Red ants - how to get out?

At the beginning of the summer and spring season, red ants for many become a very big problem. And especially they bother those who live in a private house or on the lower floors. The fight against these insects is a very difficult task, but getting rid of intruders is still possible. Initially, let's look at the root causes of the appearance of ants in the apartment and, of course, the means to bring them out.
to contents ↑The reasons for the appearance of ants in the apartment
Going deep into history, we can say that red ants were brought to us from Egypt, at that time they were in the vast expanses of our country. Now meeting these insects is a common thing, because they live everywhere.
The reasons why ants start in an apartment or house are quite commonplace.
Inadequate cleanliness and hygiene of the living room
Dirty dishes, food debris and crumbs, unsustainable garbage - all this is the most favorable habitat for red ants. According to studies - 90% of ants get into the house precisely because of unsanitary conditions.
Important! It is impossible to completely isolate food suitable for ants, but this is not a reason not to remove it at all. In any case, you need to clean up the kitchen, because it is in the kitchen that red ants appear most often. And do not forget to look into the distant drawers in all other rooms - there can also be a lot of crumbs and other garbage.
Yes, these insects can accidentally enter your home. For example, you are replanting flowers, and you have taken the land on the street. In this land there could be a couple of ants or other insects, as a result - they favorably get into your apartment. Well, or you walked along the street and accidentally entered the anthill, a couple of goosebumps climbed into your boot or just got on your clothes. The problem will arise again - the red ants in the kitchen in your house already live.
Suppose your neighbors are actively fighting ants, in search of a new home - they are crawling towards you.
Now you are familiar with the reasons for the appearance of red ants and are able to protect your home from these uninvited guests. But what if the ants already live in your apartment?
to contents ↑How to deal with ants in a home?
Before you start an active fight with insects, it is worth watching them, because they are not found alone. They live in packs, or rather families, and each member of these families plays a role and has a purpose - some of them are responsible for collecting food, you can notice them.
When the ants are noticed, you should follow them and figure out where their nest is located - all the other insects live there.
Next - it’s up to the small, the fight with the red ants is directly ahead. For this, today there are various methods and remedies for red forest ants.
The main advantage of this method is that you do not need to monitor ants and look for a nest. You just need to find a way to lure them into a trap, which means - choose the location of the “trap" correctly.
Important! The best places to install such devices are dusty, rarely cleaned gaps, pantry floors and ventilation shafts.
Special aerosols
Aerosols are very effective and fast-acting agents, when used, the fight against red ants can end very quickly.
The essence of their action is that when an aerosol drop is used, it enters the ant breathing apparatus, thus the insect cannot escape poisoning.
Most often they are sold in the form of syringe gels, which is very convenient for use. Of course, it is enough to squeeze the right amount of funds from forest red ants and apply it on suitable surfaces. No additional gestures with the laborious own-hand preparation of poison potions will not have to be performed.
Important! This drug will help get to the most secretive corners of your apartment, thereby killing most ants, which cannot be done, for example, by an aerosol.
Special brigades
This method is the most effective in the fight against red ants, especially if you were attacked by a large population, and not by chance 2 goose bumps ran through the house.
Initially, even before the arrival of the exterminator’s brigade, specially trained people were looking for a cube of ants, after which they were brought out with the help of various mechanical devices, apparatuses and devices.
Important! After disinfection, a full inspection of the room is carried out in order to avoid repeated calls.
Folk methods
There are many methods that our mothers and grandmothers used at one time. At the moment, there is more than one such method known to get rid of goosebumps at home and without chemistry.
to contents ↑Important! To get the best possible result, it is worth using several tools at once. The result will be as quick as possible, and the likelihood that ants will appear again is equal to zero.
The best chemicals for killing red ants
If you still decide to concentrate on chemicals in the fight against insects, we recommend giving preference to the proven options from the list below:
- “Get”. The work of this spray is that along with the liquid, poison capsules also enter the spraying area, as a result - the ants have no chance to survive.
- The Raptor. The advantage of this aerosol is that it is released with the smell of mint, and this avoids the terrible smell in the room after processing. You can also use the Raptor gel. The principle of its action is that the ants eat the poisoned substance and become carriers of the infection, thereby infecting the remaining insects.
