Sintepon pillows

The biological ability to quickly fall asleep contributes to the full relaxation of the body after a hard day and the restoration of vital forces. Proper sleep is a source of good mood, well-being, state of mind, and a pillow is an important means of a good and healthy sleep. Sometimes an uncomfortable pillow causes headaches, impaired muscle tone of the neck and back, and body fatigue. A high-quality sleep aid will help restore activity to the body, restore energy, and improve well-being. The most common types include a padding pad. In this article, we will consider the main advantages that padding polyester pillows have and the right ways to care for such products.

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Sinteponovye pillows: advantages and disadvantages

The quality of artificial fiber fillers is close to natural in many properties.

Important! The technological process for the manufacture of fillers includes the stage of thermopolymerization and adhesion of polyester fibers with empty cavities inside, and siliconization and an antibacterial process enhance the quality of fillers.

The difference between artificial materials lies in the density, strength of the twisting rate of the threads and the abundance of the hollow internal component. Also, fillers differ in physical components, in terms of the effectiveness of heat conservation, in air throughput. Due to its low price, synthetic winterizer is most often used in pillows.

Important! The more complicated the technical process of producing artificial fillers and the more expensive the raw materials used, the higher the cost of the filler.

Advantages of using synthetic syntepon pillows:

  • Artificial pillows are not subject to the accumulation of unpleasant odors and dusty elements.
  • Due to the hollow structure of the filaments, sintepon fillers are adapted to the temperature difference, due to this, in cold weather, the sintepon warms, and cools during heat.
  • In products made of polyester threads there is no habitat for the smallest viruses, mold elements, all kinds of microorganisms. Thanks to this, the use of cushions made of synthetic winterizer is a 100% option for asthmatics and people with allergies.
  • Due to siliconeization, moisture does not linger, but rapidly evaporates, which is why after the washing process, the appearance and quality of padding from synthetic winterizer does not change.
  • Sintepon filler products do not have a rolling, creasing, caking process for the set application time.
  • Sinteponovye pillows are very light.
  • The hollow structure of the fibers contributes to the free passage of air.
  • After the washing process, syntepon products retain their shape and quality.
  • Artificial products made of synthetic winterizer are cheaper than natural ones.


Along with the advantages, there are disadvantages:

  • Pillows made of syntepon filler have a short life.
  • If there are problem moments with cervical vertebrae, osteochondrosis, then syntepon pillows are not recommended for use.
  • Due to the softness of synthetic fiber products, it is not always possible to promote the correct posture of the neck and head.
  • Sintepon pillows have electrifying substances, but they can be eliminated using certain means during the washing process.
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Which is better: down pillows or sinteponovye?

Most often, when choosing a pillow, the question arises: but which one to choose - downy or syntepon? In order to understand in this matter, it is necessary to unambiguously determine what properties the right pillow should have. It is depending on them that you can choose the most suitable option.

In the previous section, we examined the main advantages and disadvantages of syntepon pillows, but now we will look at downy ones to get a complete picture.

Pros of fluff:

  • High level of thermal conductivity due to tiny layers of air between the fluffs.
  • A high level of hygroscopicity, which allows the skin to remain uncooled and dry during sleep.
  • Airy, light and very soft.
  • The filler does not stray into lumps, so it is very easy to adapt to the shape of the head and return to its previous state.
  • The complete absence of background noise.


There are also a number of not entirely pleasant disadvantages:

  • over time, dust mites appear, which you can get rid of only with ultraviolet light or the action of very high temperatures;
  • contraindicated for people with allergies;
  • very expensive;
  • absolutely not suitable for people with migraines or pain in the neck, because this type of pillow is too soft;
  • the need for quality and special care, as if you are mistreated, you can forget about all the benefits.

Thus, based on the main advantages and disadvantages of these two varieties of bedding, we can safely say that it all depends on personal preferences and characteristics.

Important! It is worth remembering that for allergy sufferers fluffy pillows are excellently contraindicated and sintepon pillows are great, so in this case you will not have to hesitate between different pillow fillers for a very long time.

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When to wash pillows?

In order to extend the service life of synthetic winter pillows and blankets made of artificial filler, they must be washed regularly, then they will be updated and clean.

In order to determine the suitability of a pillow, you need to perform a very simple action in which a weighty thing located in the central part of the pillow will help. After several seconds of exposure of the selected item to the accessory for sleep, you can pick it up and decide what to do with the pillow:

  • Instant restoration of depression indicates that the means for sleeping is still suitable for use.
  • It is recommended to replace the pad from padding polyester, if the impression is very slowly straightened.
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General principles for washing syntepon pillows in a typewriter

It is preferable to subject the washing process to products made of sintepon fillers no more than three times a year. If you perform this procedure less than once a year, then there is a threat to health, since the synthetic winterizer is able to accumulate dust and dirt, as a result of which a variety of microorganisms are bred.

Basic principles of washing products with sintepon filler:

  • Do not use too hot water for padding cushions.
  • Do not wash and spin at very high rotational speeds.
  • It is unacceptable for a long time to soak products with artificial filler.
  • Do not apply excessive mechanical action to the wet surface of a sintepon product.
  • It is not permissible to use bleach with detergent.
  • Do not use ordinary laundry detergent for products with artificial filler. For the washing process, it is necessary to use exclusively liquid products.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to pre-soak sinteponovy pillows. Right before the start of washing, they must be rinsed with cool water, and then immediately go to the washing process.

