Proper lip care

Women's lips always attract men's looks, but cracked, weathered skin can never cause admiration. Not all representatives of the fair sex were endowed by nature with plump and bright lips, but with a little effort, you can achieve an excellent result on your own, without even asking plastic surgeons for help. How to properly care for your lips, what exercises and masks to do - this is what this article will discuss.
to contents ↑Reasons for the loss of attractiveness
Each girl wants to know the reasons that can ruin the beauty of her lips. The most common are the following:
- Bad habits, for example, smoking. During stressful situations, many girls begin to bite their nails or lips. As a result, microscopic cracks appear on the surface of the skin of the lips, through which microbes enter the body. This can trigger the onset of inflammation.
- Even with severe dry lips, in no case can they be licked, otherwise - they will begin to crack and peel even more. The best option would be to use a cream or lipstick.
- Cold wind or frost contribute to the appearance of cracks on the lips. Therefore, it is very useful to lubricate them with honey, which well refreshes, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
When caring for lips at home, the regular use of cosmetics has a positive effect on their general condition. They wonderful moisturize and nourish. For this purpose, you can apply cosmetics that are designed for the skin around the eyes, since the skin in this area is very thin and delicate. Modern creams can not only quickly eliminate bags and dark circles under the eyes, but also effectively remove visible lip defects.
Important! To avoid excessive dryness of the lips, to cure the cracks that appear, it is advisable to use special oil solutions of vitamins A and E. Approximately 30 minutes before leaving the house, apply the solution, and then remove the remaining product with a clean cloth.
For lip care at home, pay attention to the following:
- No girl can do without hygienic lipstick, the composition of which contains various caring substances, remarkably nourishing and moisturizing.
- It is recommended to use different creams, scrubs, balms and serums, which contain caring substances. For example, shea butter can help save lip skin from dehydration.
- Sea buckthorn oil, which has a powerful healing effect, is also very useful.
- It is advisable to use cosmetics containing collagen, because it helps to prevent the onset of premature aging of delicate skin.
- It is worth stopping your choice on products that contain peptides, due to which the skin becomes more elastic, soft, soft and velvety.
- Hyaluronic acid helps retain life-giving moisture inside the lips.
to contents ↑Important! It is advisable to use caring cosmetics in the evening, as some creams must be kept on the lips for at least 30 minutes, then rinse with water. Before using any product, you should carefully read the instructions for it.
Massage for improving blood circulation in the lips
Massage is very important when taking care of lips at home, because thanks to it, blood circulation improves, therefore, lips acquire a more vibrant and bright color:
- To achieve a good effect, massage can be done independently and at home - within a few minutes, light tapping movements are made.
- A good effect is given by massage using a toothbrush. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise - you can get the exact opposite result.
- Also for massage can be used specially designed massagers.
to contents ↑Important! After the massage is completed, moisturize the skin of the lips with hygienic lipstick. Cream or even regular vegetable oil can be used, which is applied with a clean cotton pad.
Lip exercises
You can achieve good results when taking care of your lips with the help of simple exercises that should be performed regularly:
- Pull your lips into a tube, then blow and relax them. This exercise is performed at least five times.
- Perform motions with your lower jaw, while moving your lips left and right with it. You need to do 10 repetitions in both directions.
- Take a deep breath and puff out full cheeks. Next, do as slow as possible, and then exhale quickly. Perform at least 10 repetitions.
- Pull your lips forward as much as possible, then make them move: first up, then down. 6 repetitions should be done.
Daily lip care
For the beauty of the lips, it is advisable to perform such simple procedures daily:
- Before going to bed, it is useful to apply olive, sunflower or castor oil to the skin of the lips. The usual hygienic lipstick is also suitable, so that the skin is moisturized.
- If unaesthetic red spots have appeared on the lips, then to remove them, you can prepare such a tool: 1 tablespoon of flaxseed is poured with a glass of boiling water, the mass is boiled over low heat until it becomes a porridge. The mixture is then left to cool and then applied to the lips.
- In order to soften the skin of the lips, egg-glycerin ointment can be used. It is prepared as follows: 1 teaspoon of boric acid is mixed with a tablespoon of glycerin and one egg yolk.
Important! It is also useful to wipe your lips with fresh cucumber juice throughout the day.
- To eliminate the problem of peeling of the skin of the lips, you should use such a tool: mix 5 g of cocoa powder and 10 g of sunflower oil. Warm the resulting mixture a little, pour into a porcelain bowl and leave to solidify. This ointment must be applied before bedtime or before going out.
- Painful cracks on the lips are eliminated with a homemade ointment: 10 g of petroleum jelly, 2 g of boric acid, 8 g of lanolin are mixed.
Lip masks
With the constant use of masks for lip care, they become elastic, delicate, their beautiful and bright color returns. Masks prepared at home will be a great alternative to purchased cosmetics, which may not always give the desired result.
Important! Before proceeding to the procedures for lip care at home, all cosmetics are completely eliminated.
The most effective of the tested are the following:
- To smooth the skin and give it shine, you can apply the following mask: 1 tablespoon of fresh carrot juice is mixed with the same amount of sour cream. The mask is applied, after 7 minutes washing off with slightly warm water.
- Against the problem of peeling and increased dryness, it is advisable to regularly use such a remedy: honey, cottage cheese, sour cream, carrot and cucumber juice are mixed. After applying this mask, it is recommended to apply a small amount of olive oil.
- Heals cracks and softens such a composition: grated apple and butter mixed in equal proportions. The lips are lubricated with a ready-made product, and after half an hour it is washed off with a cotton pad or warm water.
- A wonderful mixture of honey (5 g) and lard (0.5 tbsp) nourishes and cares for the skin. Fat should be melted in advance on a steam bath.
to contents ↑Important! With the onset of cold weather and before leaving the house for the skin of the lips, special care is necessary. Be sure to use moisturizing and protective lipsticks, and it is better to completely abandon lip glosses before spring, as they contribute to dehydration of the skin and can cause severe peeling.
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The most important thing is to remember that lips, like other parts of the body, need regular care.
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