DIY furniture stapler repair

These convenient and ergonomic devices have won the well-deserved appreciation of both professional furniture makers and home craftsmen. On sale there are even such models of staplers that can work with small studs. Using a hammer with almost inevitable injuries is gradually becoming a thing of the past. In addition, significantly increases the speed of work. However, this design sometimes becomes unusable. Frankly speaking, I don’t want to throw out the old stapler. Let's talk about how to repair a furniture stapler with your own hands.
to contents ↑Classification
There are such varieties of furniture staplers.
Hand held
Manual devices are also included in this category.
Hammer hammers
These devices clog the staples with strong shocks. Compared to manual counterparts, the speed of such a model is much higher. This tool is convenient for performing such work:
- Fastening insulation material.
- Installation of roofing material.
Important! In short, a staple hammer is indispensable where, in the first place, a quick, and not filigree, precise work is required.
Building Cable Staplers
This tool is used for mounting cables with a voltage load of 50 V. The maximum cable diameter is 7.5 mm. These staplers are used when performing such works:
- Cable fixation.
- Laying the electrical network.
- Installation of communication lines.
Classic model
Such a tool, equipped with a manual drive, has become a real classic. After the trigger is pressed, the bracket is clogged into the material. A special category is hybrid models, with which you can perform several types of the described operations.
Important! You can also classify all modifications as professional and domestic. Professional models are distinguished by:
- Convenience.
- Long service life.
- Lack of plastic parts.
They have only one minus: a relatively high price.
to contents ↑Operating principle
Depending on the type of drive, the tools are divided into electric and pneumatic.
These devices are widely used in everyday life. It’s a pleasure to work with an electric stapler, it’s enough just to connect the device to the mains. However, an electrical appliance, in comparison with a manual analogue, is much more expensive. it is profitable to buy for professional craftsmen who are constantly engaged in the repair of furniture. Naturally, for a one-time repair, buying such a model is unprofitable. Hand-held models are suitable for domestic use.
In everyday life, these models are not used, because their use will require a compressor installation. You can purchase your own compact compressor, but how soon such a purchase pays off is a question. Therefore, buying a pneumatic device is beneficial for companies manufacturing and professional repair of furniture.
to contents ↑Furniture stapler device and repair recommendations
Sometimes it happens that the stapler refuses to work. Namely, the staples do not fly out of the charger. Before starting the repair, disassemble the device in the following sequence:
- Remove the adjusting screw.
- Remove the spring.
- Remove the protective cover.
- Remove the pins and lock washers.
To successfully repair a furniture stapler, you will need:
- Hammer.
- Vise.
- Flat blade screwdriver.
- Pliers.
- File.
Carefully inspect the drummer and evaluate its condition. The most common cause of malfunctioning is wear on the thrust pad on the drummer body. With the help of a thrust pad, the shock mechanism and the trigger lever work together.
Important! The drummer is the executive part. A spring presses on the drummer. The spring force can be adjusted using a special screw.
The charging carabiner is located at right angles to the percussion device. In the drummer there are staples, which are affected by the spring. The staples are inoperatively closed by a plate attached to the device body.
Trigger system
The trigger system includes such components:
- Spring.
- Cocking lever.
- Rocker
How to use a furniture stapler? To hammer the staples, press the lever. Rocker raises the drummer. After the bracket enters the striker mechanism, the spring opens. The drummer strikes the staple with force, and it enters the base.
Rocker and drummer work synchronously. Otherwise, there is a “blank shot”. You need to adjust the stapler for furniture. The trigger device worked, but the drummer did not grab the bracket. With strong wear of the thrust pad of the projection of the striker, this is exactly what happens.
To carry out repairs, it will not take very much time:
- Grasp the drummer.
- Sharpen the ledge with a file, giving it its original shape. This will significantly extend the life of the stapler.
to contents ↑Important! It is only necessary to perform this simple manipulation after the device began to work “idle”. The drummer’s plate becomes shorter and needs to be sharpened.
Stock footage
Now you can independently cope with some problems of your tool and work with it when necessary, in the planned volume.
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