Sink and washing machine under one countertop

Washing machines are closely integrated into the life of modern people, but unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to comfortably place it in the already cramped space of the bathroom. One of the best solutions to this problem is a sink and a washing machine under one countertop. This arrangement of this technique not only saves space, but also looks quite aesthetically pleasing. Consider the various options for this arrangement of the apartment and the advantages, disadvantages of such a solution.

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Methods and their features

In the market, where there are a huge number of options for a variety of solutions for your bathroom, it is not so easy to choose something perfect. Therefore, before you go shopping, you need to accurately imagine which option will suit you more than others. All options can conditionally be divided into 3 groups. Let us consider in more detail each of them.

Solid tabletops

This case suggests that the countertop and sink are a single integral design. As a rule, they are made of glass or stone. A more economical material is artificial stone.

Important points:

  • The advantage of such a sink and a washing machine under one countertop is the lack of a place for the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria.
  • The disadvantage can be considered considerable financial costs when choosing and installing such a solution.

Option with mortise sink

This design lures the ease of installation compared to the previous version, and is more economical in financial terms. This option contains, as a rule, not only a washing machine but also shelves for small things.

Important! The disadvantage is the seams near the sink, which will collect moisture in themselves, which means that there is a risk of bacteria.

Overhead sink

This option is very original:

  • The advantage is the lack of a junction.
  • The downside is the high cost of this decision.
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How to fasten?

There are also classification of countertops according to the method of attachment. There are 3 main options - mounted, console and floor.

Mounted systems

When choosing this option, countertops should take into account the strength of the walls to which it will be attached using special brackets.

Important! The advantage of this option is the small size of the entire system.


This option is most common. It is a frame that is attached to the wall and floor. This allows you to remove the load from the walls, while taking up not much more space than the hinged countertops.


Such designs are a pedestal that is not attached to anything. This option is suitable for those who do not want to destroy the integrity of the walls and floor.

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Options for the execution of countertops

In addition to the design itself, a sink with a countertop above the washing machine also differs in the material of manufacture. There are even more options.

A rock

Stone countertops always look expensive and beautiful in any design. Its surface is durable, not amenable to the influence of detergents.

Important! This option has high wear resistance is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature and high humidity.


This embodiment is not very popular, as it requires careful care and careful handling.

Important! Glass does not always look good, because through the transparent surface you can see the whole structure under it.


Wood brings coziness and comfort to your bathroom. In the manufacture of such countertops, solid species of trees are used - oak, needles or yew. But the high cost, low wear resistance and reverent care for this type of material makes this option not popular.

Laminated chipboard and MDF

Particleboard and MDF are increasingly found in the manufacture of furniture for the home, in particular for bathrooms. This can be argued by the fact that such furniture looks beautiful and cozy. The execution of the form can be completely different and limited by the imagination of the owner. The cost does not exceed the cost of models of other material.

Modern water repellent coating makes it resistant to moisture.

Important! There is a drawback, with the slightest damage to the surface of such a material, it will most likely swell and begin to flake, which looks unaesthetic. So - soon such furniture will have to be replaced with new ones.



Such material looks optimal in the ratio of price and quality. An important factor is that it has many color schemes. The sink with a countertop above the acrylic washing machine looks original, has a very high moisture resistance. Just like MDF, it can be manufactured in any suitable form.

Important! When choosing a product from this material, it is very important to pay attention to the manufacturer. Give preference to trusted companies with good reviews, because the quality of the product also depends on the quality of the raw materials.

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What you should pay attention to?

When choosing a design such as a sink and a washing machine under the same countertop, do not neglect a number of rules:

  1. Choosing the most small-sized option, and, as a rule, these are hinged countertops, do not forget to check the strength of the walls and the structure itself. Otherwise, you risk finding it broken due to insufficient strength.
  2. When choosing a finished option in the store, throw a couple of centimeters on the measurements taken from the washing machine. This will help not only protect the machine from moisture during use, but also smooth out the inaccuracy of measurements, if any.
  3. Make sure your washing machine is suitable for installation under this design. Otherwise, you risk beating against the corners of the machine, which protrude from under the installed structure.
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Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other solution for placing furniture, the countertop above the washing machine in the bathroom has its advantages and disadvantages. Consider the most significant of them.


There are a number of advantages that this design provides:

  1. An additional work surface, which saves space on shelves and in the closet, which is especially true for small bathrooms.
  2. Masking pipes and other communications. The design allows you to hide everything under the countertop and not waste time cleaning everything under the screed or the floor.
  3. Aesthetic appeal. Such designs look very stylish and modern.
  4. Easy installation. All work of this option can easily be done by yourself, without the help of specialists.


  1. The most difficult to install this design is the installation of the sink. The non-standard form of the siphon requires time for its search.
  2. The drain device is the next drawback that stands out in this solution. Drain is more prone to clogging, therefore requires more attention on your part.
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Care Tips

Worktop care depends on the type of material it is made of:

  1. The stone worktop is cleaned with a cloth dampened in a special impregnation.
  2. Glass or acrylic surfaces are not recommended to be cleaned with abrasive products, hard washcloths.They scratch the surface. Glass cleaner and paper towels are best suited for cleaning.
  3. Wooden surfaces should be occasionally oiled.
  4. Worktops made of chipboard or MDF should always be wiped dry with a soft cloth.
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Let's talk a little about the installation of this type of furniture. It also has its small nuances:

  1. If there is a sewer pipe behind the washing machine, then the sink with the countertop should be wide enough.
  2. When installing, it is important to ensure that all wires are well insulated, that moisture does not get on them.
  3. Make sure that the edge protruding above the washing machine is wide enough to prevent water from entering the appliance.
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In this article, we examined the most popular option for arranging compact apartments - a countertop over a washing machine in the bathroom. We examined all the advantages and disadvantages of this solution. We hope you were able to make sure that this is the best option, and you were able to choose the right type of material and the system as a whole.


