DIY Plastic Bottle Crafts

If you have a rich imagination and there is a desire to make something yourself, there is an opportunity to make real works of art from objects that are usually thrown away. For example, have you thought about how to make crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands? It turns out that from this material you can make original flower vases, equipment for a summer cottage, a huge number of useful little things, and even quite solid furniture. This is what we will talk about in this article - how to realize an idea.
to contents ↑PVC Bottle Craft Ideas
In the presence of imagination, perseverance and hard work from bottle plastic, you can build:
- Carport.
- Shower or mini bath.
- The greenhouse.
- Country toilet.
- Sun canopy, gazebo.
- Temporary buildings for a summer cottage.
to contents ↑Important! Very beautiful and original crafts made from plastic bottles with their own hands for children - toys, sandbox. If desired, you can build a whole playground.
Advantages of crafts made of plastic:
- The main advantage of such products is the availability of materials. At minimal cost, you get quite good things.
- In addition, you contribute to the improvement of the environment, because plastic is a real problem, and it is quite difficult to dispose of it.
- An important advantage of plastic is ease of processing. For the manufacture of crafts do not need complex tools, do not need to have any professional skills. Often the material itself dictates interesting ideas.
to contents ↑Important! The only drawback in the manufacture of large structures is the long collection of material. However, you just have to “plow” the whole family into cleaning the territory, as soon as you have any amount of raw materials for work. Particularly stubborn summer residents manage to collect ornamental material for one season. The benefit is twofold: both the territory was clean and the plastic containers were added to the case.
Getting ready for the creative process.
In addition to material and an interesting idea, you will need a knife, scissors and, preferably, a sketch of future crafts. It turns out that disposing of containers is very interesting. And if you involve children in the work, it turns out even more fun.
to contents ↑Important! You can make this work part of the environmental education of the child. Explain to him that you do not just make a beautiful flowerpot for a gnome, a gnome, a hare or a pig, but take care of the environment, ecology, clean the Planet.
Useful crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands - furniture and decor
If these things are done beautifully and correctly, then they look like real works of art. It is only important that the assembled plastic containers are of the same sample. Poufs and sofas at the same time not only look original, but also are not inferior to real pieces of furniture in terms of convenience. And there is nothing complicated in such work.
The only trick is that you make the sofa in separate blocks: side parts, seat and back.
Important! If there is not enough material, make parts of future furniture gradually.
DIY plastic bottle crafts - workshop
The principle of assembling furniture is the simplest:
- Expose it in layers and wrap it with tape.
Important! To make the furniture springy, let the air out of the bottles a little and tighten it tightly.
- To the place where the cap is, cut the “cap” from another bottle. Thus, a sofa, chair or pouf will be composed of blocks with a bottom on both sides.
- If you tape 7 of these blocks with tape, you get the basis for the pouf.
- The soft top can be made of foam rubber with a case sewn on it personally.
- If we are talking about temporary country furniture, you can make covers from old curtains.
- If you want homemade furniture to look presentable, you can make the lining of a new solid fabric or eco leather.
In a similar way, you can make a homemade coffee table:
- The legs are 4 racks made of plastic bottles.
- The role of the countertop is played by a plywood shield, which can be covered with a tablecloth.
to contents ↑Important! The same principle of manufacturing a table for a laptop or a remote country table.
Useful little things do it yourself
Making furniture will require a lot of time and plastic. For a beginner, it’s best to start with small items. Let's look at some examples of DIY plastic bottle crafts.
Vases and flowers
You can make beautiful vases for a summer residence or a nursery without much difficulty. Flowers made of the same material look beautiful. And if you put LED bulbs inside the flowers, you get a great plastic nightlight with shimmering light on the petals.
Important! To give the petals a certain shape, heat them and fold the corners with tongs.
If you just cut the bottle under the vase, it will turn out uninteresting:
- Cut the edges very carefully, according to the previously applied marking. Bend the edges, preheating the material.