- “Globol”. This remedy for forest red ants is a German-made gel, one drop of which can kill about 500 insects. It is worth paying attention to the presence of German inscriptions on the package, since there are several analogues that are much weaker in action.
- “Combat”. A very effective tool that can kill almost all insects from one use. Like the Raptor, it has a mint and lemon fragrance, so the fight against red ants will not be very unpleasant for you.
- Front Line. This spray is quite expensive, but very effective. Will protect your house not only from ants, yj and from cockroaches, fleas? ticks. You can buy it at veterinary stalls.
Folk remedies to combat red ants
Many of us are very negatively opposed to chemicals for many reasons. For example, in the house there are animals that are easily poisoned by certain drugs, or small curious children who do not miss the opportunity to touch or try the poison.
Also a significant disadvantage of such funds is the high price, which is not always a guarantee of quality. Therefore, more and more often one has to turn to folk methods of combating red ants in the kitchen.
Here are some examples of grandfather’s recipes:
- Boric acid can be considered the most effective means. The bait itself is very easy to prepare. First, cook a hard-boiled egg, separate the yolk and protein.Add sugar or honey to the yolk, add 20 g of boric acid to the same mixture. From the obtained bait we make small balls and arrange them in places where ants appear most often.
Important! There is also another method of using boric acid against ants. You can mix sugar or honey with boric acid and dilute a little with water. Pour this liquid into the spray gun and spray it onto the ants nest. The effect of these drugs is noticeable the next day, and after a week there will not be a single red bug in your house.
- It is known that ants are scared away by pungent odors. The most active are the smells of sunflower oil, peppermint, camphor, elderberry and wormwood. You can lubricate the roads of ants with garlic - such a remedy for red ants is equally effective.
- Meat bait. In order to make it, you will need some minced meat and borax. These ingredients should be mixed and laid out in those places where insects were noticed. According to reviews, the tool works very well.
- A mixture of yeast, boric acid and jam is also effective. The resulting mixture must be smeared on a plate and put closer to the nest. Ants will become noticeably smaller in about a week.
- Vinegar helps very well from domestic red ants. It is necessary to moisten the chopper with this tool and wipe those places where goose bumps are most common. Soon, the “self-settlers” will leave your home. But one cannot rule out the possibility that the ants will simply transfer their nest to another place. Then you should wipe all the cracks in your apartment.
- There is a thought that ants cannot stand spoiled lemons. It is worth placing the cut lemon near the nest of insects. After some time, you will no longer see ants.
- You can take equal proportions of sugar, water, glycerin and boric acid. Thoroughly mix this mixture and place it in the places where the ants gather. Insects will eat this bait and share it with other relatives. Using this method, you will forget about them in 2-3 weeks.
- Adhesive tape trap. Take a plate and glue its rims with double-sided tape. Put something sweet or just sugar inside. When the ants try to get to the tasty one, they will stick to the tape. But over time, insects will realize that this is a trap and stop trying to get to food. So this method can save you only a small number of individuals.
How to avoid the appearance of ants in the apartment?
If you do not have ants or you have already got rid of them, in order to avoid the red migrants again, it is worth taking precautions. The common truth that it is much easier to protect oneself from a problem than to get rid of it later has not been canceled.
A few tips will help you in the future not to spend a lot of effort and money on breeding ants:
- As mentioned earlier, the main reason for the appearance of ants in the apartment is unsanitary conditions. Therefore, in the kitchen, be sure to wipe the tables after eating, clean the crumbs and carefully wipe the plates. Also, if you have pets, such as a cat or dog, you need to change the food in their plate after a day has passed. It is spoiled food that is the epicenter of the work of ants.
- Take out the trash more often - in trash bags there are a lot of unprotected products that will serve as a treat for insects.
- All products should be stored in the refrigerator, in plastic food containers or plastic bags.
- Cleaning should be carried out very efficiently, especially paying attention to the kitchen: sinks, stove, cabinets with cereals.
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Now you are familiar with the reasons for the appearance of red ants in the apartment, how to deal with them and preventive tips to prevent this problem. Compliance with these rules will protect you from unexpected guests and will help you to forget about the problem of small insects in the house forever.
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