DIY jeans pillows

It’s not so difficult to sew pillows from jeans with your own hands. To do this, you only need old jeans that you were about to throw away, a sewing machine and a little imagination. In this article you will find useful tips and practical recommendations regarding the sewing of such decorative products. Denim fabric is very practical and combines well with other fabrics of any color with any pattern. Pillows in a denim pillowcase will look appropriate in both the nursery and the living room. And the best part is that you don’t have to spend money on this alteration.

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Ideas for transforming old jeans

Denim clothing - pants, shirts, skirts, overalls, jackets, probably, is in any house. Sooner or later, it becomes unusable, goes out of fashion or just bothers. We need to give her a second chance. Very often, we throw out jeans that have been worn, but how many things can be made of them.

There are plenty of ideas on what can be made from old jeans. Fantasy is usually limited to shorts, a bag for going for vegetables and kitchen gloves. But this is not the limit. You will be surprised, but you can make slippers, a cover for a notebook, a lampshade for a floor lamp, a woven rug, a bedspread, a chair cover and even jewelry from unnecessary jeans. And believe me, this is not the whole list. You just have to want it.

We cannot tell how to do all these things, but we would like to dwell on decorative pillows. They are not superfluous in the household.

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Necessary materials and tools

In order to create such beauty, you will need:

  • A sewing machine that needs to be equipped with a needle and threads designed for dense fabric.
  • Sharp tailor scissors (jeans are quite difficult to cut with simple scissors).
  • Ruler, crayon (remnant can be).
  • Sewing accessories and decor.
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Fabric Preparation:

  • In order to cut out the pillow parts from old jeans with your own hands, you need to prepare them beforehand - wash and iron them.
  • Clean jeans need to be strung along the step seam, then cut to the waist.

Important! Do not touch the outer seam without need, especially if you need large parts.

  • You can rip open pockets, after - apply for decor on a pillow or for other alterations.

Important! Also think about filler. You can make a new pillowcase for an existing sofa cushion, or you can make it from scratch. In this case, you need a filler - synthetic winterizer, batting and more.

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We think over the appearance of the pillow:

  • First, figure out which pillow you would like. Look at the different rework options on needlewomen sites.
  • Weigh your capabilities, evaluate the amount of free time, as some ideas are quite difficult to implement and require more than one hour of time.
  • If you decide to make a pillow in the style of a patchwork or decorate it with applique, then you will need to prepare a pattern on paper.

The following are some of the most interesting ideas for sewing denim pillows.

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Torn Pillow

This pillow will especially appeal to young people. It is fully consistent with fashion trends.

You will need:

  1. Denim Piece:
    • To pass the pillow, it must be integral. It can be either a piece of wide jeans or large jeans. You can take the back of a denim shirt.
    • One piece is optional for the back. You can download it from several fragments.
  2. Flap any bright fabric to the front.

Sewing Algorithm:

  1. Take a small pillow for which you will sew a fashionable pillowcase. Measure its parameters and cut from the jeans a blank of the right size, not forgetting the seam allowances.
  2. The same size cut the blank from colored fabric. It can be linen, cotton or any other.

Important! If the fabric is loose, treat the edges with an overlock or zigzag.

  1. Now take a denim stretch and chalk out future holes.

Important! The distance between them, as well as their length, should not be the same.

  1. Place an old magazine or wooden board under the cloth. After - make slits with a blade or clerical knife.
  2. Pull out the transverse threads with tweezers.
  3. To create scuffs and “artistic shaggy”, rub the torn places with pumice, sandpaper or fine grater.
  4. Make the back of the pillowcase a single piece of jeans, if you have one, or you can grind it out of several pieces.

Important! If you make the back of two rectangles, then you can insert a zipper between them so that the pillowcase can be removed and washed. In this case, sew the zipper until the front part is connected to the back.

  1. When all the pieces of the denim pillowcase are ready, sew them. First, connect both front parts along the perimeter: the upper one will be jeans, and below it - colored (it will seem to be looking through the holes). Now, when stapled, they will not shift.
  2. Fold the blanks on both sides evenly facing each other and sew along the edges.
  3. If you decide to do without lightning, then do not sew up one of the sides to the end. Leave the hole through which you will turn the pillowcase out and where you will push the pillow. At the end it can be sewn up manually or on a typewriter along the very edge, unnoticed.

Stylish denim pillow with holes with your own hands is ready!

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Herringbone Pattern

You may also like another idea.

Necessary materials

In order to realize this idea, you will need more than one pair of old jeans. Any skinny skinny fit. The main thing is that they should be of different shades: from blue to dark blue. After you have collected a collection of pants, arm yourself with tailor's chalk, a large ruler and sharp scissors.


  1. On the trousers, mark the strips 5x60 cm in size. The number of strips depends on the size of the pillow. For example, 4 strips of 5 shades.
  2. Arrange them in colors, alternating from the lightest to the darkest.
  3. Now sew them along from the inside out. The most important rule in this case is that each subsequent element is sewn 4 cm below the previous one. That is, the top edge will look like a ladder.
  4. Make one canvas, where stripes from light to dark alternate, “steps” go from top to bottom.
  5. On the second canvas, the stripes should be in the same order, but the “steps” go from bottom to top.
  6. Now cut this striped cloth into strips at an angle of 45 degrees.
  7. Take a strip of each fabric, sew it from the inside out so that the Christmas tree comes out on the front side.

