Sofa Repair

Unfortunately, even high-quality upholstered furniture after several years of intensive use can become uncomfortable and ugly. But it is by no means cheap, so the repair of sofas is a very urgent topic. It can be produced both with the help of specialists, and independently at home. It is about how to do the repair of sofas with your own hands, described in detail in this article.

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Sofa design

To know how to repair sofas with your own hands, one desire is not enough. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the device of upholstered furniture, materials that are used and the stages of work.

First you need to carefully study the elements of the sofa and their purpose. Although your furniture may be somewhat different from the one described, nevertheless, the purpose of the main parts is identical.

So what does a sofa consist of?

  • Armrest. This element can be made of MDF, particleboard, metal, wood. May be padded with soft material.
  • Leather or upholstery. Today, there are a large number of various upholstery fabrics of both natural and synthetic origin.
  • A layer of batting or synthetic winterizer.
  • Foam rubber. The most high-quality models of sofas use furniture, with a density of 35 mm.
  • Polyurethane foam gaskets. This part is not used on all models. Such pads are used to give the furniture extra cushioning and better weight distribution. The surface of the sofa, thanks to such inserts, has orthopedic properties.
  • Spring unit. It is the main shock-absorbing element of the whole structure.
  • Felt or burlap. It is used to prevent the appearance of unpleasant sounds of friction of plywood against metal.
  • Fiberboard. It is applied as the basis for a sofa mattress.
  • The frame of the sofa. It can be made of metal, wood and particleboard.

Important! It is easiest to fix a sofa if its frame is made of wood. Particleboard frames are difficult to repair. In this case, you can repair the sofa only if the frame is whole. If it is broken - it is better to buy new furniture.

  • Flazelin.
  • Rail for rollers. This part can be located in the lower part of the bed box and can be either metal or wooden.
  • Niche or box for bedding.

Important! The design of the sofa can be different, each model has its own design features, but all the elements presented must be available. Some parts of the sofa have a great influence on the basic characteristics of the furniture.

Let us consider these elements in more detail.


This part is the main supporting structure. The material of manufacture may be different, even a combination of several is possible. It is on the quality of the material and the assembly of the frame that the life of the entire sofa depends. Panel elements and frame filling parts are made of fiberboard or particleboard.

Filling the sofa

All materials that are between the upholstery fabric and the frame can be attributed to it. Convenience, environmental safety and durability of the sofa depends on the quality, type and layout of these materials.

Transformation mechanism

The type and design of upholstered furniture is determined by the design of this mechanism. The comfort of using sofas to a large extent depends on the quality of the manufacture of the transformation mechanism.

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Accessories and types of materials

For the repair of sofas to succeed, you should at least in general outline know in more detail the transformation mechanisms and types of materials, since during the setup process you will need to not only disassemble and assemble the sofa, but also acquire the necessary elements. Since the choice in stores is very wide and varied, and sellers can not always objectively help, it is most reasonable for a buyer to rely only on his knowledge.

Transforming mechanism

Consider the most popular options for today:

  • Book. It is considered the most reliable mechanism, so it is very popular. The sofa unfolds by raising the seat until it clicks, and then lowering it.
  • Eurobook. This design is transformed as follows: the seat rolls out, and the back rests in its place.
  • Eurobook "tick-tock." The difference from the previous version is that the seat does not roll out, but leaves in a semicircle.
  • Accordion. The mechanism consists of three parts and is displayed according to the accordion principle. It is necessary to slightly raise the seat until it clicks, the mechanism will move forward, folding the sofa.

Important! Repair of sofas of the accordion mechanism in the case of curved elements makes almost no sense. Elements can be aligned, but since the transformation occurs with effort, the mechanism will bend again in the same places.

  • Click-gag. Such a mechanism allows the sofa to have three positions: a sofa, a semi-decomposed “relax” position and a bed.

Important! Such upholstered furniture has a metal frame.

  • Dolphin. Such a mechanism is usually used in corner sofas. At the bottom of the structure there is a strap, pulling it, the second part of the berth leaves and gets the height of the seat.

Important! In the event of a malfunction of the transformation mechanism, its replacement should be made only with a similar type. Other furniture mechanisms simply will not work, because they are different, both according to the principle of action, and in size. The frames of such sofas are also different.


