece of colored paper, cut out the checkbox, secure it above the sail.
  8. If desired, you can decorate the boat with some decorative elements or draw waves with white paint.

Any head of the family will be happy to receive such a craft from disposable plates with his own hands, specially made for him by a loving family.

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Garden decoration "Cat"

Garden decorations have always been popular among gardening enthusiasts. This is not at all surprising, since it is thanks to the decor that the garden can be made unique and create the right mood in it.

To make garden decorations, you will need the following:

  1. Disposable plastic plate.
  2. Adhesive colored paper.
  3. Paint.
  4. Stapler.
  5. Scissors.
  6. Clay “Moment”.

The manufacturing sequence is as follows:

  • Take a disposable plate, carefully cut a part from it. The resulting blank must have a moon shape. This will be the body of the cat.
  • From the remaining piece, carefully cut a small arc that will become the tail, a circle and a couple of small triangles - for the ears and muzzle. Connect the two triangles and the circle in such a way that you get a muzzle. Lock gently with a stapler.
  • Paint the parts of the cat’s body.

Important! In order for the color to be more saturated, it is better to paint in several stages.

  • Connect all parts of the cat with a stapler.
  • Cut the nose, eyes and antennae out of sticky colored paper, stick them on the face.
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DIY crafts from disposable plates are an excellent way of self-expression and manifestation of creative abilities. Based on the simplest plastic or paper disposable tableware, you can create a wonderful thing that will delight both you and those around you.


