Sewerage flushing

- Why are pipes overgrown?
- Why is clogging dangerous?
- Where do blockages occur?
- How to rinse the pipes?
- Machines for outdoor sewage
- Machines for domestic sewage
- Pipe flushing
- Pluses of hydrodynamic cleaning
- How often do you need to wash the pipes?
- Other ways to deal with blockages
- Home remedies
- Lesser known methods
- Stock footage
Sewer pipes are designed to pass large volumes of water. Small objects should not linger in the pipeline, and dirt should not stick to its walls. However, blockages and blockages occur all the time, especially where builders were not conscientious enough. Flushing the sewage system is not too pleasant, but affordable for everyone. How it is carried out will be discussed in the article.
to contents ↑Why are pipes overgrown?
Simple blockages were encountered by everyone who had ever lived in a house with a toilet, bathtub or kitchen sink. The reason may be a rag, a toy - yes anything. But it happens that nobody seems to have thrown anything into the toilet, there is a net in the opening of the kitchen sink that delays even not very large scraps, and the water stops leaving on one not-so-pleasant day. What would it mean and is an urgent need to flush the sewer?
Most likely, an unexpected problem indicates that the sewer pipes are overgrown. This happens, and it does not always depend on the residents. The reasons may be:
- construction defects;
- violations in the hydraulic sewage system;
- lack of regular pipe maintenance;
- stuck different items.
Tilt angle
Sewer pipes (as well as any others) should be located at a certain angle. If the angles are not respected, the dirty water does not leave at the speed with which it is needed. Accordingly, there are more pollutants on the walls of the pipes than the designers planned, and the pipes are gradually overgrowing.
Hydraulic disturbances
Other design flaws may also be the cause - an improperly made hydraulic system. The flow of water is broken, through the nodes and siphons does not pass that should not be delayed, and in the end there is a backwater.
Foreign objects
Even in a perfectly built house, the sewage system must be serviced regularly. This is usually done by a utility company. Residents pay a fee for the maintenance of communications, and plumbers should take care of the rest. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
The only reason that most often depends on the residents themselves is the ingress of the most unexpected objects into the pipes, from a toy submarine to a torn old carpet or scraps of a fur coat. This must be avoided in every possible way, otherwise - the trouble will be in the whole house. Regular flushing of sewer pipes is not a luxury at all.
to contents ↑Why is clogging dangerous?
If you do not pay any attention to the sewer pipes, over time they are completely filled with all kinds of hardly soluble deposits. This happens because even the most accurate tenants lower fats and other substances into the sewers, which first form a coating on the walls of the pipes, and then a more or less dense layer.
The layer grows, the hole becomes smaller, and the moment comes when it disappears completely. This will lead to extremely unpleasant consequences, and the inability to use the plumbing and toilet for some time is the least evil that can be expected. It is much worse that:
- The pipes begin to rot, as well as their contents.
- Hazardous gases are released during the process, which can lead to mass poisoning or explosion.
Therefore, even minor blockages need to be eliminated in a timely manner - and for this there is a pipe flushing.
to contents ↑Where do blockages occur?
With poor house care, the pipe can overgrow anywhere. But there are some areas where blockages occur most often, and they should be treated with particular care:
- pipes adjacent to the outlet of the sink and bath;
- toilet outlet;
- areas with a small slope.
It is on them and pay attention that flushing the sewer does not take you too much time.
to contents ↑How to rinse the pipes?
Sewerage service is its periodic flushing. Otherwise, very soon it will be necessary to dismantle the pipes and replace them with new ones, and this is a much more expensive and complicated procedure than flushing. And you just can’t do the replacement of pipes yourself.
Preventive flushing, as well as eliminating backwater, is done using a special hydrodynamic machine. Such machines are of two types:
- on trucks;
- portable.
Machines for outdoor sewage
Hydrodynamic machines, which are put on trucks, usually serve one purpose - flushing the external sewage system, that is, pipes that pass between the inspection wells and the central channel. They are cleaned sequentially and washed under high pressure, and the spent liquid is removed using a pump.
to contents ↑Important! Often, one machine is not enough for this, then two work simultaneously: one cleans, the other pumps out. Such pipes have a large diameter, respectively - more deposits are also formed.
