Skin Care Rules

A woman should be beautiful always and everywhere, even waking up early in the morning. You don’t need tons of cosmetics and a lot of procedures. You just need to know the basic rules of skin care, because the skin condition will always give out more information about a person than his business card. The sooner you learn these rules and the sooner you begin to translate them into real life, the longer you will remain truly beautiful.
to contents ↑Essential Skin Care Rules
One of the most important secrets of skin care is always used by experienced cosmetologists: it does not matter what brand of cosmetics you use and how much it costs, it is important how you use it all. So, the basic principles of proper care, which should be implemented, starting from the age of 16.
This principle is one of the main principles in the care of any type of skin and at any age. Every woman should develop a habit in the morning and evening to devote herself to facial care for several minutes.
Proper application of cosmetics to the skin
The condition of your skin depends on how you apply cosmetics to your face. Incorrect technique will lead to stretching of the epidermis and premature appearance of wrinkles.
Important! All cosmetics should be applied to the face with clean hands, namely the fingertips, gently, without pressing and not stretching the skin, the hand should be relaxed.
In the case of a dense consistency of cream or thin skin, which is especially important in the care of the skin around the eyes, it is better to apply the cream with patting light movements. The ring finger is most suitable for this, since it is the weakest of all, which means it will not be able to harm delicate cells.
Massage lines
The application of cream and other cosmetics should be carried out only along the massage lines, which are the lines of least stretching of the skin. It is easy to remember them: almost all lines go from the center of the face to the periphery. The exception is the area around the eyes, here the situation is the opposite - from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.
to contents ↑Important! Eye cream should be applied over the bone. The cream itself is distributed over all soft tissues. Do not rub the cream directly into thin skin.
As for the neck, its front part is processed from the bottom up, and the side - from top to bottom. If you think that neck care is not as important as face care, then you are deeply mistaken. The skin of the neck is thinner and eats much worse, so it quickly loses its elasticity and ages faster than the face.
Daily face care
Consider the main actions that make up the minimum daily care for the skin of the face.
This is the main and undeniable rule, because without purity there can be no talk of any health and beauty. It is necessary to cleanse the skin in the morning and in the evening:
- Morning cleansing may include only elementary washing.
- Evening includes the removal of makeup from the eyes with the help of a specially designed product. Makeup from the face can also be removed with cleansing milk or foam. Then rinse your face with water. After washing, pat your face with a towel or napkin.
Important! Never rub your face with a towel. By such actions you only stretch the skin.Do not leave water on your face to dry on your own - this will lead to drying of the skin, which is very undesirable.
It is best to wash your face with water at room temperature. Do not use too cold water or hot water for these purposes.
Immediately after cleansing, wipe the face and neck with a tonic. It helps to normalize the pH balance of the skin, which can be disturbed by cleansers. Thus, you prepare the skin for the next stage of care - moisturizing.
Important! Use tonic means as well as cleaning - every day in the morning and evening.
A lack of moisture in the skin cells will lead to its dryness, loss of firmness, elasticity, as well as the rapid appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, this stage of skin care is as important as the two previous ones. In this case, it is desirable to comply with the following rules:
- To moisturize the skin is twice a day, after toning.
- You can not save the cream, or vice versa, apply an excessive amount of it on the face. Its volume is determined by the condition of the skin, it should moisturize the skin well, but not remain a thick layer preventing its breathing. To control this, 20-30 minutes after applying the cream, its excess should be removed by blotting with a napkin.
to contents ↑Important! Apply day cream should be no later than 30 minutes before going outside, and in the winter season - no later than an hour. The cream should be absorbed before it gets into fresh air.
For a better effect, a night cream is applied at least one hour before bedtime, it can be done earlier. If you apply it just before bedtime, you can provoke poor absorption and as a result, in the morning you will encounter edema that appears. While you are awake, the skin remains mobile, which improves the absorption of the cream.
Young girls under 25 years of age should not use night cream at all. At this age, the skin is able to recover itself. If you start helping the skin so early, it will begin to show laziness and prematurely age.
Weekly Skin Care
All items listed are for daily care. But there are procedures that should be carried out at least once a week.
To achieve the effect of always young, beautiful and well-groomed skin, it is 1-2 times a week to carry out the procedure of cleansing it from old, dead cells. They interfere with the normal functioning of young cells, creating irregularities on the surface of the tissue. This procedure is best done using a scrub, which can be done independently or purchased in a store, choosing the right skin type.
To improve blood circulation, face masks are used. It must be applied in the same way as the cream - along the massage lines, on the face previously steamed with the help of a water bath. Maintain them, as a rule, for 15-20 minutes.
to contents ↑Important! The action of masks can be diverse: nourishing, cleansing, moisturizing, softening, etc. When choosing a mask, it is worth considering the type of skin and its features.
Types of skin
To choose the right cosmetics, you need to know your skin type exactly. Various classifications can be found, but in fact they are all based on four basic types. To determine your own, it is enough to know the main signs of each of them and compare them with your skin.
Oily skin: the main symptoms
- The skin is rough and dense in appearance.
- Enlarged pores.
- Characteristic oily sheen throughout the face.
- The frequent appearance of blackheads and black dots, which is caused by clogging of pores.
Important! In adolescence, such skin causes a lot of problems, but over the years it normalizes and by itself is no longer prone to the formation of facial wrinkles. But this does not mean that special skin care is not needed - it is he who will help maintain such valuable properties.
Dry skin: the main symptoms
- The skin looks soft and thin.
- The pores are almost imperceptible.
- There is no greasy shine, on the contrary, a beautiful matte shade.
- There is a periodic feeling of dryness and tension, peeling.
Important! At an early age, this type of skin does not cause any trouble. But for about 30 years, problems begin in the form of severe dryness and the rapid appearance of facial wrinkles. Such skin ages quickly, so you need to establish proper skin care in advance.
Normal skin: basic symptoms
- The density of the skin is normal, it looks dull.
- Pores are slightly noticeable only in the central part of the face.
- Normal fat, a slight shine of the skin is characteristic only in the forehead, nose and chin.
- The skin does not react at all to changing weather, seasons, hormonal moods.
Important! Normal skin is very rare. It does not cause problems both at a young age and at a later date. The process of aging is gradual.
Combination or mixed skin: the main symptoms
- This type of skin combines dry and oily areas.
- In the zone of the forehead, chin and nose (T-zone), the pores are enlarged, in the remaining parts of the face they are invisible.
- Fat gloss is characteristic only of the T-zone.
- Black dots and blackheads appear periodically. Especially before the critical days when hormonal changes in the body occur.
to contents ↑Important! This type of skin is most common. It can be problematic in adolescence. Its advantage is resistance to premature aging.
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Each skin type has its drawbacks and is good in its own way. Do not complain about your skin, you just need to properly care for it. Use all the recommendations and advice from this article, choose the appropriate makeup for yourself, smile in the face of the problems and then you will really be beautiful and unique.
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