Do-it-yourself shelf in the bathroom

It is impossible to imagine a full bathroom without the presence of various plumbing accessories and accessories that make our life easier and optimize the space. One of the most sought-after items in the bathroom is different cabinets and shelves, for the purchase of which, sometimes, there is not enough money, or the products on the market do not correspond to a specific space in design or size. But there is a way out - a shelf in the bathroom with your own hands, taking into account all individual characteristics and for specific sizes. This is what we will talk about in this article.

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Materials and Tools

Of course, you cannot do without a competent drawing, necessary materials and tools. Therefore, first of all, you should decide:

  • what will be your future product - angular, straight, open or closed;
  • what material - glass, wood, drywall.

Depending on this, the following tools may be required:

  • Roulette and level.
  • Rotary hammer or screwdriver (screwdriver).
  • Hammer.
  • Saw for metal (wood).
  • Mounts and brackets.
  • Billets from the selected material.
  • Dowels, screws and corners.
  • For wooden shelves - varnish, paint, primer.
  • Various additional elements (holders, moldings, hooks) and other decorative components.

Important! The above list is not exhaustive, since in each specific case completely different materials, devices and accessories may be needed.

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How to make a shelf in the bathroom?

Regardless of what the future product will be, there is a general algorithm for the sequence of actions:

  1. Choose the material from which you will make a shelf, having previously studied all its operational characteristics.
  2. Make a plan for future work: make a sketch of the future design, in accordance with which prepare all the necessary tools and materials.
  3. Carry out the processing of the material: create fasteners, complement with prepared accessories.
  4. Mount the product in the chosen place, check its stability.

Important! If shelves alone are not enough for you to arrange all the necessary hygiene and care products, and you have to arrange a full cabinet, find out how to hang a bathroom cabinet on a tile securely.

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From wood, MDF and fiberboard

Choosing a tree as the material for the future shelf in the bathroom with your own hands, it is worth remembering that it must be of good quality. The product will consist of rails that are interconnected using small square blocks.

Before you begin, you need to make blanks from MDF or wood of the required length and quantity (the wider the shelf, the more racks will be required). Next, prepare the appropriate wood tool (carpentry set, dowels for fixing the product on the wall, wood screws, varnish or paint, special glue).

Important! Remember that in the bathroom there is always high humidity, and you need to correctly solve this problem. Use the tips on how to do this. how to choose a fan in the bath.

The work of making a wooden shelf is as follows:

  1. On each rail, mark the edges with a construction pencil.
  2. Using special glue, place blocks on the marks that should be all the same size.
  3. In the center of each block, also make marks on which to drill holes with a drill (at the same time as the rails).
  4. Assemble the structure into a single whole. To do this, use the long screws that you put in the holes and screw them in with a screwdriver.
  5. After collecting the structure, fix it on the wall, pre-treating it with special paint or varnish. To install the product, prepare a tape measure and level. After accurate measurements and applying all the necessary marks on the wall, drill holes and insert dowels into them.

Important! For mounting the shelf, you will also need special fasteners that will be installed on the structure itself.

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From glass

If you want to make a glass shelf in the bathroom with your own hands, then you should remember that the material must be at least 5 mm thick. You can buy ready-made glasses of the right size or order a cut and processing in a special workshop.

Important! In addition to ordinary transparent glass, you can choose a material in different colors, with a matte finish or with different textures. Your bathroom will look even more interesting and practical if you add local lighting. To do this, use the following ideas:

The sequence of manufacturing a glass shelf is as follows:

  • Taking into account the thickness of the glass and further operation, select decorative brackets. Small holders or in the form of profiles can be used.

Important! The brackets can differ from the type of fastening: with drilling glass (for wider shelves in which you need to make holes for the bracket) and without drilling (suitable for shelves with a width of not more than 20 cm).

  • Fix the shelf holder to the wall with a drill, and then place and fix the prepared glass into it.

Important! For more reliable fastening you can use rubber gaskets. And to avoid falling objects from the structure, you can install a decorative stop along the edge.

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Making drywall shelves is one of the least time-consuming and inexpensive options:

  1. In addition to the drywall itself, you will also need special profiles for fastening (UD and CD). With their help, construct the skeleton and fasten it with special screws.
  2. If gypsum plasterboard is used to decorate the walls of your bathroom, you can immediately make niches for small shelves in which you will store all the accessories. But the material itself does not have resistance to moisture, so after installing the frame and its cladding, use another finishing material, for example, ceramic tile.

Important! Do-it-yourself drywall shelf in the bathroom can be supplemented with glass shelves mounted on decorative holders.

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Embedded Product

This type of shelves, as a rule, is done under the bathroom or in the wall niche:

  • If you make a shelf in a wall niche, then the best option would be to make a structure from drywall, which then needs to be finished with ceramic tiles. Here you will find our master class "How to make a niche out of drywall?".
  • For the manufacture of built-in shelves, you can also use wood or glass, and use special holders to mount them in a niche.
  • Shelves can also be built into the space under the bathroom, which is then closed with a special screen. For their arrangement, ready-made plastic structures can be used, which are fixed on the side walls. Thus, a complete cabinet is obtained in which you can store household chemicals, household items and other necessary bath accessories. And you can use other materials, various design options. See a few interesting ideas on this topic. "Screen under the bath do it yourself".
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In order for all the necessary things and objects to be in your bathroom at hand, without creating a mess, it’s worth considering the installation of a shelf in the bathroom with your own hands. Having made such a design, you can not only arrange things, but also add an exclusive accessory to the interior.

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