- You can make a slice in different ways. Beautiful fringe is obtained if you make neat cuts vertically or at an angle.
Important! Make sure to make cuts to the same depth, then the product will look neat.
Pots for home plants and seedlings
Plastic containers are great for home growing. For example, if you put 3-liter containers on the balcony and plant petunias in them, you get a truly paradise:
- Halve 3-liter plastic containers.
- Hang them down with the bottom and cover.
- Lay sea pebbles on the bottom, after boiling it. This will be the drainage layer. Excess water during irrigation will go to plants located in the bottom row.
Important! The same vessels can be used for growing indoor plants using the hydroponic method. Cut plastic bottles without any decor are used for growing seedlings of garden crops. containers for vertical gardening are especially successful. A watering can mounted in the soil allows you to keep the land constantly moist, even if the owners are not at home. For growing seedlings, you can use horizontally oriented bottles.
Feeder, trap
Now we’ll do two things at the same time. We will make a feeder to attract birds to the site and at the same time get rid of pests by making ingenious plastic traps for them. For example:
- By pouring sweetened water into the bottle, you get a wonderful trap for wasps. There is no benefit from them, but they can sting quite strongly. Wasps easily penetrate the bottle through the neck, and cannot get out back.
- From two plastic containers fastened perpendicularly, a wonderful pet feeder is obtained. Making a bird feeder is even easier. Hang the cut-out plastic tank on a tree, sprinkle grain or bread crumbs.
Everything is ready!
to contents ↑Cottage Equipment
On the first day of your stay in the country, make an impromptu wash basin by hanging the bottle filled with water upside down. Naturally, the lid should be closed. As soon as it is slightly opened, water begins to flow out.You will have the opportunity to wash your hands and wash yourself.
Important! Funny gnomes, owls and cats will decorate the tracks of the site. If desired, you can make them in the form of lamps.
All season flower garden
Unfortunately, the flowers quickly fade. What to do so that the cottage would be beautiful even in late autumn? In this regard, all-season flower beds are convenient. Of course, they can not be compared with living plants, but in late autumn and early spring they adorn the plot wonderfully.
For daisies, you need to take plastic in white, green and yellow. In addition, you will need to work:
- Candle for heating plastic.
- Glue (“liquid nails”).
- Rigid wire with green insulation (for stems).
- Awl.
The procedure for making crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands:
- Cut the bottom of the white bottle to the center so that 16 identical sectors are obtained.
- Bend the edges over the fire to make the petals look like real ones.
- Perform another 2-3 whisks, connecting them with an awl and a green wire.
- Close the junction with a core cut out of yellow plastic.
- Cut the sepals from the bottom of the green bottle, securing them under the flower.
- Fix the parts with “liquid nails”. The flower is ready!
- From the rest of the green bottle, cut the leaves with a hole at the base and string them onto the wire.
to contents ↑Important! Now it remains to make several “companions” for chamomile and find a place for a bouquet. A little imagination, and from plastic you can make roses, lilies of the valley, tulips or chrysanthemums. A variant of all-season flower beds is a mosaic composition of multi-colored vessels filled with earth.
Useful Tips:
- You can collect material all year round, but things will accelerate significantly if you attract neighbors and acquaintances.
- Before you start working with bottles, you need to prepare them - wash and discard the deformed ones.
- In the manufacture of plastic hedges, containers are filled with dry earth, stone chips or sand. Bury the filled container with the neck down, about a third.
- Sometimes crafts from plastic bottles need to be painted. Best suited for this is acrylic dye or spray can. By the way, colorless acrylic coating is perfect for fixing a layer of spray paint.
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Plastic containers are a great material for a hardworking person. Making crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands is a wonderful lesson in environmental education for children and the ability to fill your home or cottage with beautiful and functional items. Use all the means at hand to make your life more comfortable and not have to invest a lot of money in it!
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