Upholstery manufacturers

Upholstered furniture occupies about 15% of the total furniture market, and its production is very attractive for small and medium-sized businesses. Manufacturers of upholstered furniture try to use all the latest technologies and modern materials to satisfy any whims and fantasies of customers, creating sets or separate sofas, chairs, couches, pouffes and more. Some manufacturers of upholstered furniture work for their company salons, and some conclude contracts and sell their exclusive products to a variety of retail chains.

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What is the reason for the popularity of furniture manufacturing?

The production of soft furnishings is one of the profitable areas of business, of course, if its further sale is envisaged. Consider the attractiveness of this niche for medium and small businesses.

Advantages of private production of upholstered furniture:

  • The manufacture of such soft furnishings is increasingly taking the form of custom-made production. It is difficult to compete with small and medium-sized businesses with large enterprises that produce cabinet furniture and solid wood products, and for the production of small batches (sofas, armchairs) it is quite realistic (in terms of business profitability, not volume).
  • Since most of the work on the manufacture of soft furnishings is done manually, manufacturers of upholstered furniture do not need to purchase expensive equipment.
  • A business with small volumes adapts more flexibly to any fashion trends and consumer tastes. If a factory needs about 3 months to re-equip and reconfigure a new model, then a small business can reorient within a few days. In addition, using exotic colors, various wood materials and upholstery, an experienced manufacturer of upholstered furniture can build its exclusive profitable business with the prospect of further expansion.
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Upholstered furniture market analysis

watermarked - 15400-38None of the standards or regulatory and technical documentation of the term “upholstered furniture” is not. There is furniture designed for sitting and lying. It includes:

  • Sofa.
  • Chair
  • Armchair.
  • Couch.
  • Couch.
  • Corner sofas.
  • Chaise lounge.
  • Sofa.
  • Banquette

The above items of interior can be both with hard and soft seats, for example, a sofa or chair. And all this falls into the category of “furniture for lying and sitting”. But the unrecognized, but well-known variety - “upholstered furniture” includes items with soft elements, for example, with pillows, various fillers, springs, etc.

Important! According to estimates of consumer demand, well-to-do buyers purchase new armchairs and sofas at least once every 3-4 years, however, 60% of the entire domestic soft furnishings market falls on mid-range products, and only 13% on premium-class items. This is due to the fact that buyers of the most expensive furniture prefer only branded imported products.

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Trends in the modern market of upholstered furniture

Consider the main trends of today's furniture market to understand why manufacturers of upholstered furniture of small companies have a fairly solid and stable profit.

Trend No. 1

Most private entrepreneurs work on individual orders, and on-line production is gradually losing its market sector. The buyer is not interested in the product that can be found in every second and third specialized store.

Today, originality, exclusivity of design plays a leading role, which even sometimes surpasses some operational technical properties of interior items. For example: an exclusive, original, white soft furnishings or a sofa with original silk upholstery.

Trend No. 2

For the successful operation of the production of a soft interior item, very large working capital is needed at a relatively low cost of the production equipment itself. Working capital is necessary for the purchase, as well as storage of a large assortment of fabric, upholstery material, necessary for the quick execution of individual orders. All this happens because it is not always possible to quickly withdraw money from circulation, because the funds are mainly invested in finished products for the “off season” period.

Trend No. 3

Sales through the store show that of the thousands of units for sale, about 200-250 are sold. The sale of goods is mainly carried out in the region in which the production workshop is located, because delivery to remote regions is expensive, and most of the furniture products (mainly sofas) cannot be transported disassembled.

Trend No. 4

watermarked - ba28ad2d7f1625a804b63180ae1beff4.image.550x550Domestic consumers traditionally prefer interior items with transforming mechanisms. The most popular models among sofas are the eurobook and dolphin. In the West, the trend is absolutely the opposite - sofas for the living room are popular there, which do not fold out.

Important! Adapting to all these fashion trends and daily changing tastes of consumers are more affordable for upholstered furniture manufacturers of small companies. In this case, manufacturing is carried out under the order, which means that the finished structures and materials will not stagnate and lose their relevance.

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What should I look for when buying furniture?

You can buy a sofa, armchair or other soft home decoration both in a regular salon and in an online store. In any case, before buying, weigh the pros and cons, compare prices from different manufacturers and set priorities for yourself: what is most important to you.

It can be:

  • Price.
  • Model, appearance.
  • The quality of the decor itself, as well as its details.
  • Compactness.
  • The possibility of its transformation.
  • Comfortability
  • Harmony with the interior of the house.
  • Manufacturer of upholstered furniture.

The main thing - do not buy interior items at spontaneous points of sale. Clandestine manufacturers of upholstered furniture often use the cheapest, low-quality upholstery fabric, which can cause an allergic reaction or use low-quality fillers that sag and deform within a month after purchase.

Important! If comfortable atmosphere is your main priority, then look for companies that produce soft interior items and have professional orthopedists in their staff.

It is worth mentioning another manufacturing category - custom-made furniture. You can call a measurer and designer to the house through a salon or manufacturer, who will develop a project suitable for you.

There are several advantages to purchasing a custom environment:

  • Design exclusivity. The production environment is fully focused on your imagination.
  • Sofas and armchairs fit perfectly into your interior.
  • The cost of furnishings is calculated individually.
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Examples of Russian manufacturing companies

Among the manufacturers of soft furnishings, the following companies can be distinguished:

  • MDM Victoria. Engaged in the production of upholstered, as well as cabinet furniture to order.
  • LLC "Kachim". Produces soft furnishings of premium and high-end leather and fabric.Fulfills orders for individual sizes. All items are made according to Italian technology, from materials made in the same country.
  • LLC Mirella. He makes soft interior items in his own factory.
  • Furniture factory “Cozy House”. For more than 5 years, produces upholstered furniture of high quality at low prices.
  • Furniture factory “Chryser”. It produces an inexpensive, but high-quality environment of the middle and economy class.
  • Furniture Atelier “Austinets”. Engaged in the production and sale of headsets from an array of valuable wood species. He makes custom-made furnishings for both home and summer cottage, office.
  • LLC “Mebel Diva”. Offers services for the manufacture and delivery of upholstered furniture. It produces Eurobook sofas, accordions, dolphins, as well as sofas on metal frames, including round sofa beds.
  • “Crazy Furniture” offers a design but affordable decor. For example, chairs in the form of women's shoes (a la Louboutin) or sofa lips.
  • “Kreslo-cotton”. Atelier frameless furnishings made from 100% cotton. Creates comfortable alternative furniture in the form of bean bags. All products are made according to our own developed drawings.
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We hope that you have received the necessary information not only about the manufacturers, but also have chosen the right company for yourself. So - in your home will always reign comfort and coziness.

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