Machines for domestic sewage
Internal sewers are pipes that run from sinks and toilets to the first compartment of a sewer well. They are cleaned with water or using chemical reagents, especially when it is necessary to remove serious fatty deposits. Portable hydrodynamic machine allows you to do this.
It flushes any house networks:
- sewer;
- hot water supply;
- cold water supply;
- drainpipes;
- storm sewage drains.
Important! The device successfully copes with flushing pipes from 20 mm to 200 mm.
Where is such a system applied?
Such units are transported in cars. They are used not only in residential buildings, but also in many organizations:
- schools;
- hospitals
- sanatoriums;
- catering facilities.
Important! The use of such machines allows you to free pipes from a variety of pollutants:
- sludge;
- sand;
- scale;
- sludge ;;
- fuel oil;
- solid inclusions;
- residues of concrete and grout after repairs;
- ice plugs if the pipes had time to freeze.
The main components of a hydrodynamic machine
On sale you can find hydrodynamic sewage machines from a variety of manufacturers and at different prices. Options may vary, but there are some elements that are in any model:
- engine;
- pump;
- container for water;
- hoses;
- hose reels:
- nozzles.
In addition, the kit may include:
- high pressure gun;
- tools for processing nozzles;
- frame for transportation;
- Filters
- pressure regulators;
- case.
The engine and pump, even in small units, are very powerful. And the main working tool is the nozzle. They have different sizes. The use of a particular tip depends on:
- pipe diameter;
- the nature of the blockage;
- degree of overgrowing.
to contents ↑Important! There are special elements that allow you to flush bent pipes, remove grease, bottom sediments. The unit can be equipped with a turbo or jet nozzle. Each such element has several holes that “look” in different directions and are located at different angles - from 15 to 45 ° to the center line.
Pipe flushing
The procedure is as follows.
- The machine is plugged in.
- The hose drops into the well.
- The worker presses the pedal or button (depending on the design).
- The pump pumps water into the hose under high pressure.
- There is a jet thrust that forces the nozzle to move forward along the pipe.
- If necessary, unwind the hose.
- After washing, the hose is reeled up - for this, the drum drive is turned on.
to contents ↑Important! A suitable nozzle is put on the hose. Through it, water is supplied into the pipe under very high pressure - up to 300 atmospheres. No blockage can withstand such pressure.
Pluses of hydrodynamic cleaning
Despite the fact that there are several ways to deal with blockages and overgrowths, hydrodynamic flushing of sewers has great advantages:
- qualitatively - there will be no pollution;
- quickly;
- clean - dust and dirt are not formed;
- softly - the pipes remain intact;
- all areas are washed, even hard-to-reach ones;
- outdoor temperature does not matter;
- the ability of the sewage system to clean itself is restored.
How often do you need to wash the pipes?
If there are no “emergency indicators”, it is enough to clean the pipes with a hydrodynamic machine a couple of times a year. Is it expensive? Some might think that the price of the issue is too high. However, replacing pipes will cost much more.
to contents ↑Important! Flushing pipes is not necessary. You can contact the utility service serving the house, or hire a team. You can rent or buy a car, it will pay off pretty quickly.
Other ways to deal with blockages
A hydrodynamic machine is an effective tool, but it is rarely used in everyday life. If you don’t need to completely flush the pipes, and we are talking about the most common blockages, a few simple things will help you cope with the situation. But for a start - two words about what are the ways to eliminate blockages:
- hydraulic;
- hydrodynamic;
- chemical;
- mechanical.
Hydraulic way
This is nothing more than a rinse with water. This method is effective when it comes to the newly formed blockage:
- If the pipes are clogged under the bathtub or under the sink, turn on the hot water.
- If a toilet is clogged, try flushing it with a regular flush.
At first, perhaps water will accumulate. It is necessary to wait a bit until the water leaves, and repeat the procedure. Very often two or three times is enough.
