Wallpaper glue consumption per 1 m2

In order for the repair in the apartment, even cosmetic, to be successful, it is necessary to know exactly the amount of materials purchased, in particular, the consumption of adhesive for wallpaper per 1 m2. Of course, online calculators can calculate the consumption of different types of materials, but this will be an approximate, enlarged calculation. For example, if you have to finish a room with a complex configuration, even the most advanced program will not help. For example, the program will not be able to advise you whether it is necessary to paste over the walls behind the furniture, how to adjust the pattern, and whether to take into account the area of window and door openings when calculating. With glue - even harder. On sale there are many different compositions that differ in a variety of ways. The conclusion suggests itself: it is much better to arm yourself with a notebook, calculator and calculate everything yourself. Of course, you will have to spend time, but you will more than likely make up for it during the repair process. At the same time, save money.
to contents ↑Wallpaper glue consumption - what does it depend on?
Most often, manufacturing companies indicate the amount of glue consumption on the package. But, unfortunately, the information provided in most cases, to put it mildly, does not correspond to reality. If you blindly follow the instructions, the result is likely to disappoint you. It is more correct to dilute the dry mixture denser to increase the strength of the connection of the panel with the base.
It is also important to determine the type of trellis that will be used as a wall covering. The consumption of glue for non-woven wallpaper per 1 m2 and the same indicator for paper trellis will differ. If only because the brands of adhesives will be different.
Is it possible to save?
You can only have to work hard beforehand. The following points are taken into account:
- Before gluing, carefully prepare the surface.
- To improve the quality of gluing the walls, you must first coat them with a primer. By the way, this will make it possible to reduce the consumption of the adhesive composition, since it will be less absorbed into the porous base.
- When calculating the surface area to be pasted, do not forget to subtract from it the total area of the door and window openings.
to contents ↑Important! The nature of the surface to be glued also affects glue costs: different materials have different absorbency. The most economical option is pasting with tapestries a smooth and smooth surface.
Calculation of glue for wallpaper - procedure
After studying the properties and characteristics of the finishing materials and the walls themselves, you can proceed with the calculations. The algorithm for calculating how much glue is needed for wallpaper is as follows:
- Calculate the area of the walls of the room. Subtract the total area of window and door openings from the amount received. For example, as a result of calculations, you get an amount equal to 40.5 squares.
- Calculate how much wallpaper you need to paste the walls. If the roll width is 0.5 m and the length is 10 m, then the total area of one roll is 5 m2. Thus, you will need 40.5 / 10 = 4.1 (for an even account - 5 rolls).
- Read the instructions on the packaging. As a rule, the information is presented in approximately this form: 250 g of dry matter is enough for gluing 7-8 rolls. Therefore, even if you make a sufficiently thick solution, then one package is enough.
to contents ↑Important! Modern adhesives can be stored for a long time, even in the form of a solution.However, this should not be abused, therefore, all calculations should be done with maximum accuracy.
Adhesive consumption and its brand - is there a relationship?
In construction stores you can find many adhesives. Depending on the brand, the consumption of the mixture will be different. Consider the most common examples with popular brands.
Dry adhesive mixture for light paper wallpapers. The glue is diluted with water (pack of 0.4 kg per 2-4 liters of water at room temperature). Ready to use after 3 hours.
One package is enough for 5-6 standard rolls (0.53x10.5 m).
KMTs-1 (shavings)
Dry mix for washable paper-based wallpapers. In a pack of 100 g of the mixture (diluted in 2.5-3.0 l of water).
The mixture is enough for a sticker of 4-5 rolls
KMTs-N (dry)
Economical composition. It is equally suitable for gluing light and heavy paper wallpapers, vinyl and acrylic wallpapers based on paper or textile.
200 g of the composition is sufficient for gluing an area of 50 m2.
CMC Extra-fast
Wallpaper glue with high filling ability. It can be used for gluing plastered or concrete surfaces with paper wallpaper - light or with acrylic coating.
The consumption of the solution (200 g of glue, taking into account the added water) is:
- Primer - 6 liters per 60-70 m2.
- Light types of paper wallpaper - 6 liters per 20-25 m2.
- Washable paper wallpaper - 5 L per 15-20 m2.
Dry instant mix for washable wallpapers with synthetic resins. Ready to use in 5 minutes. When sticking does not leave spots on the surface. Due to special additives it prevents the development of fungus. Environmentally friendly, has a long shelf life.
200 g of glue is enough for:
- primers - from 100 to 120 m2;
- wall pasting with washable wallpaper - from 7 to 8 rolls.
A universal mixture that is used for all varieties of wallpaper. Instant, has good stickiness, resistant to temperature extremes. The composition is chemically neutral, has special anti-mold additives.
Consumption of 150 g of dry mix:
- Primer - 100-120 m2.
- Acrylic - 50-65 m2.
- Heavy types of wallpaper - about 50 m2.
- Vinyl wallpaper - about 40 m2.
Kelid Mural
A universal, ready-to-use composition for paper, non-woven trellises and fiberglass. The composition is applied using a spatula or roller. The mixture contains bactericidal impregnation.
Glue has an economical consumption per 1 square meter - from 150 to 250 g.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Of course, it is impossible to calculate the required amount of consumables to the nearest gram. The reference numbers and calculations presented in the article are averaged, but nevertheless they help to avoid annoying errors.
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