Outlets in the bathroom

Not so long ago, sockets in the bathroom were banned, since Soviet bathtubs had a small area, and sockets with protection against dripping could not be found. Yes, and there were not so many household appliances on sale to equip the housing with additional places of power supply. What can I say, because even wiring from aluminum wire in old houses testifies to a lot. It is simply not designed for many powerful modern appliances. Now the time has come when our life has become much easier, thanks to a variety of household appliances. For a long time we have not washed by hand or dried hair in an open oven. But in order for all these actions to be safe, the outlets in the bathroom must comply with all safety standards. About what sockets should be, will be discussed further in this article.

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Outlets for the bathroom: a necessity or a fad?

  • The modern bathrooms in the new buildings are quite spacious, equipped with showers, hydromassage baths, boilers, range hoods, electric heated towel rails and other devices that make life more comfortable. Therefore, there was a need for sockets in this room, because using an extension cord in this case is not only inconvenient, but also unsafe.
  • In addition to the listed consumers of electricity, in this room we also use a hairdryer, electric shaver, curling iron, epilator, and, of course, washing machines. For example, the same high power washer is not recommended to be connected to the network through an extension cord. Therefore, you need to mount a socket here.
  • There are apartments with small bathrooms, which barely fit a wash basin, a bathtub and a small washing machine. If you are used to drying your hair in a room by the mirror, you don’t use an epilator and a razor, and you connect a small washing machine through an extension cord, then in this situation you can do without an outlet.

So the question of whether or not to install an outlet in the bathroom, everyone decides for himself, based on the size of his room and the frequency of use of electrical appliances.

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Where can I put the outlet in the bathroom?

If you decide that the outlet in the bathroom is definitely needed, then you can not mount it anywhere. Be sure to follow certain rules. You must act in accordance with the EMP (rules for the installation of electrical installations).

Important! The bathroom differs from other rooms in that there is increased humidity and there is a chance of splashing water. Therefore, when installing outlets, you need to consider many nuances.

Distance from moisture to a power outlet

Electricians divide the bathroom into four zones:

  • The first two (zone “0” and zone “1”) are not recommended for installing outlets. This is the space where the bathroom, shower, washbasin are located. That is, places where water pours and sprinkles in large quantities. In zone “1” only a water heater can be mounted.
  • In zone “2” lighting fixtures and ventilation can be located.
  • But in zone “3” it is already allowed to install sockets, but, of course, only those that have protection against water.

Important! In more detail, the distance from the water sources (bath, shower, washbasin, bidet) should be more than 60 cm. The farther, the better. The reason for this placement is not necessary to explain, it is clear to everyone.

Socket height in the bathroom

Now about what should be the height of the outlet in the bathroom above the floor. It should be placed at a height of 1 m from the floor and above.

Important! The best option would be a height of 1.3 m from the floor.

The height of the outlet for the washing machine should be the same. Very often it is placed over the washing unit. It is both convenient and desired height. But why not lower?

  • Condensation often collects on the walls, especially in the cold season. And the closer to the floor, the more streams of collected water. This is the first.
  • Secondly, a “flood” can occur in the bathroom due to a malfunction of household appliances or sewage. Therefore, the higher the outlet will be from the floor, the safer.
  • Well, and thirdly, we will not deny that it is inconvenient to turn on devices in the outlet placed low, especially for elderly people.

Important! Speaking of condensation, it is also worth knowing that the outlet in the bathroom cannot be placed on the wall that is adjacent to the porch or street, because it is the coldest. Most moisture is collected on it due to temperature changes. Due to increased condensation, sockets cannot be installed on such a wall.

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What sockets are permissible to install in the bathroom?

Outlets for the bathroom must meet some important requirements.

Water resistant

First of all, it is necessary to choose waterproof sockets for the bathroom in the store. They are divided by degree of protection (IP).

For the bathroom, the IPX 4 model is recommended. This outlet has the following properties:

  • It is protected against splashes and abundant water flows thanks to a special cover on the outside.

Important! Sometimes there are “curtains” that automatically close the contact slots after removing the plug from the outlet.

  • In addition, they are equipped with dense rubber rings in the inner part, which prevents the penetration of moisture inside.vozmozhnost-ustanovki2


Also, such a socket must have an additional contact for grounding. A socket with three-wire wiring must have a connected ground contact (protective zero TN-S).

Important! In older homes, grounding can be a bunch of screws in the shield housing (ground loop). RCD and protective transformer will be able to work without it, but the level of protection will be lower.


