Repair after a fire

People faced with emergency and fire often wonder how to clean an apartment after a fire. Today, this process is not as complicated as it seems. On the shelves of stores you can find special cleaning products and tools that greatly simplify the process of processing the premises after a fire. In what cases you can get by with less effort, when you have to carry out a thorough repair after a fire, and what is the correct procedure for eliminating all the consequences of such a disaster, you will learn from this article.
to contents ↑Studying the situation after a fire
As a result of the fire, soot and soot are released, which easily settle on all structures and objects in the room. In addition, fire extinguisher foam and water cause damage. In order for the process of restoration of the apartment after the fire to be effective, you will have to wash everything - the ceiling, walls, windows, floor.
To understand whether you can handle cleaning after a fire on your own or if you still need to turn to specialists for help, rationally inspect the condition of all rooms and interior items.
to contents ↑How to clean the apartment after a fire?
In order to facilitate the repair process after a fire, it is necessary to stock up with garbage bags, and in some cases even shovels. For the initial cleaning, you need to follow a few simple rules:
- Disassemble all burnt objects and structures;
- Remove soot from all easily accessible items.
Performing these simple manipulations is a preparation for the subsequent repair of the room.
Elimination of burning odor after a fire
You can get rid of the smell of burning in the room using a few simple methods. The main thing is to carry out all measures in a timely manner, before the smell is absorbed into the walls, floor and surviving interior items.
So, to remove the smell of burning, you need:
- Ventilate the room by opening all windows and doors.
- Place containers filled with water in the apartment.
- In a bucket of water, you can add a few drops of aromatic oil.
- Hang wet rags and towels around the apartment.
- Use boiled vinegar solution.
How to make repairs after a fire with your own hands?
Do-it-yourself repair of a room after a fire is a rather labor-intensive process that requires special attention and responsibility. For a good, high-quality repair, you need to take into account and observe all the nuances of the burnt room. Use only quality materials and cleaning agents.
Post-fire repair steps
For a positive result, several preliminary steps should be performed:
- Remove all dirt and debris in the room.
- Wash the ceiling and walls from soot.
- Wash the room using scented cleaners.
- Get rid of bad smell.
Important! As soon as you complete all these activities, it will become clear whether a major overhaul is needed after the fire or the actions taken are enough. Also consider the following:
- If there are paper wallpapers on the walls, they definitely need to be replaced, since this material will forever absorb the smell of burning.
- If you have wooden furniture and decorative trim, you will need the same measures, a complete replacement.
- if there are a lot of textile jewelry that remained intact, but absorbed the smell of burning and acquired a shade - try to wash them with modern means. If it doesn’t work out, the situation is identical: send it to the scrap.
- Books, magazines and anxiously collected “waste paper” will also have to be thrown away. Remove from the smell of burning paper does not work.
Stage One: Get Rid of Garbage
This stage involves the release of even surviving objects, as they are saturated with a stinking smell. The surviving carpets and curtains are better to immediately put in dry cleaning. Most burnt items are very hard to recover, so it’s easier to throw them away.
Stage Two: Dry Cleaning
This measure involves washing all soot-contaminated surfaces. To remove dirt, use a broom or hard brushes.
Important! The main thing is not to use water-based cleaners. The use of water during dry cleaning exacerbates the problem of eliminating unpleasant odors.
Stage Three: By My Room
After dry cleaning, all surfaces of the room and objects must be cleaned of remaining dirt. Use detergents that include flavored substances. This will greatly simplify the task of eliminating the smell of burning.
At the end of such a procedure, it is necessary to treat the walls and ceiling with sealants. Then these surfaces should be primed.
Stage Four: Clean the Air
For high-quality air purification in a burnt room, it is recommended to use a special device - an ozonizer. This device effectively eliminates unpleasant odors, disinfects the air in the house.
In addition, you can use improvised means: vinegar, ammonia, scented candles or oils.
Precautionary measures
In addition to the fact that the implementation of repairs after a fire is a very time-consuming process, it is very dangerous for the human body. In order to protect yourself, you must follow certain precautions:
- Use protective gloves.
- Wear thick-soled shoes to protect yourself from glass and other debris.
- When cleaning the air, use protective masks for the eyes and respiratory tract.
- Wear clothing that you will not be sorry to throw away later.
Necessary tools
For better repair and handling after a fire, you need to use special tools:
- Bowls and buckets for water.
- Vacuum cleaner in order to remove small debris, dust.
- Rags, sponges for dry and wet cleaning.
- Spatula for priming walls, ceilings.
- Chemical cleaners.
- Special hard brushes, a broom to remove soot from all surfaces of the room.
Cleaning companies will come to your aid, just contact
Most people who encounter a fire start to panic and cannot decide what to do after the fire. You can always contact a cleaning company for help in cleaning events. The advantage of such organizations is rich experience and a guarantee of high-quality processing of the premises after a fire.
The duties of the cleaning company employees include:
- Garbage collection;
- Removing soot and dirt in the room;
- Elimination of an unpleasant smell of burning.
To carry out all appropriate measures, employees first inspect the premises. When carrying out such manipulations, specialists use professional equipment and tools that provide fruitful cleaning and processing of a burnt apartment. The cost of specialist services is determined depending on the complexity of the situation. In addition, cleaning company employees can advise on the proper handling of the apartment after a fire.
to contents ↑Stock footage
From this article, you learned the basic rules regarding the restoration of premises after a fire.We recommend that you immediately contact a specialist in the event of substantial damage so that the horror of your experience no longer affects your moral state of health and you can again feel the comfort and reliability of your home.
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