The rules for cleaning mushrooms oily at home

Returning from a "silent hunt", people bring home several baskets of mushrooms. So that this tasty and healthy product does not deteriorate, it must be processed and prepared as quickly as possible. To do this, you need to know how to clean the oil at home. If this work is done correctly, then prepared forest gifts will become an indispensable ingredient for many dishes.

Oily mushrooms

Basic Rules

Butterdish is a tubular edible fungus of the Poletovy family. He got his name for the oily skin on the hat, which performs a protective function. This mushroom often becomes an object of “silent hunting”. People appreciate it for its excellent taste and the presence of a large number of substances useful to the body.

Before you begin processing the collected gifts of the forest, you need to study the basic rules of this work. Among them are the following:

Butterdish is a tubular edible mushroom

  1. The first step after collection should be a visual inspection. Be sure to make sure that the basket contains an edible mushroom, and not its poisonous congener (false butterdish). You can identify a good mushroom by a yellow-brown hat, which is covered with a layer of mucus. This oily protective layer should be easy to peel off.
  2. It’s best to start cleaning in the forest. To do this, shake the mushrooms and remove adhering plant debris (grass, leaves, needles and others) from their surface. After that, cut the bottom of the legs.
  3. Wormy specimens should be removed from the total mass of mushrooms, as they can spoil even the highest quality forest gifts.
  4. Peeled mushrooms must be cooked as quickly as possible. Otherwise, they will darken and lose some of their beneficial properties.
  5. It is forbidden to store crude oil for 12 hours or more. Therefore, returning from a "silent hunt", you must immediately begin to process them.
  6. Often collected mushrooms remain moist even after prolonged transport. Such a situation may occur in cases where they were collected immediately after rain. Quickly drying the oil will help their placement on any paper (such as a newspaper).
  7. To clean most types of mushrooms without problems, they must be soaked in water for several hours. However, such an operation is prohibited from carrying out oils. They have a porous structure with a sponge effect. If a lot of water is absorbed in them, then further processing will be an unpleasant test for humans.

Cleaning steps

The entire process of processing the oil is conventionally divided into 3 stages. On each of them, the mushroom picker needs to perform several mandatory operations that will allow it to better prepare the collected "trophies" for cooking.

Mucus removal

The most difficult job is getting rid of mucus. Not every fan of butter knows why to remove it and how to carry out this work. Mucus is a protective layer of the fungus, therefore, it contains many microorganisms that can harm human health. In addition, toxins, dirt and dust can accumulate in it.

Remove mucus from the surface of the cap as follows:

Removing mucus from an oiler

  1. Pour 1 liter of water into a small pot.
  2. 4 tbsp are added to it. l vinegar.
  3. The container is placed on the stove and over low heat bring its contents to a boil.
  4. After that, the oil is placed in the pan and kept in boiling water for no more than 20 seconds.
  5. After the specified time, the mushrooms are removed using a slotted spoon.
  6. They are placed under cold water and immediately begin to rub the hat with a sponge. If everything is done correctly, then not only mucus, but also the film can easily be washed off with the oil.

If there is no desire to heat the forest, then an alternative method of removing mucus can be used. It will also use vinegar, which will speed up the work.


  1. In a suitable container, mix 3 tbsp. l vinegar with 1.5 liters of water.
  2. A sponge is wetted in the resulting solution.
  3. She thoroughly rubs her hat.
  4. When all the mucus has been removed, the mushrooms are placed in cold water.
  5. After about 5 minutes, they are removed and rinsed in salted water.

Leg treatment

Experts recommend cleaning fresh oil. This will greatly simplify the work and preserve all the beneficial substances in the mushrooms. The easiest cleaning step is to treat the leg.

The correct sequence of actions:

How to clean fresh oil.

  1. Using a knife, carefully cut the bottom (about 1 cm from a large specimen and 5 mm from a small one).
  2. Turn the mushroom over and look at the place of cut. If rotten or wormy areas are visible on it, then the same part of the leg is removed.
  3. After that, take a knife with a thin blade and slowly scrape off the film from the bottom of the mushroom. In this case, you must definitely move from the hat to the base.

Hat Removal

There are several dozen proven methods of removing the film from oil. The choice of one of them depends on the size of the forest gifts and the intended variant of their preparation.

The algorithm of actions for different cases:

Hat Removal

  1. Cooking. If the oils are added to the soup, then they must be thoroughly washed and mucus removed from their surface. After that, the edges of the hat are cut with a sharp knife, gently pry the film and slowly remove it. Mushrooms are re-washed and dipped in boiling water.
  2. Frying. In this case, the cleaning process will be similar to the previous one. The only difference will be the need to remove the sponge, which after frying will become hard and unpleasant in taste. They carefully clean it with a knife, trying not to damage the hat.
  3. Pickling. In most cases, this cooking method does not involve heat treatment. Because of this, you need to clean the cap of the mushroom as well as possible. Start work with getting rid of mucus. Then, with a knife, carefully remove the light film. It is important to completely clean this part, as it can spoil the mushroom during the pickling process. After this, the oil is rubbed with a soft cloth and washed with cold water.
  4. Drying. For this method of preparation, it is enough to wipe the hat with a sponge. If you want to remove the film, then you need to use the same method that is used before cooking mushrooms.
  5. Freezing This method of harvesting oil for the winter is gradually gaining popularity. To prepare them, you must remove the film from the hat. Do this with a piece of soft tissue. They rub the surface of the mushrooms until the white part of the cap becomes visible. Prepared oils are not washed with water, but immediately placed in plastic bags or plastic containers and placed in a freezer.

