DIY furniture repair from chipboard

Well, which of us would refuse to have completely wooden furniture at home? It is elegant, reliable, but expensive, and it is because of this that we are forced to purchase furniture from chipboard, which is more susceptible to damage. But even these defects can be eliminated, even if repairing furniture from chipboard with your own hands seems to be a difficult process. Now we will prove to you that you can independently cope with such work.
to contents ↑Characteristic damage
Let us describe accidental damage to furniture made of chipboard, which can very well be successfully repaired with minimal effort:
- scratches;
- dents;
- scuffs;
- chips;
- cracks.
A bit about materials
The most commonly used soft and hard wax, special retouching, as well as tint markers or markers, PVA glue, furniture touch, laminating edge:
- Soft from hard wax differs in that in its original form it is immediately ready for use, that is, it does not need to be melted. But at the same time, it can be used exclusively on surfaces that were not subject to mechanical stress.
- Using soft wax is much more convenient, but hard wax is more reliable.
- The bar is used to putty on small damage, such as scratches, small chips, scuffs. It must be applied to the surface, wait until it dries slightly, and then grind it with felt cloth.
- Laminating edges must be glued to the already worn end surface, having previously eliminated and polished the old edge.
- The edge is placed on the end and passed through it with a preheated iron, due to which it is glued.
Chips, as a rule, appear in the corners and are small recesses of light color. Therefore, it is necessary to repair the chips on the furniture from chipboard with your own hands.
In order to repair such defects, you will need:
- retouching felt-tip pen or ordinary, suitable color;
- hard wax;
- lighter or waxer;
- spatula or chisel;
- fixing varnish spray;
- felt fabric.
The elimination process consists of several successive stages.
Chipping preparation
Cut the chip with a chisel so that its edges are straight.
Chipping up
Melt solid wax of a suitable color with a wax or a lighter and apply it directly to the chip with a certain margin.
Surface alignment
When the wax has dried, use a chisel to work through each plane, carefully cutting off all excess wax. Form a clear right angle to the particleboard surface, lightly grind with felt cloth.
Texture recovery
It is enough to apply fine thin retouching felt-tip pen on the cleaved line, in accordance with the general texture, each time wiping with a paper towel in order to slightly blur the clear boundaries of the lines and for greater credibility.
Showdown with varnish
In order to fix the embedment and give the restored surface a characteristic radiance, it is necessary to apply varnish-spray treatment.
to contents ↑Removing surface scratches
Especially often, such damage is detected during the repair of children's rooms.In order to eliminate scratches, you will need all the same tools for repairing furniture from chipboard, which is in the seal of chips. Only now instead of hard wax it will be more convenient to use soft.
How to eliminate scratches - the sequence of work:
- Using a spatula, apply the wax crosswise to the scratch while smoothing and sealing it.
- Finish the missing texture with a thin retouching felt-tip pen.
- In order to fix the place of embedding and even out the degree of gloss of the surface, apply a fixing varnish.
to contents ↑Important! You can use special furniture touches to seal cracks if wax is not available.
Shabby surface restoration
Scuffs, like scratches, often occur on laminated particleboards due to the frequent contact of foreign objects with the surface. For example, you can find them during repairs in the hallway or in the kitchen.
As a result, the upper layer of protection and partly or entirely of the paint layer are erased. In order to eliminate the already worn out wear, you have to do a few simple and simple manipulations:
- Pull a microfiber cloth on your finger, moisten it with a felt-tip pen of a suitable color.
- Tint the abrasion with a napkin, rubbing along the surface structure.
- Apply the varnish to fix it in several small layers.
Crack removal
Cracks in furniture made of chipboard often form under the influence of moisture, heat or improper use in the place where the cabinet doors are attached.
To repair cabinet furniture, you will need:
- clamps, they are also adjustable clamps;
- PVA glue;
- syringe with a needle.
The procedure for repairing furniture from chipboard with your own hands in this case will be as follows:
- In the syringe without a needle for the easiest and fastest penetration, collect PVA glue and put on the needle.
- Using a syringe, fill the entire interior of the crack with glue.
- Put a clamp on the plate on both sides of the crack, and then pull it off.
- Remove excess glue with a cloth, leave in this position for about a day.
- After the drying time of the glue, the part will again be ready for use.
Stock footage
As you can see, in order to repair furniture from chipboard with your own hands, in some situations you do not even need special carpentry tools and skills to work with them. Even a housewife can cope with such a task if there is a desire. Therefore, do not rush to get rid of practical and convenient interior items, if they are still to be restored, because they are expensive today!
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