Important! So that you do not get distorted, first pin the strips with pins.

  1. From the resulting blank, cut the front of the pillowcase according to the desired size, adding allowances for the seams.

Important! A denim pillowcase should sit tight on the pillow, with no empty spaces. Then she will look beautiful.

  1. From the remaining trousers, cut the back of the pillowcase.

Important! If there are no jeans of large size for an integral part, you can sew it from several fragments (rectangles, squares).

  1. Next, sew two halves. If necessary, insert a zipper.

Important! You can fasten the pillowcase with the help of sewn buttons, or you can just sew it on.

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Cushion “Braid”

For this denim pillow you will need a pair of old jeans and two flaps of fabric - one is tight for the back of the pillowcase, and the second can be taken thinner - this will be the backing for the front.

Sewing Algorithm:

  1. Cut clean ironed jeans into strips. For a square cushion, the strip length should be equal to the side of the cushion plus a couple of centimeters of margin for the seams. Strip width 3-5 cm.

Important! To make the sofa cushion look fashionable, the edges can be “patted” with pumice, grater or sandpaper.

  1. Take a flap of the backing fabric and lay out longitudinal stripes on it. Fasten around the edges with pins, and then sew on one side and the other.
  2. Now lay out the transverse stripes. Bind them one by one with the longitudinal ones (overlay the first one on top, skip under the next one, and again over the strip, under the strip, and so on).
  3. Fasten around the edges with pins, and when all the strips are arranged, sew. The front part is ready.
  4. Now sew the front part of the pillowcase from the back, for which it is better to choose a dense fabric. Although it can also be sewn from pieces of jeans.
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Jeans with lace

The combination of denim with white cotton lace looks very gentle. This can be used for a sofa cushion:

  • For the back of the pillowcase, you can use both jeans (if you tear the pants apart along the step seam, then the leg width of ordinary jeans will be enough for the pillowcase part, only in the center there will be a seam), as well as a dense cotton fabric.
  • For the front, you can take strips cut from jeans of different colors. The width of the strip is 5-7 cm.

Sewing Algorithm:

  1. Lay out the stripes in shades and sew from the wrong side. The detail of the front of the pillowcase can be cut so that the stripes are located along, across or in general - obliquely.
  2. When the fabric is ready, wash several strips of lace on the top. You can complement the decor with pearl buttons.
  3. It remains to sew the front part from the back. If you want, sew a zipper or arrange the buttons for convenience.

Important! Do-it-yourself pillows made of denim can look very gentle and elegant if you combine jeans with lace.

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The patchwork technique is the best suited for creating denim sofa cushions, because it is much easier to cut small details out of pants. Although the technique itself, of course, is difficult to execute.

What is required?

First you need to figure out which drawing you want. You can search on needlewomen sites and print patterns of details:

  • It can be a variety of geometric ornaments, stars.
  • You can, for example, place a circle in the center of which there will be a flower, consisting of a center and petals of different sizes. You can make petals in this flower in different shades (from different pairs of jeans). In the middle - light, and on the edges - darker.

Important! In addition to the pillow, you can sew a plaid from jeans shreds, which you will hide in a cool evening. To make it look neat, the back side, where many seams and joints will be visible, must be covered by sewing on a substrate of any other fabric that is pleasant to the body.

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Organizer pillow

A pretty interesting idea would be to make a sofa cushion organizer. Sewing it is very simple and fast.


  1. Take the usual denim pants (do not skinny) and spread along the step seam.
  2. From the legs cut two squares to fit the pillow onto which you sew the pillowcase.
  3. From your jeans, carefully open your pockets.

Important! It’s not necessary to rip off pockets from these jeans that you cut. Pockets of a different shade will also look interesting.

  1. Wash the cut pockets on the front of the pillowcase:
    • If there is only one pocket, it will be logical to place it in the center. If two - on the sides.
    • You can sew a larger number of pockets, then it will be interesting if they are of different sizes and colors.

Important! These pockets play not only a decorative role. They can be used to store things that you often use. For example, a remote control from a TV, glasses, headphones, a pencil, charging, etc. easily fit in such a pocket. If they are stored in the pocket of a sofa cushion, they will always be at hand.

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Other interesting “jeans” ideas

Using the ideas already described, you can sew not only ordinary sofa cushions:

  • Flaps from old jeans can be used for sewing soft poufs, pillows, cushions, pillows for feeding, sitting and other similar useful things.
  • You can make many small pillows with which to lay a sofa or sofa.
  • Pillows-pipes for a nursery will be nice to decorate with applique. On the jeans base you can sew a pocket in the center, from which a bouquet of flowers, balloons or a muzzle of a cute animal will look. Flaps of colored fabric will always be found in every home.

Pillow-flowers look very original:

  1. To do this, from a few pairs of old jeans, make small pads.
  2. Cut strips about 10 cm wide from the legs - the longer, the better.
  3. Walk along one edge with a bast of sturdy thread. Then pull it so that the strip twists into a spiral.
  4. Make a flower resemblance out of it and sew it inconspicuously to the pillow. This denim flower should cover almost the entire front of the pillowcase.
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DIY jeans pillows are a great idea for a good time. In addition, such an activity will give a second life to old jeans. Do not rush to get rid of unfashionable clothes, because there are many options for its use, and modern needlework is as fashionable as it was several decades ago.

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