The distance from the TV, depending on the diagonal

Selecting the diagonal size of the TV is far from such a simple task as it might seem. For some people, a small compact device is quite suitable to watch your favorite shows, while other viewers need a huge TV all over the wall, which will amaze with the pomp and scope of the equipment purchased. With this approach, unforeseen problems may arise due to a bad choice. If you do not take into account the equilibrium distance between the diagonal size of the TV receiver and the screen of the device, then a situation may arise in which the picture of the image will be blurry and blurry. As a result, the joy of the purchase is lost, and money investments are in vain. In this article we will look at how to correctly determine the distance from the TV, depending on the diagonal.

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Basic knowledge about the diagonal

In the modern market there is a huge variety of models with all kinds of dimensions, dimensions and design. That is why, before purchasing a device for watching interesting programs, you need to decide which room it will be in, because:

  • in a small room it is not very convenient to watch TV with a large display;
  • in living rooms and reception rooms, plasma is the perfect solution.

Important! If the size of the room is insufficient for the selected TV receiver and its diagonal is very large, then the option of vagueness of the screen image is possible or the image will skew. Sometimes there are cases of the appearance of obscure “squares” that interfere with a clear picture of the image. All these inconveniences are caused by the wrong choice of the screen for watching TV shows.

If you do not adhere to certain recommendations, then health issues may arise, in particular, an increase in the negative impact on vision.

The diagonal line is the diagonal length between the two corners of the screen. Measure this distance in inches. One inch is 2.54 centimeters. The distance to the TV from which you want to watch your desired shows and movies depends on the size of the diagonal.

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The choice of the diagonal of the TV, taking into account the distance to the place of viewing

There are two principles by which you can determine the maximum display diagonal:

  • The shortest distance from the viewer to the display of the TV receiver should be at least five diagonals of the TV screen. This is a simpler method for determining a parameter.
  • For a more accurate allowable size of a TV device, you can use the following formula: D = L / K, where:
    • D is the diagonal of the display of the TV receiver, expressed in inches;
    • L is the length of the distance to the diagonal screen;
    • K is a coefficient applied in the range of 3-6, which is taken into account when calculating the minimum and maximum distance values.

Important! For standard small TVs, the display diagonal is about 15-18 inches, and, in this case, the smallest distance from which it is permissible to watch a TV receiver is 1.5 meters.

When choosing a model with a large diagonal - 70-80 inches, the minimum allowable length to the device screen is 5 meters.

Standard options

In order not to constantly engage in mathematical calculations of calculating the diagonal length of a TV receiver to watch TV shows, you can use the already compiled table with preliminary calculations of the necessary parameters. The list below shows the ratio of the diagonal of the display to the optimal range of distance for viewing:

  • 14 inches (37 cm) - the distance to the TV from 1.2 to 2.2 m;
  • 20 (51) - 1.4-3.0 m;
  • 21 (54) - 1.8-3.2 m;
  • 26 (64) - 2.0-3.5 m;
  • 29 (73) - 2.2-3.8 m;
  • 32 (81) - 2.5-5.0 m;
  • 34 (87) - 2.7-5.3 m;
  • 36 (92) - 2.8-5.6 m.

Important! There are manufacturing companies that, in the provided characteristics, indicate only the visible part of the screen. And some manufacturers are trying to calculate the diagonal parameter of the TV receiver, based on the size of the entire picture tube. However, this is an insignificant difference, since it does not particularly affect the final decision on the choice of a TV model for watching your favorite shows.

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The ratio of diagonal and screen resolution

In addition, the distance length for comfortable viewing of a TV receiver depends not only on the diagonal, but also on the quality of the picture shown. The diagonal size should be comparable to the resolution.

The most commonly available are two format permissions:

  1. HD Ready with 1366 * 768 pixels.
  2. Full HD c 1920 * 1080 pixels.

Important! Image quality depends on the number of dots or pixels available on this television device. If many points take part in the formation of the image of the picture, then a smaller distance is necessary for high-quality viewing of interesting programs and films on the screen.

A high-quality image of a picture also depends on the resolution of the video signal that is fed to the input device of the TV receiver.

The list below shows the diagonal indicators that take into account the resolution format and the length of the distance between the starting point of viewing and the display of the TV receiver.

HD Ready Resolution Format:

  • 20-27 inches - the distance from the TV is 1.5-2.1;
  • 37-40 - 2.8-3.0 m;
  • 42-47 - 3.2-3.6 m;
  • 52 - 4.0 m.

Full HD Resolution Format:

  • 20-27 inches - 1.1-1.5 m;
  • 37-40 - 2.0-3.0 m;
  • 42-47 - 2.3-2.5 m;
  • 52 - 2.8 m.
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What else is taken into account when choosing a diagonal?

In order to determine the necessary screen size, you need to understand two factors:

  • the dimensions of the room, as this affects the distance to the TV and the viewing angle;
  • Key features of the TV display, such as type and resolution.

Important! The larger the diagonal, the more expensive the TV, since manufacturers spend much more money on its manufacture. Also, the size of the diagonal affects the weight, the thickness of the television receiver.

distance_ecranThe assertion that the image quality depends on the size of the display is considered erroneous. This parameter has no relation to the diagonal of the display. In fact, image quality is affected by:

  • blue screen format;
  • display resolution;
  • contrast;
  • matrix quality.

Important! It is more convenient to watch programs on a TV receiver with a larger diagonal, since the eyes do not need to strain much. If the distance to the TV is much less than necessary, there is an increase in the viewing angle. As a result, it is very difficult for the eyes to cover the entire perimeter of the large display, so they get tired very quickly.

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Viewing angle and diagonal

Properly selected diagonal, resolution, viewing angle and distance to the display will help you feel like a participant in what is happening and create the effect of presence. This will help to more clearly perceive the picture and feel part of something big.

