Sweating feet in shoes - what to do?

Almost everyone's feet are sweating to one degree or another. This is natural, because on the feet there is a large concentration of sweat glands. But for some people, sweating takes on the character of a disaster - taking off their boots as a guest becomes a serious problem for them. If feet sweat in shoes - what to do? This will be discussed in the article.

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Why are they sweating?

Doctors call hyperhidrosis excessive sweating of feet. It arises for various reasons. Some are easy to handle, but there are times when serious medical intervention is required. If your feet are sweating in winter shoes, what should I do? First of all, understand why hyperhidrosis has arisen. The main causes of this unpleasant phenomenon:

  • improper selection of shoes by size and season;
  • unsuitable or substandard materials;
  • synthetic socks and tights;
  • inability to use cosmetics for the feet or their wrong choice;
  • unwillingness or inability to care for shoes;
  • increased physical activity;
  • some infectious and fungal diseases;
  • stressful situation.

Is hyperhidrosis worth neglecting?

Increased sweating is an unpleasant and sometimes dangerous phenomenon. What to do if legs sweat a lot and smell in men? In fact, this trouble is not only among the stronger sex. Women suffer from hyperhidrosis quite often, they just fight it more effectively. It happens in adolescents, and even in young children.

Important! As you know, a person sweats when he is hot. The body cools, that is, the temperature is regulated. This is very useful in the summer, but in the winter it can end with a serious cold. Overheating occurs also because a person put on too warm shoes.

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Choosing shoes

Of course, individual body characteristics can also be the cause of sweating. But most often the reason is the wrong choice. And in this case, to answer the question, the feet in the shoes sweat a lot - what to do is not so difficult. Pay attention to what a person with hyperhidrosis walks in. When choosing shoes, you need to consider several points:

  • material;
  • season;
  • target;
  • quality of the top and sole;
  • insoles
  • the size.

Talk about materials

On sale you can find shoes made from both natural and artificial materials. Faux leather and other synthetics are usually cheaper, but do not flatter yourself, such shoes have a lot of disadvantages. For example, she:

  • does not absorb moisture;
  • keeps a smell for a long time;
  • some types of substitutes can enhance even very weak aromas.

Ideal material for a person with hyperhidrosis - natural suede. She perfectly passes air, smells are quickly removed from her, not to mention that shoes from her are most often beautiful.

Important! Now there are “smart” materials, including for shoes. They allow a person to feel comfortable in any weather, most often these are sneakers. They are usually expensive, but the costs more than pay off.


Of course, winter shoes should be different from summer ones. Open shoes for the warm season are not popular with everyone. But insulated sneakers should not be worn. Light shoes, sneakers from the "breathing" fabric - the choice in stores is quite large. It is important to ensure proper air circulation inside the shoe. Good ventilation will not allow the fungus to settle and develop.

Important! Winter boots and boots should tolerate low temperatures well. In addition, they must be stable and not slip.


Why do you need shoes?

It would seem, well, what kind of question? Meanwhile, the answer to it is extremely important. Do you buy shoes or boots in order to go to work every day, go on a long hike or put them on in the theater once a year?

  • Casual shoes should be light and comfortable, if possible from a material that is breathable.
  • The same applies to sneakers or sports shoes that are worn for training or hiking.
  • But when choosing evening shoes, the requirements for the quality of the material will be less stringent, the main thing is that they are beautiful and fit together.


Often, the reason for excessive sweating lies in the insoles. They are sometimes heated too intensely, respectively - the temperature of the legs rises. Sweat begins to be actively released so that the foot cools. Therefore, there are certain requirements for insoles:

  • they need to fit the material of the shoe;
  • Do not wear wrinkled or torn insoles.

Important! Shoe liners made of absorbent materials are on sale - a very useful thing for someone whose feet sweat a lot.

The size

Some people still adhere to the position that you can buy shoes for growth or based on a thick toe. This tradition is very many years old, it arose when the choice of shoes was small and it was expensive. But now the shelves are literally bursting with an abundance of boots, sneakers, sandals and everything else. The price range is very wide, and there are outlets where you can buy good shoes made of genuine leather at a very reasonable price.