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How to wash sintepon pillows and blankets?

The durability of using sinteponovy pillows depends on the quality washing procedure. This process is not complicated, just be sure to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances.

Wash the pillow with your hands

The procedure for washing pillows from sintepon manually:

  1. The temperature regime during washing in a manual version should not exceed 40 degrees, and water should completely cover the surface of the product.
  2. Dissolve a liquid soap in water so as not to form unpleasant lumps from the filler.

Important! It is necessary to carefully study the composition of liquid soap, since chlorine should not be contained there. You can also use baby detergent.

  1. Wet the synthetic winterizer product and leave it in a soapy solution for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Without crushing the pillow with artificial filler, we carefully carry out the process of beating hands on one side and the other.
  3. When rinsing, you can not use the pressure of water from the tap - so the surface of the product swells and there is no high-quality rinsing of the synthetic filler. For a perfect rinsing procedure, it is necessary to repeatedly alternate warm water with “beating”, as during the washing process.
  4. Carefully wring out the washed and rinsed sintepon product and use a terry towel to eliminate excess moisture.
  5. The drying process of the cushion pad is carried out on a clothesline or on a flat surface.

Important! With manual washing, much more effort is spent than with the automatic erasing process.


We wash the blanket with our hands

When washing a synthetic winter blanket, it is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and recommendations for caring for him, so as not to spoil the product. Using the process of manual washing of blankets on a synthetic basis, it is necessary:

  1. Fill the synthetic winterizer with water at room temperature.
  2. Dissolve chlorine-free washing detergent in water.
  3. Leave the blanket for 40 minutes in a soapy solution.
  4. Carefully carry out the process of washing the synthetic winterizer product.
  5. Repeatedly changing warm water, rinse the blanket.
  6. To remove residual moisture, gently squeeze a product from sintepon with a towel.
  7. To straighten a synthetic winter blanket on a rope for drying or to lay out on a horizontal surface.

Important! The blanket with artificial filling can also be washed in the washing machine in delicate wash, at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees.

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We erase a pad from a padding polyester in the washing machine

Much faster is the process of washing pillows from synthetic winterizer in an automatic washing machine, which, with the right process, does not harm the condition of this item.

Basic rules

The most important points of automatic washing:

  • The selected program should correspond to the “synthetics” or “delicate washing” mode.
  • It is preferable to wash two products from sinteponovy material at once, as in this case there is a balancing.

Important! You can also use a couple of tennis balls, which are loaded into the drum hole, since the presence of tennis balls prevents the accumulation of synthetic winter fibers in the lump.

  • It is necessary to use detergent in the liquid state, since the structure of the powder substance cannot leak into the fibrous sintepon product.
  • The program temperature mode is used not higher than 40 degrees.
  • Use of the “extra rinse” function is required.
  • Turn off the spin.
  • It is possible to dry a pillow made of synthetic fibers on a clothesline or on a horizontal surface.

Important! In modern washing machines there is a dryer operation. Having chosen a program and loaded sintepon pillows along with tennis balls, it is necessary to set drying to minimum warming. If the surface of the syntepon products is not sufficiently dried, the drying program must be re-enabled.

Machine wash process

How to wash a padding pad in the washing machine:

  1. Place the sleeping accessory in a special laundry bag (you can also use a pillowcase).
  2. Pour cool water over the pillow and place it in the drum of the washing machine.
  3. Add liquid detergent to a special compartment and set the desired mode.

Important! Be sure to make sure that the water temperature is not more than 40 degrees, the speed is less than 500, and the spin is completely off.

  1. Upon completion of the washing process, re-start the rinse, to get rid of the remnants of the detergent.
  2. We take out the pad from the padding polyester from the washing machine and gently squeeze it.
  3. We wrap a large, moisture-absorbing and dry piece of cloth, place it on the dryer.
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How to wash an anti-stress pillow?

Many have an antistress pillow as an alternative to regular bedding. They use it, as a rule, from time to time. But sooner or later there is a need for washing pillows-antistress, and the main thing here is to know exactly whether it can be done without ruining your favorite thing. Most often, inside the pillow are polystyrene balls, which are rather problematic to wash, but still possible.

There are two scenarios:

  • Wash only pillowcases, because the balls are unpolluted - you need to flip your favorite pillow, carefully remove the balls and calmly wash the pillowcase.

Important! It must be remembered that polystyrene balls have a high stickiness property, so it is worthwhile to carefully choose a container for storing the filler during the washing of the pillowcase.

  • The need to clean polystyrene balls is to place the pillow in a thin cloth and tie it tightly (so that during washing all the balls do not crumble in the drum and cause damage to household appliances). Send to the washing machine, and wash at temperatures below 40 degrees. You can also stretch the pillowcase, remove the balls, fill them with water and wash them thoroughly with a liquid detergent.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to wash pillows with organic fillers (linseed families, buckwheat husk, berry seeds), since this process will only spoil your favorite thing.

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Now you know how comfortable and good synthetic winter pillows are and how to properly care for them so that they last longer than the manufacturer gives a guarantee without compromising your comfort and health. Take care of bedding correctly, and then your sleep will always be strong, and the morning - really peppy!

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