The materials used in filling the sofa also play an important role in the comfort of furniture operation:

  • The best option for many years is a spring block with a burlap lining and a batting and burlap coating. But this option is considered one of the most expensive.
  • To reduce the cost of the finished product, calico and foam are often used.
  • The cheapest furniture options as a filler have only a few layers of polyurethane foam, comfort or other similar material. The spring unit in such sofas is generally absent.

Since you do the repair of the sofa for yourself, you should choose high-quality materials. These include the following.

Polyurethane foam (PPU):

  • Wear resistant material that is considered environmentally friendly.
  • For high-quality repair of the sofa you will need special furniture foam. As a rule, its thickness is not less than 40 mm.
  • The material provides maximum seat comfort.


  • A filler that perfectly retains its shape over the long term of operation.
  • The material is safe and environmentally friendly.
  • Also, its advantage is the ability to perform wet cleaning of the sofa and its “breathing” properties.


  • Elastic and elastic material, absolutely safe and environmentally friendly.
  • It does not absorb water and has a high resistance to the formation of fungus.
  • Gives furniture special softness and relief.

Padded jacket:

  • It consists of two layers of coarse fabric with a layer of cotton wool (about 5 cm).
  • To cover the spring block is considered an excellent option.


  • It holds its shape well and is resistant to deformation.
  • It is a durable, heat-resistant and hypoallergenic material.


Upholstery fabric or leather is one of the important materials for repairing a sofa. It is quite problematic to work with leather, therefore it is better to entrust the repair of leather furniture to a professional. But you can replace the fabric upholstery yourself.

Important! Upholstery fabric is of two types: woven and non-woven. The latter type, as a rule, is made on a synthetic basis and has an artificial coating.

The most common upholstery fabrics are as follows.


  • Material Composition: Approximately 65% ​​Synthetics and 35% Cotton.
  • Nice and soft to the touch textiles.
  • It is durable, does not fade and lasts long enough.


  • Pile fabric, which, unlike flock, is not glued, but woven.
  • Stronger textiles with a more natural composition.
  • The basis consists of two types of fabric - cotton and wool.
  • The cost of velor is slightly higher than the cost of flock.i-1


  • Represents artificial silk.
  • Fabrics are characterized by durability and resistance to fading.
  • The textiles are two-layered, so either side can be used in the upholstery of the sofa.


  • Velvet fabric, has durability.
  • Wear-resistant, therefore, it will last a long time.
  • It can be made in two versions: fabric (more natural and expensive) and adhesive.
  • Qualitative material is characterized by the formation of pile on the surface.


  • Natural textiles are considered elite among upholstery.
  • Convenient in everyday life and care. Easy to clean with detergents.
  • It is the most expensive material.
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How to repair a sofa at home?

You already know the structural elements of the sofas; you have selected and purchased the necessary materials. Now you can proceed directly to the repair work.

Essential tool

To get started, prepare your inventory so that everything is at hand. You may need the following items:

  • Phillips and flat head screwdrivers.
  • Set of open-end wrenches for 12/14 and 8/10.
  • Pliers.
  • Stapler and staples 10 and 16 mm.
  • Joiner's glue.

Important! If you could not find wood glue, in extreme cases, you can use PVA. However, it is worth considering that the effect will be somewhat different.

  • Hammer, lineman's knife and scissors.
  • Self-tapping screws 35-45 mm long.
  • Drill or screwdriver.

Dismantling the sofa

Repair of sofas begins with a partial or complete disassembly of the structure.

Important! It is advisable to do the work together, but if this is not possible, then use wooden bars as a backup.

Prepare a camera or pen with a piece of paper. Thus, you can mark the places of the exact position of the elements so that the assembly of the structure occurs quickly and correctly.


  1. Disassembly should begin with the armrests. If they are combined with the legs, then put a wooden beam under the base of the structure so that the sofa “hangs” from one edge.
  2. Sidewalls are fixed by two bolts. To get to them, you should raise the seat of the sofa or extend part of the structure. It depends on the transformation mechanism.
  3. After that, you need to remove the transformation mechanism. Use a screwdriver (drill) or a screwdriver for this. One part of the mechanism is attached to the frame, and the other to the back and seat.

Important! Take pictures or record which mechanism where it was.

  1. Then you need to disassemble the rest of the sofa, so that only the frame remains. All elements of the back and seat are either bolted or loosely “sitting” in the grooves.

Upholstery Replacement

To replace the upholstery, completely remove the old upholstery. This is easily accomplished with pliers and a standard flat screwdriver.


