DIY garden furniture

In the spring-summer period, the question of how to make garden furniture with your own hands becomes relevant. Original homemade products can become a real decoration of any garden, and, of course, be used for its intended purpose. Before proceeding with its manufacture, it is necessary to determine what it can be made of. The most common material for garden furniture is wood, which fits in the landscape of the site in the best way, but other materials are also used. Be sure to take a look at whether any unnecessary things are lying in your country house or in a country house. Since often masterpieces are obtained precisely from the most simple and familiar objects.

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Is it worth the time to spend on homemade furniture?

The answer to this question, of course, depends on personal preferences, but we will nevertheless present several arguments in favor of such a pastime:

  1. Cheapness. As a rule, the cottage is financed according to the residual principle, and, first of all, the money goes to fertilizers, seeds, equipment. You have to either relax on the crumbling, torn armchairs that served your purpose in the last century, or buy tasteless plastic furniture. Homemade will cost the price of nails and wood.
  2. Originality. It is very likely to see the exact same set of plastic in the neighbor’s house and in several other areas. A hand-made item will be unique.
  3. Interchangeability. When your exclusive sofa or table gets tired, you can come up with and build a new one, and the issue price will also be low.
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What can home-made furniture be made of?

It is said that Michelangelo could look at blocks of stone for a long time, seeing the statues inside. A creative summer resident, whose “hands itch” to do something like that, can see future furniture in any item: an armchair will come out of this plastic box, and a wonderful table will come out of this stump. Therefore, in the barn you can set aside a special corner for collecting improvised material, from which you can then make garden furniture with your own hands:

  • Scraps of lining, boards, timber, battens.
  • Pieces of triplex and plexiglass.
  • Pallets, boxes.
  • Beautiful snags.
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We make a garden table from a tree

This piece of furniture is multifunctional and can be used not only in the garden, but also in the house. In this case, you do not need special carpentry skills and knowledge, everything is quite simple and affordable.

Tools and materials:

  1. Shields - 2 pcs. 2000 by 300 by 28 mm in size (larch, pine or spruce).
  2. Reiki - 3 pcs in size 200 to 100 by 28 mm.
  3. Countertop.
  4. Legs - 4 pcs.
  5. Electric drill.
  6. Self-tapping screws and screws.
  7. Sander.
  8. Hacksaw.
  9. Sandpaper (fine and coarse).
  10. Paint brushes.
  11. Polyurethane varnish (matte).

Important! You can use wood of any species, but coniferous varieties are much softer, it is easier to make furniture out of them.


The sequence of manufacturing the table is as follows:

  • Make a countertop using drawings, observing the dimensionality. You can also use a ready-made countertop bought at a store.
  • Connect the two shields together and lay the countertop face down on them.
  • Fasten the narrow shields on the long sides of the table so that a support frame is obtained.
  • Measure the shield and divide it into three parts so that the fragments are located between the frame: one in the middle of the table, and the other two at the edges.

Important! When tightening the screws, be sure to prevent the shields from cracking. During pressure, it is advisable to use medium strength, a low pace and not slow down.

  • Screw the table legs approximately 70 mm from the edge of the product.
  • Walk on the countertop with sandpaper and then remove the dirt with a cloth.
  • Apply a thin layer of polyurethane varnish to the surface, which will protect the table from stains and moisture.
  • After the varnish is completely dry, sand the product with large emery paper and apply another varnish coat.
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Making a wooden bench

A bench is an important attribute on any suburban area, it is useful, practical, creates comfort, fits perfectly into the country setting. Any variant of such garden furniture can be taken as a basis, creating its original design. The process of making such garden furniture with your own hands is quite simple and does not require special knowledge.

