DIY mirror restoration

Mirrors always need careful maintenance. Only in this way will they always look especially spectacular. However, over time, on some mirrors the amalgam may begin to depart, which makes it lose its attractive appearance and reflectivity. If this happened to your mirror, do not despair and immediately carry it to the trash. Do-it-yourself mirror restoration will help to cope with this problem. However, you must really be aware that mirrors are manufactured in the factory as a result of a very complex process. That is why you can successfully carry out the restoration of only minor damage on the mirror surface.

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What can cause amalgam?

First of all, you need to know that the amalgam can depart in case of violation of the free circulation of air from the inside. That is why when transparent spots appear on a reflective surface, you should think about moving the mirror to some other place.

You also need to know that all mirrors are created under industrial conditions by applying a very thin layer of metal mixed with special substances to the surface. Metal is sprayed into several layers over the entire surface, which is impossible to achieve at home. Therefore, the restoration of the mirror with their own hands is carried out in order to improve its overall appearance and make small defects less noticeable.

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Restoration process

To repair the mirror you need to stock up on the following:

  • Transparent adhesive for metal and glass.
  • Brush.
  • Hard brush.
  • Napkins
  • Alcohol-containing degreaser.
  • Scissors.
  • Foam sponge.
  • Glass cleaner.

The sequence of steps to restore the mirror at home is as follows:

  • When proceeding with the restoration of a mirror, first of all, carefully remove it from the frame and examine the places of damage. From above, clean this area a little with a stiff brush to wipe off the amalgam particles and all existing debris.
  • After the surface has been thoroughly cleaned, wash it with a glass cleaner and wipe it dry.
  • Now you need to degrease the cleaned and washed surface. To do this, moisten the sponge with any alcohol-based product, wipe the surface with it and leave to dry.
  • We proceed to gluing. Cut a piece of foil that is larger than the damaged area. Coat the mirror with a thin layer at the site of damage with a slight overlap around. On top, attach the cut piece of foil with the glossy side down and press firmly.
  • Very carefully level the foil with a rag, while at the same time trying to expel excess glue.

Important! All movements should go from the center to the edges. And all excess glue is removed with a foam sponge.

  • After the foil is glued and aligned, and the excess glue is removed, leave the mirror to dry for several hours.
  • For reliability, the gluing place can be covered with a layer of colorless varnish, but this procedure is not mandatory.
  • Finally, insert the mirror back into the frame.


Important! If in this way you could not hide the defects, then this means. that their area is too big. In such a situation, hardly anything can be done, and there is nothing left but to buy a new product.

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Some more tips:

  • If there are traces of oil paint on the reflective surface, soak a piece of cloth in turpentine, and then clean the dirt. After that, rinse the mirror with warm water and leave it to dry completely.

Important! To remove the paint, you can use a small spatula. However, care must be taken not to damage the surface.

  • In some cases, changing the color of the frame can completely change the appearance of the mirror. Based on what the frame is made of, select a suitable paint and paint the frame with it.

Important! Sometimes it may be necessary to remove old paint. To do this, you can use a grinding machine with the appropriate nozzle or just sandpaper.

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Stock footage

Do-it-yourself mirror restoration is possible only under the condition of small defects. It often happens that it is impossible to save an old product, since it is too destroyed, and the attempt to restore it in the end can only worsen its appearance. Do not forget about it!


