Cockroach Raid

It is not difficult to choose an effective remedy for cockroaches in the market today, because of the high competition, manufacturers are simply forced to produce powerful and truly effective drugs. The main task of any insecticide is to reliably protect the person’s house, as well as the owner himself from all kinds of pests. Such effective remedies include the "Raid" from cockroaches.

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Features of the life of cockroaches

It is difficult to surprise a modern person with cockroaches, since these pests are spread all over the world and can be found anywhere. Some insects live up to 5 years. Pests can eat anything, including paper, leather and even soap.

Mankind has been trying for many years to get rid of these baleen pests, but since they adapt to any poisons and chemicals with surprising ease, they are unpretentious in food and, as some biologists say, are not even sensitive to radiation, the fight against them will continue for many years.

Important! The mustachioed enemies of mankind, reproducing with surprising ease, clog up food products, close wiring, spoil the most modern and expensive equipment, in addition, they tolerate many dangerous diseases and can cause allergies.

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Remedy for cockroaches Raid

The “cockroach raid” is the most publicized and popular tool used today. The product occupies its niche in the field of insect control, and produces a series of products that can save you from pests.

The insecticide that can save a person from the mustachioed "symbion" - "Raid", is presented in several variations:

  • In the form of an aerosol.
  • In the form of special traps.

751154b52ec1d92The manufacturing company claims that “Raid” is a means of a high degree of efficiency, as well as a broad focus, which can destroy all types of flying and crawling insects. Let's try to figure out if this is the case and choose the most effective form of the product: an aerosol or a trap.

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Aerosol "Raid"

"Raid" against cockroaches is a new generation tool. Today it is the most effective drug that is used not only in our country, but also in other countries. Aerosol has a wide spectrum of action and is intended for insect control in hard-to-reach places of residential premises, in particular:

  • Apartments.
  • Residential homes.
  • Schools.
  • Offices.
  • Clinics.
  • Catering facilities.

According to manufacturers, the drug, in the form of a spray, retains its effect for 6 months after insecticidal treatment.


The advantage of the "Raid" aerosol from cockroaches is that the drug has a highly effective triple-action formula, due to which the active components of the insecticide:

  • Instantly kill insects.
  • Destroy the entire population, including the larvae of cockroaches.
  • Provide reliable protection for residential premises for 6 months after treatment.


The disadvantages of the drug:

  • Strong smell.
  • Increased toxicity.

Important! When spraying the spray "Raid" from cockroaches, be sure to use personal protective equipment: a respirator or mask. After the treatment, be sure to leave the room.


Aerosol is sold in a 300 ml bottle.The drug is intended to remove not only cockroaches, but also all crawling insects: ants, ticks, bugs, fleas, etc.

Means "Raid" against cockroaches is intended only for use in places of accumulation of insects. It is impossible to spray the aerosol into the air, since the efficiency under such exposure is practically equal to 0.

Important! It is recommended to spray aerosol on skirting boards, walkways, ventilation grilles, under the sink, behind the stove, and in places where pests accumulate.

Instructions for use:

  1. Shake well before use.
  2. Spray the product at a distance of 20-30 cm from the work surface.
  3. Spray the product onto the surface for several seconds.
  4. After treatment, wash your hands with soap and leave the room.
  5. Allow the treated surfaces to dry thoroughly.
  6. Ventilate the room.
  7. Wash the surface of tables, stoves, chairs with soap and soda solution.
  8. Re-treat the premises no earlier than a month after the previous treatment.
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Raid Traps

Traps "Raid" from cockroaches are really able to cope with insects quite effectively. This is an innovative and unique tool, the main advantage of which is the ability to use it as a systemic tool to combat crawling insects.

The drug is based on high-quality new-generation insecticides that prevent pests from adapting to the product. Traps destroy even those pests that have developed immunity to other toxic agents.


Raid traps consist of two elements:

  1. Bait for insects. The bait contains an insecticide that kills cockroaches. The poison acts perfectly not only on adults, but also on their larvae.
  2. Breeding regulators. The special poison contained in the regulator sterilizes cockroaches and does not allow insects to reproduce in the future.

Trap principle

m4The trap includes components that attract the attention of the “scouts” of the colony. Eating the drug, insects become the distributors of poison and infect them with new individuals. Such a chain reaction will continue until the entire insect population is infected and destroyed.

It should be noted that the poison does not begin to act immediately, but over a long time (36 hours). This is quite enough for the insects to return “home” and spread the poison to healthy individuals.

Traps are small plastic boxes with four insect entrances. Inside the trap is a bait that lures cockroaches to itself. Insects fall into the trap through 1 of 4 entrances, where they take the viral bait. After poisoning, cockroaches die within 30 minutes, but during this time they infect other relatives, who, in turn, do not die, but lose their ability to move, which means they lose the ability to drink. After a few days, all the cockroaches die from a lack of water.

How to use traps

To kill insects:

  1. Arrange the boxes in the places where the Prussians most often appear.
  2. With a special Velcro located on the back of the trap, fix the boxes on vertical surfaces, including ventilation shafts.
  3. If necessary, change the bait and breeding control every 3 months. The transparent surface allows you to control not only the food inside with the poison, but also the duration of the insecticide.

Important! The effect of using the trap will not come immediately, but after 5-10 days, however, it is more pronounced.


  • High efficiency.
  • Lack of toxicity.
  • Safe for humans.
  • Ease of use.
  • The ability to sterilize all individuals.
  • Impact not only on adults, but also on larvae.

Important! The disadvantages include the high cost of the drug.

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Helpful hints:

  1. When using the trap, do not use insect aerosols, as an unpleasant odor will scare off cockroaches from baits.
  2. When breeding cockroaches, make sure that the insects have nothing to profit from, and also make sure that there is no water. Keep the apartment in perfect cleanliness, pack all the products tightly, regularly take out the trash. Tighten the faucets in the kitchen well, and remove all traces of water from any surface so as not to give a chance to cockroaches to survive.
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What to give preference to?

You can poison cockroaches in different ways and in different ways:

  1. If a high speed of destruction is required, then the best means is an insecticidal aerosol. But applying it, use personal protective equipment and remember that there should not be animals and people in the room.
  2. If you choose a soft, neat and absolutely safe way for humans and pets to fight, then these are cockroach traps. But remember that with a serious infection of the apartment they will not help. The meaning of their use is only when the Prussians in different quantities penetrate the house from neighbors, but do not constantly live in the house.
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What form of the drug "Raid" from cockroaches to use is up to you. It all depends on the purpose and speed of exposure, as well as your preferences. Good luck in the fight!