Now from moisture-proof sockets we select those that suit us in terms of power. It depends on the devices that you will connect:

  • For the washing machine, you need a more powerful outlet - 16 A.
  • If you turn on only a hairdryer or electric shaver, then a device of 8 A. will be enough

Important! Keep in mind the fact that if you connect, for example, a washing machine or any other powerful device to a low-power outlet, it can melt, which in most cases entails a short circuit.

  • If you have a large bathroom with a boiler, washing machine, electric heated towel rail, plus you regularly use a hairdryer, curling iron and other equipment, then it makes sense to install several outlets.

Important! The main thing is to remember that according to safety rules, there should be no extension cords in the bathroom.

In general, before buying, you should summarize the possible “consumers” of electricity and choose the sockets in the bathroom in the right amount (you can install monoblocks) and the required power.


In the electrical department, pay attention to the products of the following brands:

  • Legrand;
  • Schneider Electric;
  • Lezard
  • Makel.

Important! The products of these brands are worthy of quality and reliability.

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Installing a power outlet in the bathroom

When installing the outlet in the bathroom, we advise you to contact a professional electrician. He will carry out the installation competently, taking into account all the dangers and difficulties.

Important! If you have only theoretical knowledge, but have never dealt with an electrician in practice, then it’s better not to risk it. Even the most detailed instructions may not protect you from errors and electric shock.

If, nevertheless, you had experience of this kind, then the following is a diagram of the steps when installing the outlet in the bathroom.

Required Inventory

For safe and quick installation of the outlet, you may need:

  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • voltage indicator;
  • round pliers;
  • level;
  • drill with shock mode and nozzles to it;
  • stripper (for accurate removal of insulation from the wire) or knife;
  • socket (sockets, monoblock of several sockets);
  • copper cable of the desired length with a cross section of 2.5 square meters. mm;
  • alabaster.

Preparing for the installation of outlets:

  • If you started a global repair, then it is better to double-check all the wiring of the apartment, since in old houses an aluminum cable was laid earlier, which is not designed for heavy loads. If you have just such a case, replace it with a copper one, otherwise - you will not be able to turn on several household appliances at the same time, for example, a washing machine and an iron.

Important! How to properly install electrical installations, what requirements to adhere to, is written in the EMP. According to this document, the socket for the bathroom must be grounded, waterproof and connected to the network through an RCD, a differential machine or an isolation transformer.

  • Use a three-core copper cable with a cross section of 2.5 sq. Mm.
  • For the bathroom, make a separate line by installing your own circuit breaker on it, as well as an RCD.

Important! RCD is a residual current device. Ideally, it should be installed on all wiring in the bathroom. The RCD continuously compares the current supplied to the appliance and the current flowing from the appliance. If between them there is a difference of about 30 mA (dangerous for humans), then the device turns off the voltage. Since the RCD works very quickly, the leakage current flowing through the damaged insulation or the human body does not have time to cause harm. The value of the RCD must not be higher than the rating of the machine.

The procedure for installing outlets in the bathroom:

  1. Make the necessary calculations, measurements and mark the location of the future outlet.
  2. Lead the necessary wires to the bathroom. Using a drill with a special cutting nozzle or a perforator, cut a round hole for the socket.
  3. Next, ditch the wall from the hole to the ceiling and there punch a through hole to bring the wire out of the bathroom to the outside.

Important! It should be noted that hidden wiring is recommended for the bathroom. But if for some reason you laid open, then the wire can not be hidden in metal sleeves or fastened with metal brackets. In addition, even if the wiring is hidden, then all twists, terminal blocks, and other places for connecting wires should be outside the bathroom. They should not even be under the tile.

  1. In the cut hole, install a sock and secure with alabaster. Strip the wires from insulation with a stripper or knife. Insert a three-wire wire into it, lay it out along the strobe, take it outside the bathroom and also fix it with alabaster.
  2. Install the socket in the socket and secure its housing with the fixing screws.
  3. Connect the cable from the bathroom to the main wiring (panel or junction box) using a separate circuit breaker.

Important! A circuit breaker is needed, first of all, for such powerful electrical appliances as a washing machine and a water tank. If the plans are to use only a hairdryer and an epilator, then installing a machine is not necessary.

  1. Check the correctness of the work performed and supply electricity.

Important! In order for the sockets to serve for many years and not to become loose, always observe the following rule: when removing the appliance plug, hold the socket with your hand.

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In some cases, you just can not do without a wall outlet in the bathroom. So that it does not pose a threat to the safety of your life and the life of all family members, the outlet should be chosen very carefully, adhering to all the rules and rules described in this article. Responsibly should also apply to the installation of sockets in the bathroom. It is best to entrust this matter to an experienced electrician.Then in the bathroom you can use all the necessary household appliances without fear for your health.


