Restoration of kitchen furniture

By purchasing furniture, we hope that it will serve us faithfully for many years. But time flies by and the kitchen set gradually loses its original freshness and attractiveness. Throwing his hand does not allow, and new furniture for the kitchen is quite expensive. What now - to sit and sigh, looking at the peeling off countertop or the worn backs of chairs? Not worth it. Any furniture can be reanimated with your own hands. To do this, you do not need to have the crusts of a carpenter and a decade of experience behind. Restoring kitchen furniture is not as complicated as it might seem. Your desire and the information we presented in this article will be quite enough.

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Problem scale

Furniture in the kitchen is under real stress every day. The temperature rises and falls, moisture in the form of steam constantly has an effect on the surface of the headset. Greasy soot from cooking also contributes. It’s not worth talking about scratches and chips. There are several reasons why it is time to repair kitchen furniture with your own hands:

  • Over time, indoor furniture goes out of fashion, becoming less functional. Obsolescence ultimately leads to a thorough modernization.
  • It may happen that you are simply flooded by neighbors. The consequences can be disastrous. The surface of the furniture, although designed for high humidity, is not ready for such water procedures. But kitchen furniture is in urgent need of restoration.
  • We all want change. Sooner or later, old wallpapers may get bored and it won't take so long to stick new ones. But after changing the color scheme, almost always, without exception, I want to carry out the restoration of kitchen furniture.
  • It may well be that you are satisfied with everything in the kitchen as it is. But you decided to purchase a new built-in appliances or a sink. And again I wanted to change and repair the kitchen furniture with my own hands
  • Alternatively, many decide to carry out restoration of kitchen furniture for one simple reason. Previously, all the cabinets were against the wall, and now you wanted to place the headset in the corner of the room.
  • Doing the repair of kitchen furniture with your own hands is sometimes caused by minor malfunctions. The boxes do not close, the door is about to fly off. Solving problems with fittings is better not to delay.
  • The kitchen is one of the most visited places in the house. There are often guests, children play, the whole family gathers at the table. And such active exploitation cannot go unnoticed. Do-it-yourself repair of kitchen furniture becomes a necessary measure, since all work surfaces are scratched, stripped and have a completely unpresentable appearance.

If desired, the list of these items can be expanded. The main thing is that the idea of ​​decorating a kitchen set with your own hands has matured and the process can no longer be postponed.

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Hinge adjustment

Restoration of kitchen furniture is sometimes necessary because the doors of kitchen cabinets often break due to frequent opening and closing, careless jerking of handles. Fixing loops simply do not withstand pressure. If one or several doors on the headset do not close completely, twist, the width of the door gap changes, then the hinges should be adjusted. Doing such a repair of kitchen furniture with your own hands is quite simple:

  • To raise or lower the doors to the desired height, loosen the two vertically located bolts - on the inside of the door and on the cabinet wall. Then twist them so as to align the position of the facade.
  • To adjust the size of the gap between the door and the end of the wall during restoration of kitchen furniture, loosen the extreme horizontal bolts and move the facade either closer to the wall or further from it.

Important! Remember that the recommended clearance in the headset for free closing or opening doors is 3 mm.

  • Also, when restoring a kitchen with your own hands, it is worth considering that to loosen the bolts in the furniture, you need to turn the screwdriver counterclockwise, and to fix it, vice versa, clockwise.
  • To securely fix with your own hands not only the doors of the kitchen set, but also the modules, in principle, convenient adjustable canopies are used.
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Handle Replacement

Handles on furniture doors are not so much decorative as a functional element. If you decide that the old holders on the facades are extremely uncomfortable, easily dirty, in general, completely impractical, it is worth considering replacing them. Before you repair your kitchen furniture with your own hands, do not forget to buy new furniture fittings. And then stick to the following diagram:

  1. Unscrew the old handles.
  2. In order not to suffer with the markup of the area where the handle will be installed on each new surface, make a template or diagram. For this stage of restoration of kitchen furniture, both plywood and thick paper are suitable.
  3. Then simply attach the template to the edge of each door and drill holes.
  4. Confidently fasten handles on updated facades.