Therefore, completely different rules should be followed:

  1. Shoes should exactly match the foot size of the person who will wear it.
  2. You need to count only on the thickness of the sock with which you will definitely wear shoes or sneakers.
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Choosing sneakers

Sweating feet is especially relevant for those who lead an active lifestyle and prefer sports shoes to all types of shoes. Sneakers wear everything from small to large. Therefore, you need to choose them carefully:

  1. Buy in specialized sports stores.
  2. Do not buy from random sellers, although their goods are usually cheaper than branded.
  3. Be sure to try on both legs.

These purchase rules apply to other shoes. Why is it better to buy in company stores? For reputable manufacturers, everything corresponds to the main goal - to make the client's feet comfortable in any situation. All the main parameters correspond to this task:

  • material;
  • shape of the top and sole;
  • manufacturing technology.

Random sellers sometimes purchase their products from manufacturers who do not comply with the technology or use completely different materials. As a result, the shoes are:

  • uncomfortable;
  • unhygienic;
  • fragile.

Right and left

Can the shoes on the right and left foot be the same? It turns out they can. Manufacturers of cheap shoes sometimes “delight” their customers with just such models. Meanwhile, trusted manufacturers even have such soft shoes as felt boots or ugg boots, for different legs has a different shape. Therefore, you need to try on both shoes or boots.

Why else do you need a fitting?

Buying shoes just in size is not a reliable thing. The fact is that Russian and European manufacturers have different systems. In addition, some firms supply small footwear to the shoe market when large soles are written on the soles, but in fact, they are two or three numbers smaller. If you really can’t get to the store and need to order shoes online or ask friends to buy something suitable, measure the insole.

Two words about membrane shoes

Now it is quite popular.Previously, it was worn mainly by athletes and tourists. These sneakers do not get wet and, at the same time, allow air to pass through. Not everyone loves them, because they are usually quite expensive. But their legs really sweat very slightly.

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We care for shoes

Those suffering from hyperhidrosis are most often concerned not even with sweating, but with the smell that comes from their feet. This is not entirely correct. It is necessary not only to get rid of the smell as much as possible, but also to achieve other goals:

  • Do not get skin irritation;
  • Do not damage the shoes.

There are several ways to solve all these problems at once:

  • special spray;
  • herbs and other home remedies;
  • Homemade liners.
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Shoe spray

This shoe care product has a lot of positive properties:

  • You can buy it at any shoe store;
  • he acts very quickly;
  • effective.

Important! You can apply it at any time of the year. Efficiency does not depend on air temperature, and humidity, too. At the same time, you should not buy spray deodorant in the perfumery store - such a tool, of course, will help to “clog” the unpleasant odor, but will not affect sweating. Therefore, after a while, the aroma will appear again.

In a good shoe store, you can buy a spray designed for a specific type of shoe. These are so-called absorbent products that not only remove odors, but to some extent limit sweating. They can be with or without fragrances. It is better to choose a smellless product.

Pay attention to other qualities:

  • consistency;
  • transparency.

Important! Spray should be liquid. If it is transparent, there will be no stains on the shoes.

Remember to look at the label where it should say:

  • what materials the product is intended for;
  • Is there permission from the supervisory authorities to release products?
  • whether toxic substances are included;
  • whether the product is capable of causing allergic reactions.
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Dry herbs

What to do if you still want to wear shoes, but the smell has eaten in them and does not want to be removed? You can try using bags of dried or fresh herbs that you like to smell.

Plants such as are suitable:

  • Pine;
  • spruce;
  • cedar;
  • juniper.

Important! Why is it most often used needles? It very well neutralizes an unpleasant odor, it itself has a strong aroma, and in addition, contains components that prevent intense sweat.

It is best to finely chop the needles and place them in small bags. There are two ways to use them:

  • put on socks when they are in the closet;
  • put inside the shoe when you wear it.

Important! The pouch should be very small and soft so that the foot is comfortable.

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This kind of sweat protection is suitable for rubber and some leather shoes. You will need:

All this can be bought at the pharmacy. There are two ways to deal with a solution:

  • surface finish;
  • put cotton soaked in formalin under the insole.

