Microfiber Wipes

The quality of cleaning depends on many factors, including the material of the most ordinary rag. For a long time, it was believed that cleaning should be done exclusively with cotton rags. It would seem - what else can be invented here? It turned out that it is very possible, and rags from some synthetic fibers are much more effective than cotton ones. What are microfiber wipes and what are they used for? We’ll talk about this now.

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A bit of history

Clothing manufacturers have always tried to find new materials. And in the middle of the last century, they faced an unusual task - the rapid development of space programs began, and in many countries. We needed fabrics not only strong and durable, but also possessing a number of specific properties.

In the 50s, polymers were already obtained. Japanese scientists tried to pull the threads out of them. In the end, they succeeded, and by the mid-70s new material was created. It was microfiber.

In the 90s, it was officially introduced to the general public in many countries - this happened in Sweden. From that moment, the victorious procession of microfiber began in countries and continents.

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What do they make of it?

Now microfiber is used in many fields. From it they make:

  • clothes
  • thermal underwear;
  • Filters
  • upholstery for furniture;
  • cleaning products;
  • and much more - and the scope is constantly expanding.

Important! Clothing and linen made of this material perfectly protect against heat and cold - they belong to the category of so-called “climatic” products that can create comfortable conditions for a person in any conditions.

The furniture upholstered in this fabric is practical - the material is very durable, and besides, it is easy to care for.

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What is microfiber?

For the manufacture of microfiber, two types of fibers are used:

  • polyester;
  • polyamide.

Important! The polyester in such a fiber is 80%, polyamide, respectively, 20%. However, now other polymers are also used to produce the material.

But not only the chemical composition is important, but also the structure. Microfiber consists of the thinnest fibers interlaced in a special way - it has a star-shaped middle and a split “periphery”. This gives it very interesting properties:

  • softness;
  • abrasiveness;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • collects dirt well;
  • easily erased;
  • dries quickly;
  • no detergents needed during cleaning.

Important! There are not many materials that combine softness and abrasiveness. The thing is that the abrasive properties in this case are at the micro level.

A few more words about the properties:

  • Since the material consists of many very fine fibers, it absorbs water well and collects dirt.
  • At the same time, like any synthetics, microfiber is perfectly cleaned and dries very quickly.
  • A distinctive feature of such napkins is that dirt penetrates between the fibers, while the surface of the microfiber rag itself remains clean.
  • It can accommodate as much dust as needed, as well as water. Their mass significantly exceeds the weight of the napkin itself.
  • Since microfiber cloth penetrates everywhere, then dirt removes almost everything.
  • It can rightly be called antiseptic and antifungal. Such fabrics are not impregnated with special compositions, but antimicrobial tapes or individual fibers are woven into some products.

Important! Microfiber fibers are many times thinner than a human hair, so the fabric is twice as light as the thinnest silk. Such a napkin penetrates even the most secluded corners and the smallest cracks on the surface. What kind of cotton rag is capable of this?

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What are napkins?

Microfiber products can be:

  • woven;
  • non-woven.

Non-woven products are more common in hardware stores. They are very popular because they are cheaper. However, the absorbent capacity of wipes is higher, therefore cleaning company employees, who often have to deal with large surfaces, often prefer the first option.

A microfiber rag can be used for any type of cleaning, however, manufacturers of cleaning products produce several napkins:

  • universal;
  • for floors;
  • for glasses.

Important! Universal microfiber cloths are designed for dry and wet cleaning. They can wipe furniture, utensils, window sills, earthenware products, glass ceramics and much more. They are suitable for metal surfaces. In addition, the microfiber cloth has antistatic properties.

Napkins for glass:

Compared to universal ones, they are softer and resemble externally suede or velvet with a very short pile. They are designed specifically for glass, and it does not matter where the glass is - in the apartment, in the car, or is it crystal glassware.

Important! The main advantage of such a napkin is that it does not leave stains on this very moody material.

The sizes of rags for glass can be very different. On sale you will find:

  • large, designed for windows and doors;
  • the very tiny lenses of microscopes are treated.salfetki-iz-mikrovolokna

Napkin for the floor

Should I buy an expensive microfiber cloth instead of an old T-shirt? If you value cleanliness and order - definitely:

A rag made of this material absorbs moisture and collects almost all the dirt. With the same success, it can be washed as a regular wooden floor, or an elegant parquet or a delicate laminate.