Important! The toilet is cleaned only with cold or slightly warm water - hot can cause leaks and damage to the enamel.
Hydrodynamic method
In this case, the plunger is the hydrodynamic machine. A little water is collected in the toilet, bath or sink (not higher than the rubber tip of the plunger). Then they act in this way:
- Place the plunger on the drain hole.
- Press it firmly.
- Pull and press firmly several times, but so that the edges of the tip do not come off the sink or toilet.
Your efforts make the water in the pipes move back and forth - in the end, the accumulation of solids will go away.
Chemical way
You can remove the blockage with the help of chemicals that dissolve fats.
Important! The action of reagents is based on the fact that they form aggressive compounds with water, which dissolve pollutants.
The most popular chemicals that can be bought at any hardware store:
- "Mole";
- "Tireth";
- "Mister Muscle";
- “Domestos”;
- “Floop”;
- "Rowdy".
Before you pour the product into the toilet or sink, do not forget to read the instructions. As a rule, the application principle is the same:
- First you need to free the sink from what is in it.
- Then wait until the accumulated water comes out (or drain it manually).
- Then the product is poured into the pipe and for several hours they do not use the plumbing device.
Important! Work with chemicals in gloves, because these substances corrode the skin.
Mechanical way
For the mechanical method, a special steel cable is used. It can be with a handle, but is used in this way:
- Remove the siphon.
- Insert one end of the cable into the pipe, push inward as far as possible.
- Continue pushing the cable by turning the handle or its other end.
- When the cable reaches the cork, continue to rotate.
- Proceed until the blockage disappears.
- Check if the blockage is really removed by pouring a few liters of water into the pipe.
- If water passes, rinse the siphon and mount it again.
Home remedies
You can try to deal with clogging with home remedies. These include:
- baking soda;
- vinegar;
- salt;
- any strong acid;
- alkali.
Option 1
Pour 1 cup of soda into the drain. Do not use the plumbing device for several hours - it is best to carry out the operation at night. Flush the pipe with water.
Option 2
This method requires 0.5 cups of soda and the same amount of vinegar. Pour both into the drain hole. The reaction will be very noticeable, but do not be alarmed, it should be so. But during the reaction, these substances simply wonderful clean pipes from plaque. Close the drain hole and wait a couple of hours, and then rinse with boiling water.
Option 3
For this recipe you will need the most common salt:
- Pour 0.5 cups of soda into the drain hole.
- Pour salt there - also 0, 5 cups.
- Pour boiling water over it all,
- Leave the sink alone overnight.
- Rinse the drain hole with water.
Option 4
Pour any strong acid or alkali into the drain hole. They can cope with body fat without difficulty.
to contents ↑Important! Be careful when installing plastic pipes - not every polymer can withstand such an aggressive environment.
Lesser known methods
There are other ways to clean pipes. They are less known, but no less effective:
- air gun;
- household pump with a hose;
- a vacuum cleaner.
How it all works:
- Air is pumped into the pneumatic gun, and then they “shoot” into the pipe - the blockage disappears. Thus, you can clean the pipe at a fairly large distance - up to 50 m.
- In the hardware store you will also find a household pipe cleaning machine. She is a pump with a hose. The diameter of the hose is 10 mm, it has a nozzle at one end, and a fitting for connecting at the other. The pump is connected to the network. The nozzle is inserted into the pipe, water is supplied, the pipe is flushed.
Important! This is the simplest hydrodynamic machine. On sale there are similar devices that work not from the network, but on gasoline or fuel oil. Designs are also diverse.
- Finally, the most ordinary vacuum cleaner can act as a hydrodynamic machine, if it has a reverse mode. Better if the unit is powerful enough. It must be equipped with a suitable diameter hose with a nozzle - and the hydrodynamic machine is ready.
Stock footage
Now you know everything about what can be cleaning and flushing in the sewer with blockages of any degree of complexity and any localization. We hope you managed to remove the cork from the pipe with minimal effort, and not by completely disassembling the pipeline line.
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