Do-it-yourself ottoman from plastic bottles

The plastic container that remains after various drinks is a wonderful material for the manufacture of various household items, including furniture. For example, you can make a very practical ottoman from plastic bottles with your own hands. Step by step the entire process for the manufacture of such furniture, we will describe in this article. A wonderful lightweight pouf, decorated with beautiful upholstery, will perfectly fit into a summer cottage setting. There will be a place for him in an ordinary apartment - in the hallway or in the nursery. Unnecessary recyclables will turn into a practical and beautiful piece of furniture. Getting to work!
to contents ↑Types of homemade poufs
Ottomans made of plastic bottles with their own hands vary in shape, size, manufacturing method and upholstery material, but the principles of assembly are always the same. First, decide on the shape of the product and its size. It is important to collect the right amount of material.
Important! You also need to know which container to use in this particular case. For example, if you planned to make a miniature product for a nursery, then it is best to use a 0.5 liter container.
Wash and dry the container thoroughly before starting work. To make the product durable, do this:
- Soak the vessels in the cold.
- Tightly tighten the covers and bring them into a warm room. The air expands, and the product becomes stronger.
Important! If the container is filled with pebbles or sand, the product will be stable.
As a material for a cover, you can use:
- Oilcloth.
- Skin.
- Leatherette.
- Textile.
Important! The knitted cover looks very nice. So if someone in the family knits - there is work!
The best filler that makes a banquet of plastic bottles do-it-yourself softer is foam rubber or synthetic winterizer (the latter option is preferable).
to contents ↑How to make a ottoman from plastic bottles?
You will need such materials for work:
- Suitable in shape and size for plastic containers.
- Paper tape with adhesive backing, adhesive tape.
- Stationery knife.
- Scissors.
- Glue.
- Thick cardboard.
- Upholstery material.
- Material for filler (synthetic winterizer or foam rubber).
- Needle, threads.
- Tape measure.
Round pouf
Such furniture will look great in the hallway.
Important! A correctly made thing can withstand a person weighing up to 60 kg.
The procedure is as follows:
- Measure from the cap ⅓ the height, glue the adhesive tape in a circle on each vessel.
- Cut off the neck of the containers, then push the top to the bottom.
- Insert an uncut container.
- Tape the joint tightly with tape.
- Do the same with all the bottles you have.
- Take 3 blanks, fasten them with adhesive tape “triangle”.
- Assemble the structure in a circle, carefully securing it.
- Attach thick cardboard to the side.
- Install and then fix on top a cotton, sinteponov or foam rubber circle.
- Fasten the filler to the side of the pouf.
- Sew and decorate the cover with decorative elements. It can be applique, embroidery or decorative pockets.
Rather, it turns out not a square, but a box. The manufacturing principle is similar to that already described, the difference is only in the connection method.
The order of the work to make a ottoman from plastic bottles is as follows:
- Connect 4 elements in a row.
- Attach 3 more similar ones to the resulting “chain”.The result will be a parallelepiped-shaped structure consisting of 16 elements.
- Take 16 plastic bottles, cut off the top with a cap.
- Put the cut blanks on containers that are fastened together.
- Secure the resulting structure with adhesive tape.
- Place the blank on cardboard, outline the base. On the resulting pattern, cut 2 parts.
- Using adhesive tape, glue the resulting cardboard parts in the upper and lower parts.
- Having measured the design, cut out the filler in size. Sheathe design.
- Cut and sew the cover in size. Turn out a cover, put it on a design.
- Cut and sew the bottom.
Poof from a cooler bottle
A feature of such a piece of furniture is its increased strength. To complete the ottoman in the hallway, you will need 2 bottles from the cooler. The assembly algorithm is as follows:
- At one of the containers cut off the neck where the widest part begins.
- Fill the vessel about a third with pebbles or sand.
- In the other vessel, cut off the bottom.
- Put one container on the neck of the other. Fasten the resulting “structure” with glue.
- Wrap the base of the future puff with soft material. Fasten the soft filler on top.
- Cut and sew a cover according to the size of the pouf. First, the side, then the base.
Stock footage
Thus, it is not difficult to make a ottoman from plastic bottles. Prepare materials and get to work! Even if something in the process does not go exactly as in the instructions, it's okay, because here you have a wide field for creativity. The only condition is that the finished furniture must be reliable and stable, and strive for this, and in what ways - is not fundamentally important!
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