  1. The manufacturers made sure that you did not have to cut and shred anything - the rag for the floor has a standard size of 50x70 cm.
  2. An important advantage is that a microfiber rag most miraculously collects pet hair, not to mention the fact that it’s much easier to remove other traces of cats and dogs in an apartment with such a rag. And much faster than cotton rags.
  3. The most cardinal thing is that you don’t need any detergents. This is especially important if there are people in the house who are prone to allergies.
  4. Of course, microfiber does not leave stains, and with such a rag it is very convenient to remove stains of fat in the kitchen, traces of dirty feet in the hallway, and the floor art of your young artist in the nursery.
  5. At the same time, it doesn’t matter in what order to wash the apartment - there are no odors on microfiber, so if you first clean the kitchen and then the living room, there will be no unpleasant consequences.
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Microfiber Legends

Not all people immediately perceive the new. Some tend to doubt and believe in fairy tales. There are myths about microfiber.

Myth One

When cleaning with a microfiber cloth, do not use detergents. This is far from the case. You can use it, but usually it is not necessary.

Important! If such a need nevertheless arises, approximately half as much gel or powder is required as usual.

Second myth

It concerns the price. Some people think that microfiber is an expensive pleasure, accessible only to rich people. In fact, this has long been wrong. Now many companies are engaged in the production of cleaning products from this material, which strive to make napkins, gloves and everything else accessible to everyone. And it succeeds.

Important! Note also that you will save detergents, so that even by the most approximate estimates it will work out approximately the same.

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Microfiber Care

Microfiber towels and napkins can last a very, very long time. Of course, if you keep them in order and strictly follow the instructions. Unfortunately, the instruction manual is not always in the package, but the seller will certainly find it in the hardware store.


There are things that you can’t do with similar materials:

  1. It is not recommended to digest.
  2. Do not use bleaches and conditioners.
  3. Do not iron.

How much to wash?

The time that microfiber can serve is determined by the number of washes. It is this indicator that must be sought in the instructions.

Important! As a rule, such a napkin is designed for 500 washings.

In cleaning companies, a three-day cycle is usually applied:

  • using;
  • wash;
  • readiness for use.

The same cycle is convenient to use in everyday life - the number of napkins that you will need for high-quality cleaning of the entire room can be calculated in advance.

Washing napkins

Microfiber wipes are unpretentious. They can be washed manually or in the car. In this case, a delicate mode is not required at all, you can set the temperature to 90 ° C and any program.

Most likely, you will wash the napkins along with some other products, so you need to consider the following:

  1. Things must be compatible, that is, they need the same mode and the same program.
  2. There should be a lot of water - the economical mode in this case is not suitable.
  3. The washing machine should be half full, no more.
  4. Microfiber wipes should not be placed in laundry bags.
  5. It is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of powder - it is important that there is no excess.
  6. Temperature - from 60 ° С to 95 ° С.
  7. A detergent without chlorine, phosphates, fragrances is necessary.
  8. Do not use air conditioning.

In this case, the most favorable mode is ensured, in which microfiber products do not deteriorate.

Important! Fragrances, as well as air conditioners, tend to get stuck between the fibers, so that the material loses its quality, respectively - cleaning becomes inefficient and time-consuming.

If you still have to use bleach (for example, for linen or towels) - choose oxygen bleaching.

How to dry?

You can dry products from this material as you like - in a car, in the open air, even on a battery. Most often, electric drying is used at a temperature of about 80 ° C - wipes dry almost instantly.

Important! If disinfection is needed, microfiber rags are washed at a temperature of 95-100 ° C, and dried at 120 ° C.

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My car

The machine can also be washed with microfiber rags, and at the same time, using this example, disassemble how to use such napkins in general.

What do you need?

So you need:

  • 2-4 microfiber wipes;
  • a glove made of the same material;
  • bucket;
  • hose.

Important! It is very good if you have the opportunity to wash the car at a self-service car wash, where there is water supply, a drain and a shop with related products, where you can buy napkins and gloves made from modern cleaning materials.

How to act?

  1. Put the car in the shade.

Important! In the shade, you can wash the car better. If you still have to do it in the sun - you need to wipe it more quickly, otherwise there will be traces.

  1. Wash off dust and dirt - this is best done with a hose, just make sure that the stream is not too strong.
  2. If you cannot use the hose, pour water into the bucket and put on a microfiber glove on your hand.
  3. Wash off dirt starting from the bottom so you don’t miss anything.
  4. Imagine that the car is divided into 4 sections - you can even number them mentally.
  5. Wash the wheels - this must be done before you begin to tidy up the remaining parts.
  6. Wash the first part of the case - the rag needs to be wetted, wrung out as often as possible.
  7. Rinse the washed area.
  8. Dry it with a second microfiber cloth without leaving drops.
  9. Wash the remaining areas in the same sequence.

Important! Two napkins may not be enough for a large car, so it is better to buy rags with a margin. Do not worry - they will not be lost, you can use them to clean the apartment.

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Now you know what microfiber wipes are, what properties they have, where they can be used and how convenient they are. We hope you made the right decision and were able to appreciate all the advantages of this approach to house cleaning.


