Mosquito raptor

We all know the annoying sounds made by mosquitoes, and their bites are especially unpleasant. And each of us has repeatedly asked himself the question: “How to get rid of them?”. For this, today there are many different means, one of the most effective is a mosquito raptor.

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What are the Raptors?

Specially so that you forget what mosquito bites are and can enjoy every summer day, no matter where you are, the manufacturer of mosquito repellent Raptor has developed several varieties, namely:

  • for premises;
  • for movements;
  • for the street.

Important! Any raptor from mosquitoes based on pyrethroid works. This substance was previously created from chamomile, and today it is synthesized artificially.

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The indoor raptor is a fumigator. It is suitable for use for 2 types of mosquito repellent:

  • plates;
  • bottle with liquid.

Important! It works from the mains. After connecting the fumigator to the outlet, it heats up, due to which the pyrethroid, which is intolerable to mosquitoes, spreads.

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watermarked - 423514_550Remedy for mosquitoes to move, it happens:

  • In the form of a fumigator. It acts in the same way as for the premises. The only difference is that this unit works from batteries and is mounted on a traveler’s belt or belt, protecting it from bites.
  • In the form of aerosols. By this means, a person sprays himself and can freely move as necessary.

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Raptor for the street, available in the form of:

  • spirals;
  • lantern.

Such funds are great for relaxing in the country or for those who live permanently in a private house and want to spend the evenings in a calm environment, and not in a constant struggle against bloodsuckers.

Important! The spiral acts like this: it is set on fire, then extinguished. After such a manipulation, smoke begins to be released with a special substance that has a detrimental effect on insects flying near you. This product is safe for humans and animals.

Lantern is a novelty, designed specifically for insect protection, which works outdoors. It consists of a candle and a plate, the duration of which is 5 hours. It is odorless. Hang or place a lantern near you and bites of bloodsuckers will not interfere with you.

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How does pyrethroid affect a mosquito?

In small doses, a perteroid discourages mosquitoes from biting. An increase in the dose of this substance causes paralysis, which leads to the death of insects. This usually occurs within 10 minutes of exposure to them.

A mosquito raptor is safe for human health, but in some cases it can cause an allergic reaction, since the plates contain poison.

Important! Before using the fumigator for the first time, plug it into the network for several hours in the daytime. Check your condition - if you do not have any reaction, you can leave it turned on for the night.

Do not use it indoors, since a high concentration of the excreted substance can cause a headache.

Also, do not turn on the fumigator in a room where there are fish, as it has a detrimental effect on them.

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We hope that the above article was interesting and useful to you. And it was not difficult for you to choose the most suitable mosquito repellent Raptor for you. Use different methods of protection, then you will forget about unpleasant bites of bloodsucking insects and enjoy pleasant warm days ..

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