Acrylic Bath Polishing

Any housewife dreams of a clean and beautiful bath. Recently, acrylic bathtubs are gaining more and more popularity. They are light in weight, diverse in design, with a large selection of shapes and sizes. But there is one significant drawback - fragility. Damage may result from a small blow. If they are not very serious, then polishing an acrylic bath will help to solve this problem.

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Causes of damage to acrylic bathtubs

There are several reasons for premature damage to acrylic bathtubs:

  • Since these bathtubs are very fragile, damage is most often caused by shock, when sharp and heavy objects, such as a razor or scissors, fall into them.
  • The use of abrasive and aggressive detergents, from the use of brushes and hard sponges.
  • Metal salts contained in hard water can also adversely affect the surface of the bath.
  • Use a bathtub for pets that can scratch the acrylic surface with claws.
  • Washing dirty street shoes, carpets and other rough materials.

If damage has appeared on your bath, you can do the following:

  • The most expensive way is to replace the bath. Of course, this is the most extreme option if the damage is very severe and repair is not possible.
  • Call a specialist at home who will restore coverage with special tools.
  • Polishing an acrylic bath yourself.

Important! Polishing is the process of removing the top layer from a scratched surface using abrasive products. Acrylic is a very delicate and moody material that requires a careful attitude. Therefore, polishing should be more gentle, it is done using wax polish, vinegar, sandpaper with the lowest grain and a soft rag.

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Polishing an acrylic bath

Do-it-yourself polishing an acrylic bath is not such a difficult process, the main thing is to be careful and patient and follow these recommendations:

  • First of all, the bath needs to be washed thoroughly. In this case, it is undesirable to use an aggressive agent which includes acetone, ammonia, chlorine or any other solvent. Washing powder is also not recommended. It is best to purchase a special product for cleaning acrylic bathtubs, it certainly does not harm. Rinse the surface and sponge the product on the surface of the bath.
  • If the surface is very dirty, then the product can be left for some time and washed off with water. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  • Wax polish is applied to a clean acrylic surface.
  • Scratches should be cleaned with sandpaper.
  • Rub the polish over the entire surface of the bathtub with a soft cloth.
  • If there are any stubborn stains that are not removed during the cleaning process, they are removed using regular mint paste. You need to take a white paste without additives, colored granules and crystals. Or you can use the silver polish. A small amount of the selected product is applied to the stain and then wiped with a special cloth.
  • Limescale will help us eliminate ordinary table vinegar or lemon juice. Moisten a cloth in acid and wipe the problem areas.
  • After all these manipulations, an abrasive polish is applied to the surface and rubbed with a soft material.

Important! To polish for a long time, it should be washed with soapy water.

  • If the product is made of chrome material, then when polishing it is necessary to use special means for chromium.
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What to do if cracks appear?

Sometimes even on the most expensive bathtubs cracks and chips appear. And what to do in this case? Do not rush to immediately change the bath, it can be restored with your own hands. To do this, you need to purchase liquid acrylic, and we will share with you valuable tips on how to use it:

  1. To begin with, the crack that has appeared needs to be expanded to make a groove. You can use a knife and sandpaper.
  2. Now the surface needs to be degreased. This can be done with special detergents. Put them on a sponge, treat the surface and rinse with water.
  3. Dilute the acrylic composition. Follow the instructions. The mixture should be thick and viscous.
  4. Put the composition on the groove and fill it. Just do not overdo it - the mixture should be on a par with the surface.
  5. To smooth the surface, use sandpaper to smooth out the scratches.
  6. Then you need to polish the entire surface of the bath with emery paper 2500. It feels like thick paper to the touch. Such polishing is best done with water.

Result - all cracks are closed, the bathtub is polished!

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Acrylic Bath Care

If you properly care for the acrylic coating, the bath will last you a long time and will delight you with its appearance:

  • Do not use cleaning agents containing abrasive substances, as well as formaldehyde, aggressive acids and solvents. Use special cleaning products for acrylic bathtubs.
  • Rinse the bath after each use, clean with a suitable detergent at least once a week.
  • Dry with a soft towel after use.
  • Do not bathe pets there, do not wash dirty shoes.
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Cast iron bath polishing

With polishing a cast-iron bathtub with your own hands, the situation is more complicated. First of all, it must be cleaned of dirt and limescale.

Soda Cleaning

The most affordable and common folk remedy for cleaning a cast-iron bath is soda. With its help, it is easy to remove dirt and soap deposits:

  1. Mix soda with a little water until gruel.
  2. Sponge this gruel on contaminated areas - you can rub it over the entire surface, leave until the soda is completely dry.
  3. Rinse off any remaining soda with water.

Purification with soda ash and vinegar

If the surface is very dirty, and even with limescale, then just soda will not help, you need to call for help from her "brother" - soda ash with reinforcement in the form of vinegar and powder bleach:

  1. Mix in equal proportions both types of soda, dilute with water, apply the composition to the surface of the bath and leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Mix equal bleach powder with vinegar.
  3. Pour this solution onto the surface treated with soda.
  4. Leave on for several hours, then rinse with water.

Removing rust with a solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

As a rule, the mistress's biggest headache is rust, which is very difficult to clean. You can get rid of it with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Pour 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide into a clean jar and add 50 ml of ammonia.
  2. Apply to problem areas with a sponge or rag.
  3. Rinse with water after 10-15 minutes.

Important! The room should be well ventilated, as ammonia has a strong toxic smell.

Hydrochloric acid purification

The most effective way to get rid of all dirt and rust is hydrochloric acid.

Important! It is necessary to work with hydrochloric acid, observing all safety and protection measures.


  • Wrap taps, hose, and other chrome products nearby with cellophane.
  • Wear rubber gloves on your hands.
  • Moisten a cloth in hydrochloric acid and treat any problem areas.

Important! Do not use a brush to avoid splashing, otherwise you may be hurt.

  • After 10-15 minutes, rinse the bath thoroughly with running water.

Cast iron bath polishing steps

After you have cleaned the bath from all contaminants, you can proceed to the next stage of priming and polishing:

  • The primer is applied after the surface is completely dry.
  • To speed up the process, you can wipe it with a clean, dry cloth or napkin.
  • For the primer you will need a spray can.
  • After applying it, you must again wait until everything dries. Now you can apply enamel.
  • The most popular is nitro enamel in banks.
  • Apply it with a flat brush made of natural pile.

Important! Humidity in the bathroom should not exceed 60%.

  • The enamel is applied in two layers, each of which must completely dry before the process can continue. For a glossy effect, the last layer is wetted with solvent and the bath is left for a day.
  • After all the layers have dried, you can polish the surface with paste - you can use car polish. For polishing, it is best to use a grinding machine, since it will take a lot of time manually.

Important! Enamel is not as reliable as factory enamel, so it is better to refrain from using aggressive detergents.

  • You can, of course, do without enameling and, after cleaning, proceed immediately to the polishing process. In this case, it is better to purchase a pair of bottles of polish: one with coarse-grained, the second with lesser granularity. And also stock up on rags and patience.
  • Rub coarse polish into enamel, polish for a long time and intensively. If you have helpers, for example, a grinding machine, then you are in luck. For you, the process will not be so time consuming.
  • After you finish this stage of work, rinse the plumbing with clean water using a detergent. The coating should be smooth, without roughness.

Important! To make the surface not only smooth, but also mirror, polish it now with fine-grained polish, then rinse with soapy water and rinse with clean water.

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To do everything qualitatively, you need to be patient, as this is a long process and the result of the work depends on the quality of its implementation.

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