Does viscose sit after washing?

The modern variety of materials affects not only every consumer, but also eminent fashion designers. And there is plenty to choose fabrics that are ideal for all parameters. One of the most popular synthetic materials is viscose. For its manufacture, recycled natural cellulose is used. Now this material is very popular in order to make clothes and other necessary things. It seems that materials of natural origin are so popular these days, what are the advantages of viscose, does viscose sit after washing?

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Properties of viscose

This material stands out among similar canvases with its magnificent properties, which are no worse than high-quality cotton.


The fabric has the following qualities:

  • Breathability;
  • Hygroscopic and hygienic;
  • Softness and lightness;
  • Ability to stain;
  • Persistence of dyed fabric.

Important! Viscose is often mixed with cotton - this material does not lose its shape and retains heat for a long time.


  • Despite the fact that viscose has a lot of advantages, this material is still very delicate and somewhat moody.
  • Handling this fabric carelessly can easily ruin it. When washing, drying and ironing, some rules must be observed.
  • Viscose is not a completely synthetic material, since natural wood is used to produce it, and not a synthesized chemical substance. Therefore, this disadvantage is relative.
  • Things, for which one hundred percent viscose was used, look great and sit, but their impracticality is to quickly draw and poor heat retention. Thus, the answer to the question whether viscose sits after washing will be in the affirmative.
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How to wash?

The main question for all housewives: how to wash viscose so as not to sit down?

Important! If this material is wetted, it becomes less durable. Therefore, it needs delicate washing, ironing and drying.

rubashka-iz-lna-sela-posle-stirki-47727-largeWashing sequence:

  • First of all, things are divided by color: first, white clothes are washed, then colored and black ones. Despite the fact that this material does not fade, different detergents can be used for different colors.
  • Be sure to check pockets - they should not be any things.
  • We study tags with information about the features of washing. It is quite possible that it is better to use dry cleaning services so that the thing does not turn out to be spoiled.
  • Before starting to wash, a dry wash is performed using a dry soft brush. This removes dust and various contaminants.
  • When washing automatically, the delicate mode is set, and the temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. In addition, it is better to use a special bag ..
  • For handwashing, the temperature should be the same - not cold, since dirt can not be washed off.
  • The powder is also used delicate.
  • Pre-soaking - no more than thirty minutes.

Important! Handling rough with viscose is strictly prohibited. This fabric does not withstand twisting and intense friction. When washing, light massaging movements are used, and the product is slightly shaken to remove moisture. Do not use products with a concentrated solution of alkali in the composition.

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Viscose drying

To spin the product, you need to put it on a terry towel, then roll it up, squeeze it a little and shake it.

To dry things from viscose, you can use two methods:

  • On the hanger;
  • On a flat surface, on which lies a fabric with good absorbent properties.

Important! Do not use metal hangers, which may cause stains. The best option is the use of soft fabric coat hanger, the safest. Do not use electric dryers, as the fabric will wear out faster and sit down.

Similar products are ironed from the inside out, as the fibers melt and the fabric begins to shine.

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How to return the form to the product?

Rayon sits after washing, how is the lost form restored? This procedure can hardly be called pleasant: a wet product is worn on the body and worn until it is completely dry.

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How to wash viscose mats?

Such material is used not only for sewing clothes, but also for the production of many things so necessary in the household. Let's consider how to put in order a rug made of viscose:

  • You need to wash the mat only when absolutely necessary. A distinctive feature of the fibers of this material is fragility. Cleaning the carpet may damage it.
  • Dry detergent should be used before using liquid detergent. Such a product can not only be shaken, but also slightly knocked out.
  • It is allowed to use a vacuum cleaner to remove stubborn dirt. It is best to use the nozzle without a mechanical brush.
  • Before starting the washing, the mat needs to be firmly fixed, for which either a table or a waterproof oilcloth is used on the floor.
  • Warm water and carpet cleaner mix. To rub the solution into the carpet, use a soft-bristle brush.

Important! Hard brushes should not be used, as they will tear brittle fibers.

  • Codes of viscose fiber get wet - they acquire a yellowish tint. In order to get rid of unattractive yellowness, a mixture of vinegar and water is prepared, which is used to treat the surface. Thanks to acetic acid, after drying, the product will not noticeably strong yellowing.
  • To eliminate excess moisture, re-treatment with a vacuum cleaner will be required.
  • To prevent stains and bald spots from sticking together fibers, a diluted fabric softener is used. Due to this, the fibers will become softer and will not fall into lumps.
  • To the carpet does not turn yellow, it must be dried down with the front side. And for the final drying, it needs to be laid out in a clean, dry place or hung to dry.
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Viscose is an excellent material with which you can decorate any wardrobe. If you follow all the instructions and information on the labels correctly, you will not think about whether viscose sits after washing, and clothing for many years will remain bright and attractive.

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