DIY hanging chair

Each person at least once in his life felt the urge to soak up in a comfortable chair and feel the soothing movements of the suspended structure. Such swings and hammocks have always been very popular. Today, a number of suspended structures has expanded significantly - all kinds of hammocks adorn many suburban areas and, at the same time, easily fit into landscape design. From this article you will learn how to make a hanging chair with your own hands.
to contents ↑Making a hammock chair
This option is the simplest and most affordable even with the smallest experience with a sewing machine. To make such a design, you will need the following materials:
- Fabric (1 * 2m).
Important! The denser the matter you choose will be, the greater the load it can withstand. In addition, dense fabrics have the highest resistance to wear.
- Scissors.
- Tape measure.
- Sewing machine.
- Iron.
- Plank of wood or bar.
- Nylon rope.
Important! The color of the material must be selected, depending on the design of the room. The color of the ropes is most often made white, because it is very difficult to find brightly colored ropes in the store.
Let's move on to making a hammock chair with our own hands:
- Fold the prepared material twice in length, measure 40 centimeters from the upper right corner of the edge (along the line opposite the fold line) and draw a line from the mark to the lower right corner. Cut a fragment and expand: the pattern should get the shape of a trapezoid. In this way, to form a corner so that in the end you get a chair-hammock, and not an ordinary hammock.
- Tighten the upper and lower edges of the resulting trapezoid, iron, twist again and flash it on the sewing machine.
- Turn the sides at a 90-degree angle twice so that a cavity is obtained where the rope will stretch. Sew a seam on a typewriter.
- In the prepared wooden bar, drill two holes on each side at a distance of 2 centimeters relative to the edge and to each other.
Important! You can paint the bar or simply cover with a special varnish.
- Further, in order to make a hanging chair, it is necessary to burn the ends of the rope (this is necessary so that it does not open), tie a knot on one side, and then pass the rope through the hole in the wooden block to the knot. Pull the cord through the side edge of the hammock (this must be done from the side of its wide part), and then pass through the second hole on the same side of the bar.
Important! The size of the loop obtained from the rope determines the height of the future hammock and the dimensions of the chair. That is why, before fixing the unit next to the bar, you need to make sure that all its parameters are satisfactory.
- Pass the nylon rope through the second hole on the opposite side of the beam. This loop will need to be hung by a carabiner to the ceiling hook, therefore - its length should be such that it is sufficient for the normal location of the hammock chair in the air.
- Pass the cord through the second edge of the future product from the narrow side from above, stretch it through the first hole on the opposite side of the beam.
- Adjust the position of the rope until the height of the product and its shape satisfy you. Next, the rope needs to be tied in a knot, and the excess cut off.
- Attach a hook to the ceiling or ceiling beam, hang a ready-made hammock on it.
The work on the manufacture of a hanging chair with your own hands can be considered finished.
to contents ↑Making a cocoon chair
Cocoon differs from other designs by its closeness. Such models have fairly high sidewalls that close to the back and enclose the seated on three sides. The product itself resembles a ball or an egg.
To make such a design yourself, you must follow this algorithm:
- The basis of the design will be the frame. It is necessary to assemble it from at least three hoops made of steel, fastening them together with screws.
Important! Experts recommend reinforcing this design with parts of hoops, that is, arcs that will be installed perpendicularly. They should divide a conditional ball into segments.
- Wrap hoops with synthetic rope.
Important! Every 5-10 turns, it is better to coat the hoop with superglue.
- The space between the segments is twisted with a rope. You can come up with a thinner decorative cord and weave a net.
- Further, for the seat, you need to install a wooden plank, for the simple reason that the bending of the ball cannot create a convenient support. The board can be replaced with a stiff, elastic cushion. It is allowed to use a softer pillow for the back - so it will be much more pleasant to be in the cocoon chair with your own hands
- Hang the product on a chain, having previously fixed it on the outer hoop.
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A hanging chair is something that almost everyone wants to have in their home, however, not everyone can afford it, since such designs in stores are quite expensive. An excellent way out of the situation is to make a hammock chair yourself. In this article, we offered you detailed master classes on how to make a hanging cocoon chair with your own hands, which means that now you can easily make it, significantly saving on the purchase of a finished model.