Materials and tools:

  1. A circular saw.
  2. Wood hacksaw.
  3. Hammer.
  4. Two-handed saw.
  5. Plane.
  6. Hammer.
  7. Screwdriver.
  8. Pliers.
  9. Nail clipper.
  10. Screwdriver.
  11. Angle grinder.
  12. Beams.
  13. Wooden boards - 12 pieces in sizes 870 by 100 by 50 mm.
  14. Varnish or paint.
  15. Antiseptic to protect wood from moisture and fungus.


The sequence of manufacturing a garden bench is as follows:

  • Make 2 identical parts with a length of 870 mm, which will serve as supports for the bench in the structure, as well as a supporting back for fixing the boards.
  • Sand the boards with a planer, apply the image of a curly leg to the workpiece, departing from the beginning 330 mm.
  • Draw a back on the same workpiece without affecting the width.

Important! It should taper towards the end.

  • Cut the parts along a pre-made contour.
  • From two boards measuring 430 mm, make legs for the bench.
  • Connect the workpieces together, carefully grinding the fragments. To connect the elements, make knife grooves in the racks with a depth of 250 mm and a width of 100 mm.
  • Make a plane 2 parts with a length of 650 mm, which will serve as a connection between the legs.
  • Put the bench frame together.
  • Screw to it four boards with a length of 30 mm each, then the back, and after the seat.
  • Apply oil paint or varnish to the surface of the product, protecting it from external influences and moisture.

Important! To install garden furniture, choose shady places to improve the comfort of its use.

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Some simple ideas for creating furniture

Do-it-yourself wooden garden furniture is beautiful, environmentally friendly, concise and easy to manufacture. Sometimes brute masculine power is not even required to work with wood. Garden furniture items are made in different ways, depending on which materials are used:

  • It is easiest to work with ready-made boards, slats, bars - already processed material. There are many simple and more complicated ways to make furniture.

Important! To create furniture, it is better not to choose softwood logs, since they emit tar, which can stain sitting clothes. In the event that there is no other material, it is advisable to tar the wood before use.

  • Much more monumental tables and benches are obtained from logs. Sometimes you can just put one big log and throw a couple of pillows on top to make a comfortable place to sit, but it’s better to work on creating some more interesting project.
  • Hemp is also great for creating furniture for the garden and the garden. Separate stumps of a small size can be adapted for stools, and a larger stump can be adapted for a table.

Important! To make it more comfortable to sit on such “chairs”, you can sew soft pillows for them.

  • If you use driftwood and branches from the forest to make furniture for your garden, you can find yourself in a real fairy tale.Nature itself sometimes dictates to us the original outlines of real masterpieces. A bench made of branches will fit very harmoniously into the design of any site, for the frame of which some more durable material was taken (bars, logs).

Important! Branches and snags are sometimes used even for the manufacture of legs, however, for structural strength it is better to design them with only armrests and a back.

  • Tree cuts can also be used for the manufacture and design of garden furniture. They can be used as countertops, stool or chair seats. They are attached to the base and to each other using waterproof glue.
  • Another find for lovers of leisure outside the city will be wooden pallets or pallets that could remain after the transportation of building materials. Do-it-yourself furniture for a summer house from such material is made quickly and very simply: just put the pallets on top of each other and you can create a square table and several small chairs. If you have a large number of pallets at your disposal, then from them you can create a real corner sofa for a company of several people.
  • A wooden drum (reel) for cable is considered a unique find for gardeners. A table from such a coil does not even need to be made, it is stable in itself. Here you just have to show a little imagination, arranging the leg and countertop properly. For greater convenience in the center of the coil, you can mount an umbrella that protects from the sun. Also, stools, sofas, armchairs and other creative things can be made from such drums.
  • You should not send to the trash and old car tires. Rubber is a very durable material that is great for the garden. Tires make great swings or hanging chairs for children and adults.
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Having given free rein to your imagination, you can make beautiful garden furniture with your own hands. For this you can use both wooden boards, so simple improvised, it would seem, completely unnecessary materials. And if you come up with some other interesting decor, then such things will become a real work of art.