In order to create a cinematic reality, you need to remember the following viewing angle values:

  • 20 ° - in order to achieve such a viewing angle, it is necessary to multiply the display diagonal by 2.5 and get the distance value.
  • 30 ° - in this case, the distance is determined using a coefficient of 1.6.This option is considered the most optimal for a home theater.
  • 40 ° - to determine the required distance, a factor of 1.2 must be applied. This value is the minimum for Full HD TVs.

Now they also produce models with a three-dimensional viewing angle, for which it is necessary to use special glasses. In this case, you need to be guided by the recommendations of the manufacturers, but still it is worth giving preference to the widely used display options.

Important! In 3D models of TV receivers, the viewing angle should be as large as possible in order to obtain a more effective image, but the distance to the TV should be chosen as small as possible.

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Types of displays

To select the most convenient and practical TV receiver, it is necessary to take into account a number of fundamental factors:

  • model view;
  • basic resolution formats;
  • the length of the distance from the starting point of viewing to the screen;
  • diagonal of the display.

When choosing a TV receiver model, the technological process of making the screen is also taken into account. Each technology is characterized by a certain size, image quality, contrast, clarity - all these parameters are taken into account when buying.

The following manufacturing technologies are presented on the modern market:

  • TV receivers with a kinescope. These are very old models, the distinguishing feature of which is the presence of large dimensions and impressive weight. TV receivers with a kinescope have a very long life. They are more reliable and durable in use in comparison with liquid crystal and plasma models. However, devices with a kinescope as a screen picture image are very losing.
  • TV receivers with a liquid crystal display. Particularly recognized and publicly available models for viewing programs. LCD televisions have excellent picture reproduction. They can be produced in small sizes, which is very convenient for small rooms. When using LCD TVs, sometimes difficult situations arise, since the viewing angle does not always correspond to kinematic reality. In addition, there may be problems with the clarity and contrast of the image. Therefore, you need to very accurately determine the distance to the TV, depending on the diagonal.
  • TV sets with plasma display. These are the relatively new models that have come after liquid crystal televisions. Manufacturing firms, taking into account the demand and supply of the broad masses of the population, make such models of enormous size. Some models may occupy the entire wall in the home.

Important! Please note that a screen with a diagonal value of less than fifty inches cannot accept the FULL HD resolution format.

An individually thought-out approach to choosing a TV can deliver great pleasure from a purchased purchase, combining price, quality and use efficiency. So:

  • when viewing the LCD TV screen - you need a shorter distance from which you can watch TV shows;
  • a plasma panel with exactly the same diagonal length will require a significantly greater distance between the viewer and the screen.
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Features of the situation in the apartment

Before choosing a TV receiver, it is necessary to determine not only the dimensions of the room, but also to understand in which perspective the room will take its place.

Universal system for any room

As we noted above - the length of the distance to the TV from the location of the viewer ideally is five screen diagonals. This is a very easy and effective method of choosing a TV receiver. Such a choice system has general rules, but each person has his own preferences and each has a different perception and value judgment. In addition, visual acuity is also an individual feature, so the choice of model of a TV receiver must be approached independently.

Important! When buying a TV, try as much as possible in the store to test the selected product for a high-quality image of the picture. To do this, try to view the screen from such a distance that will be used in a home environment.

Possible negative consequences of improper TV location

Given the balanced balance between the distance from the viewing point to the location of the TV, negative points can be avoided:

  • there is no noticeable strain on vision;
  • there is a pleasant and comfortable state when viewing;
  • There is a clear image of the screen image without any interference.


The installation of a TV in the bedroom depends on the size and size of the bed. Having settled down and relaxed from a hard day, with an instant look at the wall you can fix the place where it will be most convenient to watch TV.

Important! The height at which the TV is suspended in the bedroom will be relatively higher than the mounting point in the living room.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of doctors. The deviation of the angle from the center point of the screen when viewing should not exceed thirty degrees. You also need to clearly determine the distance from the TV, depending on the diagonal.

Important! Failure to comply with medical advice leads to osteochondrosis of the spine of the neck. This problem arises as a result of prolonged viewing of films and programs with an abnormal location of the head, respectively, of the neck.

It is preferable to use quality brackets that are able to adjust the screen. Correction can be done not only by changing the tilt angle of the monitor, but also by turning the screen in the other direction.

Living room:

  • When choosing a place to place a TV in a living room, it is necessary to take into account the preference of each family member, since basically the inhabitants spend all their free time in this room.
  • In addition, you need to decide whether the program will be watched in a sitting position on chairs or lying on a sofa.
  • Typically, the height from the floor on which the TV is placed ranges from 0.7 meters to 1.35 meters.

Important! If the living room has very large dimensions, it is necessary to install the television device at the minimum allowable distance from the floor surface, as this smoothes out the difference in the growth of spectators located on upholstered furniture and small children who play on the carpet.


To determine the most preferred location for the TV in the kitchen, you need to know:

  • dimensions of the room;
  • the distance from the often located hostess area to the estimated location of the TV.

Choose a place and installation method:

  • If you have small children, you need to take care of safety measures and attach the TV receiver at the maximum allowable distance from the floor.
  • For small kitchens, the possible location of the TV receiver from the floor surface is 1.75 meters.
  • In addition, it is necessary to use reliable mounting brackets regulating the change in viewing angle.

Important! With long viewing, there is the possibility of heating the TV. Therefore, it is not recommended to place the TV device inside the furniture.

For high-quality and durable use, the ventilation effect of the air space of the room is necessary.

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Now you know everything in order to choose the optimal distance of the TV, depending on the diagonal, its type, purpose of the room and other, no less important, parameters. So - now you can really enjoy the picture on the screen as much as you want.

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