DIY roller blinds

Decoration of the room with curtains is an important point in the entire process of interior design of a room. The question of choosing this element, as a rule, is especially relevant when a small space is arranged. Do-it-yourself roller blinds become the best solution for such areas. The mechanism of this design is not as complicated as it might seem at first, in addition, it is quite possible to do it yourself. So that you do not have any problems with this, we will detail the course of such work in this article.
to contents ↑The advantages of this choice
The mechanism of such roll-up curtains is a section of fabric that is wound onto a roll hidden in a pocket during opening of a window opening.
This principle of operation has many advantages:
- Roller blinds are suitable for all rooms - from the living room to the kitchen.
- The design is very simple and easy to use.
- With this design, it’s very easy to adjust the lighting.
- You can use both independent curtains, and in combination with other curtains.
- They can be hung on both wooden and plastic frames.
to contents ↑Important! Such curtains are very convenient to mount it on the window frame. Thus, they will not be able to interfere while opening the window to ventilate the room.
About the principle of work
Sewing roller blinds will be much cheaper than choosing a ready-made mechanism in a special store. Carving them is so simple that even those who have absolutely no sewing skills can do it.
Consider the principle of operation of this design:
- The role of the eaves is played by the bar-shaft - it is mounted either on the frame or above the window opening. Actually on it and holds the fabric.
- The material itself is fixed with garters made of cords or ribbons. They are attached to the upper part of the structure, that is, in the same place where the shaft mechanism is arranged.
- These garters let you adjust your curtains.
- The design may have several transverse “wings”, which may have different widths. These flaps are also regulated by garters.
Now step by step we will understand how to make roller blinds with your own hands.
Materials for work
To make such original curtains, you can limit yourself to choosing the fabric you like. To do this, you only need to hang it on a ready-made mechanism from a special store, but it is much more interesting to make such a mechanism yourself.
For work, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:
- Two slats made of wood, the length of which should coincide with the length of the window opening.
- Furniture stapler.
- Sewing machine.
- Metal corners.
- Suitable fabric for roller blinds with your own hands.
- Dense ribbon (satin or corsage).
- Decorative elements (buttons, beads, buttons).
Manufacturing process
A detailed master class on how to make roller blinds on plastic windows with your own hands will help you quickly understand the manufacturing technology. Consider a detailed algorithm for further work:
- If you chose a double-sided fabric, you need to tighten up the cuts on the cut parts, stitch them with a seam, then sew on the sewing machine.
- If you are stitching a curtain from two cloths of fabric, the patterns must be folded with the front side inwards and connected with the stitch stitches from below and from the sides, and then stitched on the machine.Next, the workpiece must be turned on the face, carefully straighten the corners, steamed with an iron and stitch the top of the product.
- In order for the curtain to be neatly stretched, you must attach a weighting agent to the bottom. To do this, the bottom edge must be tucked up and sewn to the canvas to get a kind of pocket. Insert a rail or metal rod into it.
- Next, to make roll-curtains with your own hands, the fabric must be attached to the base, that is, to a wooden beam. To do this, the canvas is laid on a flat horizontal surface, and the upper edge of the structure is wrapped around the rail, then pinned with a stapler for furniture.
- Instead of garters, it is better to use ready-made ribbons or sew them yourself from a suitable material in color. The length of these garters is equal to twice the height of the window opening with the addition of 15-20 cm per nodule or button.
- Garter attach to the base using a stapler. In the future, they will hold the roll of the structure folded.
- To fix the structure, it is necessary to use metal corners. First they need to be attached to the wall or frame, and then fixed to the base of the roller blind.
Stock footage
Roller blinds, despite the simplicity of manufacture, are able to give your room a new look. To make a mechanism for roller blinds with your own hands, you will spend only a couple of hours of free time and a minimum amount of money, but you will admire the new interior item for a long time.
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