Simple ways

Almost all methods of cleaning oil are very simple. Because of this, not only adult mushroom pickers, but also adolescents can be involved in work.

The easiest and fastest way to clean the oil is to use boiling water. Short-term heat treatment will reduce the stickiness of the skin and make it more dense. Thanks to this, it will be better to keep up with the hat, which will greatly simplify cleaning.

Algorithm of actions:

The butterflies are sorted and put in a colander.

  1. Water is poured into a wide pan.
  2. The container is placed on the stove and expect to boil the liquid.
  3. During this time, the oil is sorted out and put in a colander.
  4. After that, they are dipped in boiling water and kept there for about 30 seconds. It is important that the hot water completely covers the mushrooms.
  5. The butterflies are taken out of boiling water, slightly cooled and cleaned.

There are several alternative options that will also allow you to achieve the desired result. One of them is steaming, which will give the same effect, but keep the mushrooms dry.

The salt method is best used in cases where it is likely that some mushrooms will turn out to be worms. Thanks to the salt, insects inside the oil float to the surface, and their larvae fall to the bottom of the tank.

Cleaning Steps:

  1. Cold water is poured into the pan.
  2. To it add table salt in a proportion of 150 grams per liter.
  3. Mushrooms are dipped in the resulting solution.
  4. After a few minutes, the liquid is drained.
  5. From hats and legs, peel the skin.
  6. The oil is washed with running water to remove residual saline.

Dry gauze cleaning is relevant in the midst of the mushroom season, when there is not much time to process a large amount of oil. The method is based on a technique that involves the use of gauze.

Necessary actions:

Method for cleaning oil

  1. Take a piece of dry gauze and fold it in half.
  2. The fabric covers the cap of the mushroom.
  3. Fingers gently pick up the film.
  4. The mushroom is pressed to the gauze and several times held on it. As a result of these actions, the skin will remain on the fabric.
  5. Similarly, clean the oil legs.

In most cases, mushroom pickers use a sharp knife. This method does not require any preparatory actions or the use of additional devices.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take a small knife with a sharp and thin blade.
  2. With its help, they tear off the film on the hat.
  3. The peel is slowly pulled to the opposite edge, trying to prevent a gap.
  4. The leg of the mushroom is pruned.
  5. A knife blade is applied to it and the surface layer is scraped with careful movements.
  6. With the tip of a knife, remove the spongy part under the cap.

There is a paper towel in every home. With its help, you can not only remove dirt from different surfaces, but also clean the oil. The only drawback of this method is the high consumption of wipes. One piece is enough to peel 2 large mushrooms.


  1. The paper towel is folded in 4 layers.
  2. After that, it is placed on the cap of the mushroom.
  3. The napkin is lightly pressed and left for several tens of seconds.
  4. During this time, it will get wet from the mucus located on the surface of the cap, and stick to the fungus.
  5. Gently pull the paper blank. If everything is done correctly, then it will separate with the film.

Useful Tips

Oil mushrooms are considered one of the most delicious mushrooms. In order not to spoil them, it is necessary to properly clean and follow all cooking rules. Beginners will be helped in this by the recommendations of experienced mushroom pickers.

Helpful hints:

The cleaning process should start from the top of the cap,

  1. The cleaning process should start from the top of the cap, gradually moving to the bottom. Only after completing this work do they begin to process the legs of the mushroom.
  2. Do not wash the oil before processing. Otherwise, the dirt will penetrate the fungus and get rid of it will be very difficult.
  3. In the process of frying, the skin becomes rough and gives the dish a bitter aftertaste. Because of this, it is imperative to clean it before heat treatment.
  4. If it is not possible to immediately clean the collected oil, then you need to quickly place them in the refrigerator. It should not be forgotten that you can store fresh mushrooms in the cold for only a few hours.
  5. To simplify the process of removing the film from the hat, it is necessary to lubricate it with vegetable oil. This product also protects hands from dirt sticking.
  6. After cleaning, the oil on your hands will darken. To restore its former appearance, you need to wash your hands with lemon juice or diluted vinegar. An alternative would be to use rubber gloves. They will slightly complicate the cleaning process, but will keep the skin of fingers and hands attractive.
  7. Experts recommend peeling only dried mushrooms.Therefore, before starting work, spread the oil on the windowsill so that they can be exposed to sunlight.
  8. It is best to buy or collect small oil. They have a denser film, so the cleaning process will not take much time.

To clean the butter for cooking a dish, you need to know a few important secrets. They will help to more quickly and efficiently complete the work, preserving all the useful properties of mushrooms.


