DIY homemade wood furniture

In furniture stores today you can find a variety of home decoration and comfort. In the modern market there are the most interesting variations of armchairs, creative lockers and comfortable coffee tables. The abundance is always attractive, but very often on the way between the customer and the product there is a weighty price tag that completely discourages the desire to purchase something. How to get the required product without overpaying for it? Consider a do-it-yourself homemade wood furniture. This approach will help to save a lot of money and create all the conditions just for your comfort.

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In order to make original furniture with your own hands from wood, you should decide on its type. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the most common “inventions”:

  • Bookcase. This subject will always find application, since books will never lose value in human life.
  • Cabinets with shelves. There is no need for a huge review, because everyone understands that home things need to be stored somewhere.
  • Workbench (desktop). This gizmo will appeal to those who are fond of creating something not for the first time.

You can choose something from this list. To create any furniture you may need the following tools:

  • Nails and hammer.
  • Screws and screwdriver.
  • Saw.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Materials for the manufacture.
  • Furniture lacquer.
  • Sandpaper.

In fact, this list can be expanded indefinitely, because the boundaries in the use of tools and materials are set only by your imagination.

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In order to create a creative shelf with books, you need a pallet (pallet). You need to do the following:

  1. We take the pallet and turn it vertically.
  2. Nail a wide long board to the top of the structure.
  3. On the reverse side in a similar way we nail three more boards, which will serve us as shelves for books.
  4. We arm ourselves with sandpaper and get rid of all the bumps and burrs over the entire area of ​​the pallet.
  5. We cover the invention with paint or a special varnish for wood in order to protect furniture.

At the exit, we have original furniture made of wood.

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Creative shelves

In order for the wardrobe to be able to accommodate everything, you need a large number of shelves, which we will do now:

  • Each compartment must be assembled from the boards in such a way that all of them together look like a “honeycomb”.

Important! Each component must be the same size so that the structure can be folded with ribs.

  • It is necessary to cut the blanks and make chamfers on each of them. The cut angle should be exactly thirty degrees. It is the chamfers that will serve to hold our “honeycombs” together.
  • Using nails, it will be necessary to assemble each compartment, not forgetting to cover the ends with special carpentry glue.
  • It remains to assemble the structure together and cover it with furniture varnish in order to give durability.

Important! These “honeycombs” can be used to store canned goods, tools, empty cans, rarely used electrical appliances and other compact items.

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Whatever tautology is here, but to create home-made furniture from wood with your own hands, a home-made workbench is perfect. You can do it according to this instruction:

  • Carry out approximate measurements, starting from the selected location of the table.
  • According to the measurement result, cut out the legs from any tree that has attracted you.
  • For assembly, apply special construction pockets on the components, which are small recesses. This method involves the introduction of a drill into your pocket, which will positively affect the build quality.
  • Then fasten the special fixing crosspiece.

Important! This component provides a margin of safety for your desktop.

  • Assemble the frame by connecting all the legs with strong boards around the perimeter of the future countertop.
  • Place the countertop on the assembled base and fix it on the screws or nails.
  • Under the table top, nail some small boxes of wood that can be used to store tools.
  • Nail the doors with hinges onto the boxes and place handles on them.
  • Paint the structure with varnish and let it dry.



Do-it-yourself upholstered furniture in any case will require any investment. Most likely, all investments will go only to materials:

  • You can come out of this situation as an even bigger winner if you use old furniture for the construction. A lot of where old “hull products” that occupy the entire wall still “live”. It’s a pity to throw out such old-timers, but it wouldn’t hurt to change the interior.
  • You can also use the services of companies that are engaged in wood processing. Just negotiate with the supplier to purchase materials. This approach will save a decent amount.
  • The main advantage of such a “handmade” is the choice of the type of materials. You can give preference to any kind of wood, starting only from your preferences. But all the same, you need to put a boundary between those structures that are on the street and at home. At home, it is best to use cherries, oak or birch, although some craftsmen prefer individual varieties of mahogany.
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The most important thing is to clearly see the algorithm of your actions and put your soul into the process, then the product will turn out to be of the highest quality and will delight you and your loved ones for many years.

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