Important! Keep in mind that formalin itself has a pungent and rather unpleasant odor. Therefore, after the cotton wool soaked in this substance lies for a day under the insole, the shoes need to be wiped with ammonia.

You can ask the pharmacy and moisture-absorbing insoles. They are most relevant for owners of rubber shoes.

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Choose socks and tights

In stores you can find socks, stockings and tights from a variety of materials:

  • synthetics;
  • cotton
  • cotton with synthetic fibers;
  • flax;
  • Wool
  • silks.

Important! Everyone knows that most synthetic materials absorb moisture very poorly. In addition, almost all of them do not pass air. Naturally, the legs sweat harder. Therefore, kapron socks should not be worn every day.

Cotton and linen

Cotton is a different matter. He removes stress and retains heat. True, cotton socks tear quite quickly.But there is a mixed version of cotton with a small percentage of synthetic fibers.

Great socks made from linen. Their legs hardly sweat, and if this happens, there is practically no smell. True, such socks are much more expensive than cotton ones, and they tear quite quickly.


Wool and Acrylic

Wool keeps heat well. Many wear woolen socks with rubber shoes. Sometimes it is justified, but do not always do this. Woolen socks wear out quickly, especially when in contact with a hard rubber or leather surface. If you definitely need warm socks, choose wool with acrylic or acrylic.

Important! Thick wool or acrylic socks should only be worn on thin cotton or linen.


Silk is beautiful and pleasant to the touch. But silk socks are only suitable for summer. This material does not hold heat at all. Feet hardly sweat. But this material has two drawbacks:

  • expensive;
  • dries for a long time after washing.
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Let's talk about hygiene

The rules of personal hygiene are simple and important if you sweat your feet in shoes. What to do? - Choose the right cosmetic products. It depends on the age and characteristics of the body. The main thing is not to forget to use them.

Hygiene rules

Here are some hygiene tips that you probably already know about, you just don’t fully or completely disregard them:

  1. The body should always be clean.
  2. Do not wear the same shoes all the time.
  3. Wear cotton underwear more often than synthetic.
  4. Feel free to take preventative measures.

Important! Everyone knows that the legs, like everything else, need to be kept clean. But the fact that it is better to have several pairs of shoes for one season, many are skeptical, but in vain. You need to have at least two pairs of casual shoes of the same kind. While one dries after washing, you leave the house to another.

Creams and gels

Look at the pharmacy or specialty store for gels and anti-sweat ointments. Well-known cosmetics manufacturers also produce such products. Be sure to pay attention to how to apply them:

  • constantly;
  • as needed;
  • course.

This is indicated in the instructions. Some products can also be applied to other parts of the body that are used to sweating.

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Doctor's help

In some cases, medication is necessary, but it is prescribed only by the attending physician. For example, with dysfunction of sweat glands.

Important! Do not try to diagnose yourself yourself, it can be very dangerous.

In addition to medicines, a doctor may prescribe:

  • Electrophoresis Electrophoresis is done only by adults. Under the influence of current, sweat glands are blocked, legs stop sweating for a couple of months.
  • Massage. Massage with a good specialist is allowed for almost everyone, with the exception of those who have medical contraindications. Blood circulation improves, the emotional state improves, and accordingly, sweating decreases. But, for example, for cancer patients, massage is almost always contraindicated.
  • Gymnastics. As for gymnastics, it can also be done by everyone. To get rid of sweating in the legs, you can use the simplest exercises that improve blood circulation in the limbs and help strengthen the arch of the foot.
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Folk methods

The simplest remedies that you can collect in the forest or buy in a pharmacy can get rid of excessive sweating:

  • Oak bark;
  • birch leaves;
  • rosehip;
  • sage;
  • lavender;
  • green tea;
  • Black tea.

If feet sweat in shoes - what to do? Compresses are made from birch leaves. Leaves are poured into socks and held for some time. You can do such compresses for children and adolescents. All other products are used for bathtubs.

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Thus, sweating feet is not such an insurmountable problem. You can cope with it using simple tricks and affordable means. We wish you success in achieving the perfect accuracy and purity of your body!