  1. Pull out all metal parts (staples, nails or screws).

Important! Make sure that no metal element is missed, otherwise - later it will cause damage to the already new upholstery.

  1. If you have a sewing machine that can sew coarse fabric and have sewing skills, then you can try to sew a new cover yourself. Otherwise, you can contact the masters of the sewing studio.

Important! After removing the upholstery, carefully inspect the mattress. If his condition is doubtful, then take it apart.

  1. You can also try to upholstery a sofa manually.If the design of the furniture is simple, then this can be done without any problems.
  2. With a sewn cover, you just have to pull it on and secure with brackets (10 mm) around the entire perimeter.
  3. When manually tightening, it is necessary to measure the exact width and length of the sofa elements that need to be upholstered.

Important! Cutting the fabric is recommended with a small margin.

  1. Material fastening always starts from the front. Fold the edge of the fabric in half - this will help prevent the breakthrough of matter in the places of attachment.
  2. Use the staples to secure the entire front.
  3. Repeat the procedure on the other side of the product.

Important! Make sure that the fabric around the perimeter is as tight as possible. Folds or departures of the upholstery from the filler are not permitted.

  1. Go to the mount on the sides and center.
  2. Lay the fabric in the corners, wrap or cut the excess.
  3. In this way, replace the upholstery on all sofa elements.

Important! Make sure that all the brackets fit tightly into the tree. If necessary, finish them with a hammer.

  1. After replacing the upholstery, you can start assembling the design of upholstered furniture. Assemble in the reverse order of disassembly.

Foam Replacement

This repair of sofas is carried out almost the same as the replacement of the upholstery. The only difference is that the old upholstery remains unchanged. Usually these two works are carried out simultaneously, but if the upholstery is still in good condition, then why waste money on materials?


  1. Disassemble the sofa as described above. You need to get to the foam.
  2. Remove the old filler.

Important! To replace the filler, use foam rubber with a density of 35-40 mm.

  1. If the foam is broken by the springs, then the replacement of the spring block cover will be required. In this case, cut the canvas or batting to size and cover the block in two layers.
  2. Cut the necessary piece of foam, lay on top.
  3. Fasten the foam rubber to the frame with brackets.

Important! You can mount the filler to the burlap using glue.

  1. Put on a foam synthetic winterizer. There is no need to fix it.

Important! This material is optional, but greatly facilitates the upholstery stretch.

  1. Pull the fabric, secure with braces and assemble the sofa.

Transformation mechanism and frame repair

To repair the mechanism of the sofa, you should remove it and assess the degree of damage:

  1. With whole fittings, it may only be necessary to lubricate the nodes with a machine oil and develop them.
  2. If the spring is damaged, then it needs to be replaced. In case of excessive stretching, you can try to shorten this element.
  3. If the mechanism bursts or is deformed, then you should purchase the same and install it in furniture.

Frame repair is a bit more complicated. Broken or cracked items require urgent replacement. For this:

  1. Measure the exact dimensions of the required part, draw them yourself and with the help of a specialist in the departments of building hypermarkets cut the part.
  2. Replace, glue and tighten the remaining joints.

Important! Pay particular attention to the plywood placed under the spring block. If it moves, then it should be fixed with screws and glue PVA. So you get rid of the nasty creak that occurs when you sit down on the sofa.

  1. Assemble a sofa.

Repair spring unit

There are two types of springs:

  • "Old" - diameter 15 cm, height - 20 cm, thickness - 5 mm;
  • “Modern” - diameter 10 cm, height - 12 cm, thickness - 2.2 mm.


Disassembly and assembly for the repair of the sofa is made in a similar way.

Modern springs are interconnected by a spiral. In case of damage to several elements:

  1. Dissolve the fixation of the spiral from one end, and using the second end, unscrew it like a screw.
  2. Release the spring on both sides.
  3. Replace and tighten the spiral.

Important! If there are a lot of damaged elements in a block, then it is easier to buy a new block, since it is likely that other elements will also begin to break.

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Knowing how to repair a sofa, you can breathe new life into old furniture. If desired, and excellent imagination, you can transform the product beyond recognition, while spending quite a bit of money. If you do not have skills in working with furniture, then you can independently purchase all the necessary materials, and entrust the work to a specialist. So you will save, and will not doubt the quality of the repair.

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