A vacuum cleaner does not absorb dust well - what to do?

Every person who has a vacuum cleaner sooner or later is faced with the fact that the unit does not absorb well. However, you should not immediately throw out the device, as the reason may be superficial, and it will be very easy to eliminate it. Today we will analyze all the possible reasons why the vacuum cleaner does not absorb dust well, what to do in such a situation

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We diagnose a malfunction

Before thinking about repairing a vacuum cleaner that was broken at first glance, it is necessary to diagnose and find out the possible reasons why the vacuum cleaner does not absorb well.

To perform this action, you do not need special skills and do not need to be a true professional in repairing home appliances.

The initial causes of poor suction of the vacuum cleaner may be as follows:

  • a dust bag filled with more than necessary;
  • the filter is clogged;
  • the engine failed, as a result, components were damaged and the main functions do not work.
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Problems with the dust container

The most common problem that the vacuum cleaner heats up and does not absorb well is the problem with the dust bag. Among all breakdowns, this reason is found in more than 80%.

On modern models, there is an indicator of the contamination of the dust bag:

  • If the light is green, then the container is not full.
  • Red color indicates the need to clean the dust container.

Important! Older models of vacuum cleaners are not equipped with an indicator of the clogging of the dust bag, so cleaning must be done periodically, after one or two cleanings.

If your vacuum cleaner has a dust bag, it’s easy to clean:

  • Disposable paper bags should be discarded immediately after filling.
  • Reusable after cleaning from debris, rinse in soapy water and dry.

Important! Always keep the dust bag clean. Repeated use of paper bags, as well as untimely cleaning, will lead to more serious consequences. This could damage the motor or shorten its useful life.

Another common, and at the same time, simple reason why the vacuum cleaner does not absorb dust well is its low power. That is, you simply set the suction control to its minimum position. If you twist it and set it to the maximum, then the equipment will work again in normal condition.

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If you tried all of the above methods, and the vacuum cleaner is still poorly absorbed, then the cause of the breakdown may be in the filter. It can also be contaminated with dust and this reduces the suction power several times.

Modern models contain two filters:

  • HEPA;
  • for fine cleaning.

What to do with filters:

  • Fine filters do not require special skills and cleaning technologies. It is enough to rinse them with water and rinse in soapy water. After that it is worth to dry the filter.
  • Another component of this technique is the HEPA filter. It is worth changing after five hours of work. That is, if you have not changed it for a long time, then you should think about replacing it.
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Failure of other components

If you carried out the initial diagnosis and found that the dust collector and filters are normal, then you should think about the malfunction of other components - such as pipes and rods.They can simply get dirty.

The pipes are cleaned with soft and fine wire. For this:

  1. This component must be disconnected from the vacuum cleaner.
  2. Further - having thrust a metal cord inside, to clear a hose of pollution.

Important! If your vacuum cleaner does not suck well and the reason is hidden in the rod or pipe, then during cleaning you will hear a characteristic loud hum.

When cleaning your appliance, take five minutes to clean the brushes and roller. This will improve the condition of the equipment, cleaning will be more thorough and faster, and its service life will be longer.

We advise when deciding why the vacuum cleaner does not absorb dust, what to do in such a situation, pay attention to each component part.

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Engine failure

The biggest problem that can happen with such household appliances is engine failure. Diagnosing this flaw is very simple:

  • During operation, the unit becomes very hot with minimal suction.
  • It can also turn off periodically.

Repairing the motor yourself is not recommended. It’s better to give the unit to qualified service center employees.

Important! In some cases, it is not economically feasible to repair the engine. It is better to immediately buy a new unit.

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Stock footage

We have examined the most common cases why the vacuum cleaner does not absorb well. Watch your device and it will last you a very long time!

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