DIY do-it-yourself bowls made of fabric with patterns

Tools at hand, such as oven mitts, are needed in every kitchen. With their help, it is convenient to remove hot pots or pans from a stove or baking sheet from the oven. Such practical devices can be easily and simply made from the remains of materials by any beginner needlewoman. And if you choose fabrics to match the color of the kitchen and beautifully decorate, then from simple helpers they will become the subject of decor and admiration for all your friends. Let's figure out how to make do-it-yourself butterfly potholders from fabric. With patterns what to do - where to get them, what materials are best applied, we will talk about all this in this article.

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Preparatory stage

First of all, it is necessary to select the materials from which we will make patterns of our butterfly tack. For these purposes, it is best to take natural fabrics, such as cotton, as they absorb moisture well, are convenient and easy to care for, process, and hypoallergenic.

Important! For reliability, it is best to wash, dry, iron the material first. After all these manipulations, you can proceed directly to the pattern.

Choose a color to your liking, preferably in accordance with the tones of your kitchen.

Important! For a layer you need a synthetic winterizer or batting. For decoration, you can use felt or other colored material at your discretion. All parts of the future tack must be properly smoothed out with a hot iron so that there are no irregularities.

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Sew a bow tie

So, how to sew a butterfly tack with your own hands?

  • Download the pattern, print it.
  • According to the pattern, make 2 parts for the body of the “insect” and 4 smaller parts for the wings.
  • Make 2 large and 2 small parts from synthetic winterizer.
  • Duplicate the outer part of the wing with a synthetic winterizer, fold the parts with the front side inward, sew together on the inside of the wing.

Important! Make several cuts along the bend line so that the wings do not puff.

  • Duplicate each of the parts of the base with glue or a simple synthetic winterizer.

Important! If the synthetic winterizer is thin, then make two layers.

  • Fold all the elements face inward.
  • Cut two small pieces of mustache tape, pin them and stitch them.
  • At the base of the wings make small cuts, turn the product.

Important! You can decorate the wings of your butterfly, as you wish. You can cut out the application of felt, sew buttons, beads, rhinestones, other tinsel.

  • Now you need to connect all the parts together. This is done using a slanting inlay.
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Butterfly potholders can be different in thickness, shape, colors, design. It all depends on your taste, imagination, desires. So go for it - complement your kitchen with cute and practical things that will create the very unique home atmosphere of your family.


