DIY egg tray crafts

Reusing egg trays can be an interesting idea for creating various crafts with children. Using this material and your imagination, you can create original and interesting things, for example, flowers or garlands for the New Year tree. Craftsmen even build houses from them, make furniture - chairs and ottomans, lamps and all kinds of toys for children. Having a little imagination and spending a small amount of time, you can find dozens of ways to use these packages, and crafts from egg trays with your own hands will become a matter of pride in your home. Consider some of the original ideas for egg craft crafts. Even a child can cope with them, so you should not have difficulties in manufacturing.

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Garland with roses

To create a charming garland, you will need to stock up on the following:

  • Several egg trays.
  • New Year's garland.
  • Glue gun.

The manufacturing sequence is as follows:

  • Before the start of all work, the box for eggs can be painted in the desired color and wait for complete drying.
  • Tear the tray with your hands into separate parts in the cells in which the eggs were placed.

Important! To make one flower you will need two cells.

  • Divide the resulting cups into 4 petals (you can do more). To do this, tear the cup, but not to the end, as a result - you should get a semblance of a flower. Tear off the petals a bit at an angle to simulate real ones.
  • To give the petals a more natural shape, slightly moisten the edges. To do this, dip a brush with a soft pile into the water and walk along the edge of the petals.

Important! The main thing is not to overdo it with the liquid, otherwise - the paper will go limp and lose shape.

  • Squeeze the inside of the petal with your fingers. In this case, a groove should form from the outside.
  • Secure the flowers with a glue gun. Between the two petals on the flower, tear the paper to the very base of the flower. Pass the garland into the slot and hold the paper back. Similarly, tear the next flower and plant on the previous one. So the garland will pass through two flowers.
  • Although the bulbs of your garland are already fixed, it is better to use glue in addition. Put it on paper in the place where the garland passes, hold it with your fingers for a few seconds.

Important! In order to make the garland more airy, it is better to leave two or three bulbs between the flowers.

  • When all the flowers take their places on the garland, decorate it with ribbons or any beautiful fabric, tying it with knots or bows.
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Funny cardboard fish

What else can be done from egg trays? Durable cardboard from the egg tray is useful for making a beautiful unusual fish.

To work, you will need the following:

  1. Egg trays.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Glue gun.
  4. A pen.
  5. Two peas of black pepper.


The sequence of making the fish looks like this:

  • Cut one cell from the tray with scissors and round the corners. To do this, circle the handle with a pen along which you cut off the excess with scissors.
  • Thus, prepare 11-13 cells.
  • Glue the cells by inserting one into the other so that you end up with a body with scales.
  • Crush one cell in half to form a tail. Make scissors on the tail with scissors.
  • Make a tail from one cell.To do this, draw a line with a pen again, cut off the sharp ends of the cell along it, as in the first step.
  • Glue another cell in the body. Glue the last row of scales to the tail.
  • Engage another cell. Draw a dorsal fin on it and cut it out. You will also need side fins.

Important! If it is difficult for you to draw, then you can use the picture of a fish - draw fins from it.

  • Glue the tail and fins. Then glue the peppercorns and draw a mouth with a pen.
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Beautiful photo frames

To create a craft from egg trays with your own hands, you need the following:

  1. Trays for eggs.
  2. Picture or photo.
  3. Cardboard.
  4. Scissors.
  5. A pen.
  6. Glue gun.

The sequence of manufacturing the original photo frame looks like this:

  • Prepare the foundation. To do this, take a cardboard of rectangular shape and paste a picture or photograph on it.

Important! It is necessary that at the edges there is room - at least 2 cm on each side.

  • Cut the tray in the center of one of the rows of cells. Then cut the convex section of paper that divides the eggs together. To do this, draw a line over it with a pen, depicting a flower with petals. Cut this piece along the line. As a result, you should get a small flower from paper.
  • Cut a fragment of a tray with two cells, cut off sharp corners. Cut the cells together. Inside one of them draw a flower with four petals. The center of this flower should be at the bottom. Cut it out. So you should get a little larger flower than in the second step.
  • Glue the smaller flower into the larger one.
  • Inside another cell, draw a circle, and inside it draw lines from the edge of the circle to the center. Cut in a circle and make cuts along the lines, but not reaching the bottom. Glue the piece inside the small flower.
  • Draw petals on paper and cut them out. Cut a little along the edges so that it looks like a natural leaf.
  • Glue the resulting flower onto a cardboard with a picture. Attach leaflets next to it.

Important! You can fix them only on the upper and lower border of the frame, and place flowers only in the corners. Or you can make several flowers of different sizes and arrange them close to each other in one of the corners of the frame.

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Stock footage

As you can see, making crafts from egg trays with your own hands is not at all difficult. Even a child can cope with this task. Imagine and develop your creative abilities, then even such seemingly simple material as egg trays can help you create real masterpieces.