Important! Please note that during the restoration of kitchen furniture, sharp step or coronal drills with a diameter of 4-5 mm are used to install handles on wooden or MDF facades. And for doors with a glass surface, drills with a diamond coating on the tip are used.

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Facade decoration

When the issue of the reliability of the fasteners is resolved, it is time to address the issue of how to update the facades of the old kitchen with your own hands. And here there are several possible options - self-adhesive, vinyl stickers, painting, decoupage technique. Note that they are more suitable for updating the headset.

In any situation, for the restoration of kitchen furniture you will need the following tools:

  • power screwdriver or cordless;
  • industrial hair dryer, which can be replaced with an old iron;
  • jigsaw with a set of chipboard files to insert a sink;
  • punch for drilling;
  • confirmation mill;
  • drill bits for metal;
  • clamps - 2-3 pieces, not more;
  • standard tools for the restoration of kitchen furniture - pliers, screwdrivers, a hacksaw, a hammer, an awl;
  • crowns that will be needed for drilling large holes.


Adhesive tape

This material is suitable for restoration of MDF kitchen facades, as well as for wood. It features a rich color scheme and practicality. Now on sale you can find self-adhesive with a protective layer. For the kitchen, its presence is very important, since it protects the surface from elevated temperature, humidity and sunlight.

The most important stage of the restoration of the old kitchen in this way is the preliminary preparation of the surface:

  • Facades should be inspected for defects, dirt, peeling paint or varnish, glue residue and grease. You can clean the surface with ordinary sandpaper.
  • After this treatment, the surface of the headset should be primed and wait until it dries.

Important! Some masters involved in the restoration of kitchen furniture, advise you to pre-cover the area of ​​gluing varnish. But if you choose a high-quality self-adhesive film, this is not necessary.

  • Then the surface for gluing must be degreased. Use acetone or solvent.This step should not be skipped, otherwise - in the process of gluing you may have wrinkles on the surface.

The next stage in the restoration of the old kitchen is cutting the material:

  1. Self-adhesive sheets do a little more than the area of ​​the pasted surface. If you need to take into account the pattern, then a margin of 2-3 cm is required. Without it, it will not be possible to precisely adjust the pattern. Excess pieces are neatly trimmed after pasting the furniture.
  2. Now we take the prepared sheet of film and separate the paper from its upper part. Paper should not be completely separated, but 5-7 cm.
  3. With the adhesive side we put the material to the facade and smooth the film. This is best done with a special rubber spatula.
  4. Now slowly pull the paper down and thus remove it completely. The film will adhere evenly and gently to the surface. The result of such restoration of kitchen furniture will please you.
  5. If it was not possible to exclude the bubbles, we easily remove them by piercing the lining with a thin needle. After finishing the decoration of the kitchen set with your own hands, the puncture site will not be visible.

Important! When working with materials such as self-adhesive film, lighting is very important. If it is not enough, then it is easy not to notice minor flaws. They will become visible against the general background or in bright light.

Vinyl stickers

In order to hide minor scratches and chips, you can use a wax pencil, matched to the color of the headset. It is melted over the damage and then sanded to smooth the surface.

Also, to fix minor defects, such a DIY kitchen set decor as interior stickers is suitable. Stickers are made of PVC material, which, just like the film, perfectly tolerates moisture and temperature changes.

Important! Another plus of this type of decor - this process does not take a huge amount of time, it is done without removing the facades from the hinges.

The general rules for such restoration of kitchen furniture are:

  • Before sticking stickers, the surface also needs to be cleaned of dirt and degreased, otherwise the material simply will not stick in those places under which even small specks have gotten.
  • If the surface has a rough or embossed structure, such as wood, it must be completely dry before work.
  • The smooth surface that you will have to work with when restoring MDF kitchen facades - on the contrary, needs to be slightly moistened, otherwise - the glue will grip after the first touch, then minor defects will be much more difficult to fix.

Interior stickers are glued in the same way as film. And the effect of the restoration of kitchen furniture is amazing.

Important! You can choose ready-made templates, or you can cut an individual sketch using the plotter in the nearest design studio or advertising workshop.



