Press for squeezing oil at home

Using a press for squeezing oil at home, you can get the required amount of this product. It will be much more natural than those oils that are on store shelves. Someone needs a simple device for home use, while others want to set up a whole production of sunflower or olive oil. Each of them needs appropriate equipment. We will deal with all these nuances in this article.
to contents ↑Homemade butter production
To begin with, we’ll talk a bit about how you can make oilers to get sunflower or olive oil yourself, which features are there:
- Mini squeezers for squeezing make it possible to make oil that will be suitable for use for two years. The device can be assembled by yourself or purchased for domestic use.
Important! Homemade oilers are designed to produce products from olives, sunflowers, nuts and seeds. It all depends on what kind of oil you want to get.
- The easiest way to make a do-it-yourself press is to adapt a mechanical press. Previously, they sold a hand press, with which squeezed juice from apples and grapes. To get olive oil, you don’t even need to change nozzles. The clip changes to a device of increased power - this will make it possible to use the apparatus as a press for squeezing olive or sunflower oil.
- If it did not work out to buy a manual press for pressing, then the device can be made independently, using improvised means. The use of a worm screw is provided for in a makeshift press. Indicators of the generated pressure will depend on what power the risers of the beam will have, as well as what diameter the worm nut will have. It is advisable to make a beam with a margin of power. The best option would be an oak mechanism.
Important! If you cannot assemble the oak unit, then you can use a metal structure. Find out exactly how to assemble pres with your own hands from our master class:Press for apples with your own hands.
- The design provides for a cylinder without a bottom. It is made from part of the barrel. From below it is desirable to strengthen the structure with an additional metal hoop. The main thing is that the material is completely dry and made of hardwood. An ideal solution would be an oak cylinder.
- Peeling rollers of a spin are two replaceable rollers which rotate due to gears. Gears are fixed on metal racks, and buckets are attached to them - lower and upper. There should also be a rocker arm or handle for rotation.
to contents ↑Important! All this is assembled from scrap metal. Only the rollers are made of wood and sheathed with a grater.
How does he work?
Having a ready-made pressing press with interchangeable nozzles, you can begin to make olive or sunflower oil with your own hands:
- Pour a seed into the bucket.
- Using the handle, set in motion a mechanism that acts on the seeds with a grater.
- Seeds should be in the gap between the rollers, due to which the process of peeling will occur.
- Husk and cores will be in the lower bucket.
- Collect the mixture and sift.
- Change the roller nozzles to smooth spin devices.
- Place the mixture in the upper bucket again on the roll.
- In order to disengage the gear, move the corresponding lever to the second position. Now it should freely rotate in the direction of the second gear, pressing the seeds and squeezing them.
- As a result of rolling, a porridge mass will form, which is then sent to the compact.
The output percentage of finished products as a result is not as high as on specialized equipment. This is due to the fact that the nozzles of a home oiler operate with little pressure. This can be fixed with an electric motor or hydraulic press.
to contents ↑Important! The main advantage is that at the minimum cost for the construction of an oiler, you will receive a high-quality natural product by pressing.
Spin Methods
Before you choose a press for squeezing oil with your own hands, you need to decide what type of product you are focusing on. There are two methods for producing this fluid:
- Hot pressed oil. Before pressing, the porridge mass warms up to a temperature of 110 degrees. Then the screw mechanism presses the raw materials. The end result of hot pressing has the taste of fried seeds.
Important! This oil has a darker color, amazing aroma and attractive color.
- Cold pressed oil. Such products are considered more useful, since during heating the useful properties and some components of the raw material are not lost. The essence of such pressing is the absence of a process for heating the raw material. During cold pressing, the liquid retains all the vitamins and nutrients, but the shelf life will be lower.
to contents ↑Important! Over time, cold-pressed oil darkens and begins to bitter. In addition, this product has a number of interesting features, read more about them in our materials:
Stock footage
It is not difficult to get oil using a do-it-yourself press machine at home. To do this, you can purchase factory equipment or build a device yourself, focused on the manufacture of a hot or cold pressed product. What to give preference to depends on the volumes of the final product you need and how much money you are willing to invest in it.