Mosquito raid

Summer is a wonderful time: everything shines, everyone rejoices, plays and has fun, but terrible, nasty mosquitoes can ruin this whole beautiful picture. In the modern market for mosquito repellents, there are many options and one of the best is the Mosquito raid.

Important! Raid is one of the most famous brands that specializes in the production of insect repellents, and all products manufactured by this company, according to customer reviews and independent tests, are extremely high quality.

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Types of mosquito repellent

In fact, there are not so many types of Remedy mosquito repellents, but they are extremely effective.

Mosquito Reid Plates

Mosquito plates are a home remedy for bloodsuckers. Together with the fumigator, they repel buzzing pests for 12 hours.

The main advantages of the records are:

  • They very well repel various insects, and at the same time they have no smell at all, which by itself affects the comfort of their use.
  • These plates are absolutely harmless, so they can be used in a room in which young children sleep. According to the research, the plates are completely non-toxic.

Important! Reid plates (mosquito repellent), although more expensive than plates of other brands, but the effectiveness of their use is much higher. They will allow you to completely rid your home of annoying insects that keep you awake at night.

Mosquito Repellent Raid

Mosquito liquid, as well as plates, is used in conjunction with a fumigator. And it is just as easy to use.

watermarked - 77968Mode of application:

  1. Open the bottle by unscrewing the cap.
  2. Screw the bottle into the fumigator.
  3. Insert the device with the bottle of liquid already screwed into the outlet; if it turns on, the light comes on.

Helpful hints:

  • To avoid leakage of fluid from the container, turn the plug of the fumigator so that the bottle is in a vertical position.
  • To place the Raid - mosquito repellent in the form of a fumigator, it is necessary at a distance of at least 1 m from the bed itself.
  • To shut down the device, unplug it.
  • Replace the bottle when the liquid in it runs out.
  • Use in a network with a voltage of 220 V.

Important! To improve efficiency, use these recommendations:

  • In order for the active substance to spread better around the room, plug the electrofumigant plug into a power outlet in the direction of the wind flow so that it helps spread.
  • Do not cover your electric fumigator with furniture.
  • Half an hour before bedtime, turn on the device with a liquid or plate in the network - then your rest will be protected.
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Precautions when using the electrofumigator:

  1. First read the instructions for use, and then use the mosquito repellent Raid.
  2. Do not disassemble it.
  3. In no case do not allow children to use.
  4. Use the fumigator only when the windows are open so that the room is well ventilated.
  5. Use the device for its intended purpose only.
  6. In no case do not touch the included electrofumigant with metal objects or wet hands, and do not cover it during use.
  7. If liquid gets on an exposed area of ​​the skin, rinse immediately with plenty of water.
  8. If you have pets, it is best to keep them away from a working device. Before use, cover cages with animals and birds, aquariums and terrariums.
  9. If you accidentally swallow fluid, seek emergency medical attention immediately and show the label.
  10. Choose a place for storing liquids away from medicines, animal feed and food, and most importantly - in a place dry and out of the reach of children, at a temperature of 0 ° C to +30 ° C.
  11. Avoid release of liquid to the environment.
  12. Dispose of empty vials as household waste.
  13. It is not recommended for nursing women, pregnant women, and also if you are prone to allergies.
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As you can see, the basic rules for using Raid from mosquitoes are not much different from the technology of using other means, and even somewhat simpler.

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