Cleaning the sewer in a private house

Even the most advanced device of any plumbing line requires constant care and maintenance. But even with this approach, no matter how carefully the owner of the house cares for the bathroom, sooner or later you will have to face a sewage blockage. This household troubles are usually handled with their own hands, without causing plumbing. What methods are available to every person if you need to clean the sewer in a private house? We will deal with this problem in this article.

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How to understand that a blockage has occurred?

The following facts indicate a decrease in pipe throughput:

  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor in the bathroom or sink in the kitchen;
  • Water flows into the drain at a reduced rate;
  • If you turn on any source of water, its level rises under the drain grate of the sewer drain.

All this suggests that you need to clean the sewer in a private house.

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Where do blockages occur?

There is a direct relationship between the frequency of blockages and the use of the sewer system. Most often clogged:

  • The area under the sink in the kitchen, since the pipes here are covered with grease inside, to which, in turn, trash sticks.

Important! In a kitchen sink, you need to use a strainer filter to drain. Thus, garbage will not enter the sewers and the risk of clogging will be significantly reduced.

  • Pipe from the bathroom, because there often form garbage jams from the hair.
  • A clogged toilet drain occurs when a rag, diaper, construction debris, or plastic bag gets into it.
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How to clean the sewer?

Of course, if there is no experience in carrying out such work, it is better to contact specialists. And for those who are not afraid of such a thing, we will tell you how to clean the sewers in a private house with your own hands.

Self cleaning

This method is used if the pipes are clogged due to the layer of fat in them. A bucket of boiling water poured into the drain hole is enough. Most often, the blockage after this will be eliminated.


If self-cleaning was not effective, you can use a plunger - the safest and easiest to use tool. It’s easy to work:

  1. The bowl of the plunger must completely cover the drain hole. Air should not fall under it, and if it passes, then in a minimal amount.
  2. We fill the bath or sink with water. It should be above the level of the plunger bowl.
  3. It is necessary to ensure that water does not leak under the plunger.
  4. Then sharp vertical movements (jerks) are performed. They need to be done at least ten. The handle is tilted.
  5. The plunger is quickly taken out of the water.

Important! If the water leaves freely, the treatment was successful. If you failed on the first try, the procedure repeats.

Soda and Vinegar

The most important thing in this method is the preparation of the solution. You need to cook it in the pipe itself in this way:

  1. Baking soda is poured into the pipe - half a glass, then vinegar is added in the same amount.
  2. The drain then closes with a cork for a couple of hours.
  3. The cork is removed, boiling water is poured. Due to this, the sediment that formed vinegar and soda is removed.elektromehanicheskaya-prochistka-trub4


A lot of special cleaning products are available. They need to be selected taking into account the material from which the pipes are made.

Important! Any chemical agent has a strong effect on the respiratory tract, so use them carefully.The room must be aired, people need to be isolated.

Before using the tool, you need to carefully study the instructions and follow all its points.

Important! Please note that the chemical cleaners of sewage pipes are based on acid and alkaline liquids. It is strictly forbidden to mix two cleaners with different compositions, as the reaction may be uncontrolled.


If all of the above methods were not successful, cleaning the sewer in a private house can be performed using a cable. It can also be replaced by a spiral or a special machine.

How to act:

  1. The end of the cable is pushed into the drain hole.
  2. It must be carefully moved inward, while smoothly turning clockwise or counterclockwise.
  3. When the cable reaches the blockage, you need to pull it back a bit and try to destroy the cork by making sudden movements.
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Blockage prevention

So that the pipes do not become clogged and cleaning the sewage system in a private house is not required very often, you just need to follow some simple rules:

  • No food waste or fatty foods should be thrown into a sink or sink;
  • Once every two weeks pour boiling water into the drain to remove fat deposits;
  • Once every couple of months, you should use special chemicals.

All types of pipes have their own characteristics.

Plastic pipes

In pipes made of such material, blockages are much less common. This is due to the smooth surface of their inner walls.

Important! Despite the fact that dirt does not linger on the walls of plastic pipes, a plug may form from it on a bend or bend.

What sewage cleaning methods are suitable for this type of pipe:

  • To clean pipes from such a material, it is better to use saline or alkaline products that will not damage the plastic.
  • Soda and vinegar, hot water and plunger are also used.
  • If these tools were ineffective, the drain is disassembled, garbage is removed from the siphon and bends, and then a cable is used.

Important! The cable must be used very carefully, since PVC can be accidentally damaged.

Cast iron pipes

Chemicals are not used for old cast-iron sewers, since the blockage is exacerbated by leakage. You will have to use standard tools:

  • Plunger - for a washbasin, sink or sink;
  • Soda and vinegar;
  • Cable.

Fat removal

Alkaline or surfactants are used to remove oily deposits on the inner walls. In addition, you can use the means at hand:

  • Soda;
  • Grated laundry soap;
  • Washing powder.

Important! If the product is purchased in a store, it must be used strictly according to the instructions.

The product is poured into the sink, and then boiled water is poured in large quantities there. The best fight against fat is prevention.

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Thanks to the article, you learned that a clogged sewer, although it is an unpleasant thing, but all of it can be eliminated on your own. For those who are not entirely sure of them, it is better to turn to professionals who will solve the problem quickly and effectively for help.

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