This option for remodeling a kitchen set with your own hands will be very popular with those who love creativity. Decoupage technique is a decorative design method based on gluing paper or other material scraps onto the surface of an item and varnishing them for preservation and effect. A simple technique, accessible to everyone, allows you to create your own and without special costs exclusive interior items that are not inferior in originality to products of fashionable furniture designers.

For this method of decorating a kitchen set with your own hands, a standard set of accessories is as follows:

  • A paper drawing that can be on a napkin or any other basis.
  • PVA glue.
  • Flat brush with soft bristles.
  • Sponge.
  • Acrylic lacquer.

Decoupage techniques are different, of varying complexity. We offer in the process of restoration of kitchen furniture to focus on the classic and most affordable option:

  1. From a paper base or napkin with a picture you like, cut out the desired element. It can be flowers or an unusual ornament.
  2. The element is applied to a previously cleaned and degreased surface.
  3. Then apply glue on top with a thin layer to fix the image.
  4. We wait time for the applied adhesive to dry completely.
  5. Only after that we cover the surface with varnish.

Important! If this option of decorating a kitchen set with your own hands seemed too simple for you, you can master the next level. Take a brush in your hands, and, choosing the right paint color, manually outline the resulting contour of the element and even add additional details to it to give the picture volume.

Molding and coloring

Molding is another great answer to the question of how to upgrade an old kitchen. It represents overhead elements made of wood or plastic, which are attached to the facade with glue for wood:

  • Classic molding is available in the form of wooden planks, which are cut to the desired length. Of them, you can form various elements to your taste and color.
  • You can also find on sale in building stores a decorative molding that imitates stucco or carved elements, with the help of which restoration of kitchen furniture will give an unusual but effective result.


Staining in a contrasting previous color will allow you to radically conduct restoration of the kitchen with your own hands. The most suitable material for this option is auto enamel. It least reacts to environmental influences, such as temperature changes and high humidity. Therefore, it is worth considering this option for repairing kitchen furniture with your own hands in more detail:

  1. At the initial stage, the facades will have to be disassembled into elements that will be painted. Remove all hardware, glass. If this is not possible, then cover the areas that should leave their original color with paper tape.
  2. If the facade surface is covered with MDF film, it must be completely removed. For this purpose, a building hair dryer is used in the restoration of kitchen furniture.
  3. Then, as in previous versions, you need to prepare the surface. First sand it and coat it with a primer, preferably in two layers.
  4. When the surface is ready, you can start painting. It can be done with either a brush or a spray gun. It all depends on the degree of your skill. If you are a beginner in this business, it is easiest to use a roller when repairing kitchen furniture with your own hands.

Important! If the usual staining does not impress you, try adding a twist to it with a peck. This is a translucent, very thick paint. It is applied to the surface with a thick layer. According to the composition that has not yet been dried, various patterns are formed using a damp sponge. The whole charm of this material is that any unsuccessful line or curl can be removed by drawing a roller over the surface.

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Cardinal changes

If half measures are not for you, and you decide to carry out a global repair of the kitchen set with your own hands, then start replacing the facades. It is worth noting that this is not only the most radical, but also the most expensive way to restore kitchen furniture.

If you have a modular kitchen or a standard option, then buying new facades will not be a hassle. For exclusive and outdated versions of kitchen furniture, you will have to make an order for production according to individual sketches. The most important thing here is to choose the optimal price-quality ratio.

Important! Saving the budget for the restoration of kitchen furniture will allow pine, chipboard and plastic. Facades from MDF and an array of valuable species will cost a pretty penny.

The installation of new facades during the restoration of kitchen furniture can be entrusted to specialists who will certainly be in the same company that engaged in their manufacture, or to install them yourself.

For this:

  1. We remove the old doors by unscrewing the screws and fixing loops.
  2. Ready-made doors and front walls of drawers in stores are usually sold unprocessed, so bring them to mind using a standard core drill with a diameter of 35 mm.
  3. Having drilled new holes for the hinges, we fasten the doors to the walls with screws.


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Stock footage

Of course, we did not give all the answers to the question of how to update the old kitchen, and even this could hardly have been done in one article. But now you have a lot of information for thought and detailed instructions for action in case you decide to remake the kitchen set with your own hands.

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