Restoration of wooden furniture

Probably everyone knows this problem: the house has old and quite solid furniture, but it has lost its original luster or is simply tired of it. Throwing such a thing is a pity, and unreasonable, given that the quality of many modern products, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired. Independent restoration of wooden furniture will solve this problem. At no extra cost you will get a beautiful, original and durable product with a unique design.

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The essence of restoration

Even with the most careful handling, scratches, spots and scuffs appear on the surface. Let's consider how to quickly and effectively get rid of them:

  • If the wooden surface has lost its luster, get a special care product with orange oil. Warm the slightly moistened sponge for 0.5 minutes in the microwave. Spray the composition onto a wooden surface and rub it quickly with a sponge. You need to work in protective rubber gloves with internal spraying.
  • Regular banana peels help get rid of stains and scuffs on a wooden surface. This method can be used if the damage area is small.
  • You can get rid of more extensive injuries with the help of a retouching marker, furniture wax and methylated spirits. First clean the surface. A dishwashing detergent diluted with water is excellent for this. After the surface has dried, wipe it with denatured alcohol. In most cases, the original color in faded areas is restored.

Important! If the scratches are deep and the color cannot be restored, use a special furniture marker. To make the surface shiny, cover it with wax and polish it with a soft cloth.

  • To eliminate minor irregularities, you can use a nail file. It is in many cases more convenient than ordinary sandpaper.
  • Swollen wood can be restored in this way. Combine the salt with olive oil until a mushy composition is obtained. Rub the mixture into the damaged surface and leave for about half an hour.

Important! Salt absorbs excess moisture, and olive oil restores its elasticity to wood fibers.

  • Putty helps to get rid of chips. You can use wood or automotive putty. The best option is to purchase a light shade composition and tint it yourself. Coat the chips, rub a little mixture over the furniture. After the composition is completely dry, smooth the surface with fine-grained sandpaper.
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How to restore polishing?

Restoring the varnish layer is not an easy task. First clean and degrease the surface with a dishwashing detergent diluted in water. It is completely reliable and completely safe. You can update the polish after the surface has completely dried:

  • A small scratch on the furniture can be painted over with medical iodine dissolved in water. It helps to get rid of minor scratches and a furniture marker.
  • The composition will help to eliminate deep scratches: 4 parts of turpentine are used for 4 parts of wax.
  • Stains can be removed with ordinary gasoline or a mixture of denatured alcohol with linseed oil. Stains polished from hot objects are well removed with medical alcohol.Difficult stains are eliminated with a mixture of medical alcohol and drying oil.

If you just want to refresh the polished surface, you can prepare such mixtures:

  1. For 1 part vinegar - 2 parts turpentine and linseed oil. Mix the components, apply with a swab on a wooden surface, and then polish with soft textiles.
  2. Boil beer with a piece of wax. Cool the mixture and apply to the surface. After the composition has absorbed, rub to a shine.
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Polishing removal

Often, restoration of wooden furniture involves the removal of polishing from the surface. Since varnishes are different in composition, you have to act by trial and error:

  • The mechanical way. Great if you have a grinder. If it is not, then you will have to work hard, brushing off the polishing to wood with coarse sandpaper.

Important! The method is good, but, unfortunately, does not always work. Sometimes the coating is so strong that even a sander passes. Polishing is not cleared, but begins to melt and smell foul.

  • Glass. A splinter of ordinary glass helps to remove polished coating, even the most “stubborn” one. After the main part of the varnish is removed, you can float fine-grained sandpaper.
  • The chemical way. There are special chemical compounds that dissolve varnish. But they also have a major drawback - toxicity. Therefore, you need to work in a respirator and gloves, in a well-ventilated area or in the open air.

Important! Carefully read the instructions for the solvent. The order and duration of processing for different compositions is different.

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We paint the polished furniture

The preparation procedure is as follows:

  • Clean and degrease the surface.
  • After the wood has completely dried, smooth it with putty. Wait until the putty is completely dry, treat the surface with sandpaper: first with medium, and then with fine grain.
  • Coat the furniture with a primer.

Important! Buy a primer that is compatible with the stain you plan to use.

  • Is the primer dry? Now you can start staining. It is advisable to paint in several layers. Too much paint does not need to be applied, as drips form. To paint evenly, apply it in different directions. The same goes for varnish.
  • The painting procedure is as follows: internal parts, edges, joints, external surfaces. The likelihood of spoiling the already treated area or simply getting dirty is much less.
  • If the coating is free from defects, it can be painted over without removing. To do this, you need a special primer for complex surfaces. Of course, the cost of such a primer is high, but save time.
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Veneer restoration

Sometimes veneer swells from excess moisture. To fix this:

  • Put PVA glue in a medical syringe, pierce the bubble with a needle. Now inject glue into the cavity. Cover the surface with a thick cloth and place a load on top.
  • If the veneer is glued to alcohol glue, you can restore furniture by ironing it with a hot iron through a cloth. If there is no effect, moisten the tissue and repeat the manipulation.
  • Get rid of scratches in the same way as on wooden parts. Small scratches can be removed with a furniture marker, while deeper scratches can be removed with furniture wax.
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Decoration Methods

In fact, there are a lot of these techniques - from simple to complex, accessible only to professional masters. Consider the types of decoration of wooden products that are accessible to everyone and, at the same time, very effective.


This is a woodwork treatment with wood stain. Unlike regular paint, the pigment in the stain penetrates the depths of the wood and creates the illusion of a natural color. The natural effect is enhanced by the fact that different wood fibers absorb the dye in different ways.


The essence of this method is “combing” a previously etched wooden surface with a metal brush. Depending on what efforts are made, the wood will look different: from a velvety surface to artificially aged, cracked.



This method of coloring is borrowed from painting. This is a painting of furniture in several layers, and each of the applied layers is translucent. A new coat of paint is applied after the previous one has dried. Then the paints will not mix.


These are varieties of wood burning. The peculiarity of pyrootypy is that burning is done with special stamps.

Shabby chic

This is an artificial aging of furniture. The product looks deliberately careless, and this is the main charm of the style. Places where artificially created scuffs should be applied are treated with paraffin, and paraffin is removed after staining.

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Restoring wooden or veneered furniture requires accuracy and patience. But the result is worth it, believe me!

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